
Chapter 69: Chapter XII City of Flames III

Seraphina jumps in the air, slicing at the thousands of devil tiers who dared to approach her, screaming and pounding their lungs out while they charge at her like animals craving human flesh.They were falling before her one by one as the ground turns red. Sera stands on top of the mountain, looking down on the devils like an angel who just conquered the world. Sera's face grows a mean look, fear strikes the minions that were struck down. She looks in the distance and sees a giant creature roaring.

Meanwhile Hanna and RR are fighting Etay, Etay swings her big arms at them, they struggle to do any real damage due to the size of Etay. Etay stood on her two arms and two legs as her other four arms began to swing around. She lets her tongue fly as she releases a loud roar from her lungs. The giant creature does the same to mimic its pilot.

The creature looked down at the enemy soldiers and showed them a sinister grin. Its teeth are pearly white despite countless bodies of blood staining them over the years.

Meanwhile with Arlo, Jake, and Isen.

"There it is again, that roar, it's....." Arlo pauses as he listens closer to the noise. "Look, they're all going away" Jake comments as he watches the horde that surrounded them back off. "All right, we're safe now!" Isen celebrated naively. Arlo looks at the retreating zombies, puzzled on why they are falling back. "No, we should follow them, they're going to assist someone, why wait here and do nothing, someone might need our help. They could be an important ally to winning this. "Awwww, we just got out of the frying pan, now into the fire?" Isen groaned. "Guess so bud." Arlo replies as Jake begins to foam at the mouth. He swings his blades around as one of his eyes begins to glow a bright red. "What are we waiting for then?!" Jake says as three men begin to walk over towards the trio of heroes. The three look back at the suited men, who glare at them menacingly. "We've had our differences, and will continue to do so once this is over. You are all criminals wanted by the authorities, and we will one day have your identities. But for now, let's put aside our differences." Keon says as two others stand besides him. One man had a long gray beard, the other a short stubble and slightly longer black hair than the average male. Arlo walks over to Keno and offers his hand. "The Golden God gets a pass, but we don't. For once we understand the privilege that our powers give us, because we inflict this onto our peers everyday. This is how they must feel when others make double standards for us."

The two shake hands.

"To restore the true hierarchy, this is why I fight. Only true hierarchy can restore peace and balance as well as treat everyone justly…."

"The government bastardized it"

Meanwhile Minions and Zombies are seen heading towards where Hanna, RR, Remi, and Blyke are, as Remi and Blyke are fighting the giant muscle man of a demon, Hanna and RR are having trouble keeping Etay under control. Remi sends rounds of electricity through the elder demon, all while Blyke is trying to blast it. "Crap, what do we do?" Remi asks as the demon rushes towards her, Blyke swoops in and lifts her off the ground at lightning speed. "Woah, he's going faster than me when I'm powered up, he's really working on his ability" Remi thought. Blyke sets her down as he powers up, unleashing his unnatural, so does Remi, the two watch as the Demon sets off red fog. Causing Blyke to go into a coughing fit as he yells for Remi. He watches as Remi is sent twenty feet back by the demon, intimidating Blyke standing his ground. "You know, you kids are truly remarkable, to have unlocked your unnaturals at such a young age, it's crazy what the next generation can do. What more can be discovered about the natural world. Too bad your government stunted human progress." As he steps forward Blyke gets a fight or flight instinct.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM US YOU MONSTER!" Blyke roared. "You know, I always thought that killing was nothing but an act of pure evil, but then I saw you in action, and I realized death is only natural. You call us monsters but we only do to you what your kind already does to itself." Blyke swings his arms as they begin to glow. "Well then, save the speech for someone who cares, and just do it already!" The giant stares Blyke down with a single glowing red eye. On the other side of his face are three slits staring right into Blyke's soul.

"Alright old man, you asked for it!"

Blyke charges at the demon, he goes full frontal with his ability, going all in he releases the ultimate laser, he fires it, as the laser approaches the demon he doesn't react, not even a hint of different body changes. Blyke releases the laser beam, it hits the demon creating tons of smoke, but nothing. "Wha- WHAT?!" Blyke sits there, looking tired as hell. "I'm sorry to say this, but you'll never get stronger like that." Blyke stands there panting as he feels his body sink towards the ground. "What the hell, who is this clown?" He thought.

Meanwhile, RR and Hanna are starting to get tired, as the battle wages on, they start to notice some people running towards them. "Oh crap, INFECTED, A WHOLE LOT OF EM!" RR roared. As the zombies start to run towards them, Etay breaks Hanna's legs in her human form, she wraps Hanna around in tape and turns back into a beast, she then holds RR down, knowing there won't be anyone else to help Hanna, she then dangles her around on the tape like some chew toy for a dog. Hanna, who's knocked out, doesn't know what is about to come. "NO, PLEASE, DON'T DO THIS!" RR screamed as he saw Hanna's body dangling. Etay crushes RR with her foot. She then drops Hanna in the crowd of infected, they scratch and crawl their way to Hanna, eating every last inch of skin off of her bones, all while Blyke and RR watch in horror. As all of this goes on the demon Blyke was facing begins to walk over to Remi. "Listen kid, I won't kill you, but this will teach you a lesson in power." Blyke immediately reacts. "DON'T YOU DARE!" As Blyke charges up a laser he can't handle the strength, he breaks a bone in his arm, snapping it in two, the pain is enough to make him scream. "Oh well, what a strategy, a shame this poor girl had to die, all because her friend couldn't protect her." Blyke looks at the monster horrified as he suddenly can't feel the pain in his arm. "NO, just take me instead, PLEASE!"

The demon raises his arm, ready to strike Remi down, he swings it with the force of a thousand pounds, raising so much blood in the air as his strike lands.

Blyke stares in horror, unable to hear his own screams....

As Arlo takes a hit to the gut.

Arlo gives Blyke a cocky smile as Elaine runs in his mind. Blyke drops to his knees as he watches the King of his high school take a blow for his queen, even when he couldn't get up, even when he couldn't get up, his friends had his back. He felt shame for being dependent on others, yet relief that his back was being watched. "Jake, Isen!" He yells over for the two to come to him.

Isen and Arlo ward off the infected while Jake swings his swords like crazy at The Demon, two in each hand and one in his mouth, cutting off his strong arms and leaving him with just his regular arms, the blood on his forehead is what keeps this worrier hydrated. Jake looks back at Remi, her unconscious body starts to look like Evie, he then looks at Blyke, scared for his life, his hair slowly turns white in his eyes, he now looks like himself. "So, you're the warrior who the legend was about, the demon who God just decided to let into Heaven. A second generation from this universe. I never knew there were more of your kind outside that twisted world."

"Shut up…." Jake uttered. His calm voice shakes the foundation on which the demon stands. "No, please stop!" Etay stops eating RR and notices no infected swarming around her, she sees The Demon lying on the ground she swoops in and grabs him with her mouth, saving him and taking him back to her hideout. Jake stood there with his blades covered in the demon's blood. "HEY, I WASN'T DONE WITH HIM, GET BACK HERE!!!!!!" Arlo puts his hand on Jake's shoulder. "Hold it Jake, we need you here!" Jake looks back at Arlo and Isen, they watch as more demon reinforcements pour in. A boy with a robe and a blue tail around his leg, soon it erupts into his unnatural, turning into a giant baseball bat like leg. A demon with a Scorpion-like kit. Another demon comes out of the darkness with a snake-like red worm going around him, it then erupts into an unnatural state turning him into a giant eight armed beast. Behind the man spider of a beast is a demon in a gray trench coat with a black plague mask. He whips it off and shoots a purple orb at Arlo. Arlo blocks it, he then moves back and busts out his ability.

Now, wait for the rest of us!

Arlo, Jake, and Isen look at the now fifth devil tier, he brings behind him an army of demons to serve him, he then busts out his red armor and it grows swords. "Let the fun Begin!" The demon roars as he stares down the group of heroes. His white hair blows with the wind as one of his red eyes and his other pale white dead eye stare into the souls of each hero.

"Well then, let's get this GOING!"

Jake yells as he, Arlo, and Isen power up. They hear three agents behind them rushing to the scene, behind them what's left of the counter devilmen unit. Keon and the two head investigators bust out their suitcases with their weapons, soldiers pull out their guns. The two sides collide ready to shed each other's blood.

Meanwhile Seraphina is waiting on the hill where she slayed millions of low tiered demons. "Even with my other ability, I don't know if I could have done this much damage with it? It's an upgrade for sure. The question is, do I wanna lose it when this is all said and done?" Sera looks up at the sky as each star twinkles back down at her. "All my life I wanted someone to beat me, a challenge, but now that I got what I wanted. I only crave to get back up as number one. Is this cycle never ending?" Sera looks down at the ground where blood spilled from all she's slain. "Among this city of flames, will there every be a hope of a better future?" A loud thump is heard behind her, she looks behind her and sees a giant beast with one eye and a giant tongue. Sera looks at it and bursts out her ability, she then slices it's hand which is about to grab her. Eventually Etay comes out of the beast and tries to talk to her. "So, you're that thing that smells awful everywhere I go in this city." Sera says. "How rude of you" Etay throws a giant fist at Sera, she dodges with ease and cuts it off. The two stare each other down, ready for battle as they feel rumbling from below the ground. Underneath John and James are fighting in the sewers, moving as they throw fists. "DON'T LIE TO ME!" John roars. "Fine, you wanna fight? Let me show you what I'm really capable of." James says this as his red pupil expands massively. James and John go at it some more, the battle rages on as the two throw each other around, eventually busting their ways to the surface. "John wait!" James yells. "STOP CALLING ME THAT, JUST PLEASE!" John yells desperately. James looks at John, tears in his eyes. "James, if you're who you really say you are, then what was my fifth grade birthday gift, the one I always flexed around the house." James smiles "It was that stupid cape, the red one mom gave to you."

"That day, I saw a hero be born, and many from hell were jealous. It was a scary but beautiful sight, it gave me hope." John starts to tear up, he goes closer to James and puts his arm on his shoulder. "James, I'm so sorry, I, I didn't wanna think, you had to go through all of this. I…" The Golden God begins to break down. "It's okay though, it's okay, as long as we found each other we'll be alright." James says hugging his brother, reassuring him. "I love you brother, I missed you!" James and John sink to the ground as they find themselves overwhelmed. "ME TOO MAN!" The two are bawling tears at this point, all while their friends are fighting to death. "You're a hero, not just any hero, but, the legendary Golden God" John nods. "I'm so proud of you, and so is dad. I know he is." John sheds a tear as he begins to look out towards the smoke of the ongoing battle. "James, I promise, mom will pay." He utters as he rises from his brother's grasp. "All of this is her fault. I know it is. I know everything, you said you had visions?" John's mask falls off completely, James catches it with his quick reflexes. "Yeah, of mom drugging me that day, and Arlo and Blyke, the whole crew forgot everything. Even Blyke's sister. No one remembered who we all used to be." John's eyes widened in horror. "Wait, Blyke had a sister?" James nods. "Yeah, they still talk." John sighs. "Yeah, too bad I'll never be able to convince them the truth." James sits next to his brother as the two begin to lie down in the rubble. "Never say never." James hands John's mask back, John puts it on. James activates his ability with all he's got as his anger boils in his body.

"THEY, SEPARATED US! ALL OF US!" John looks at James in horror. "James, you're...."

John looks at James to see him using his unnatural.

To be Continued...

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