Chapter 68: Chapter XI City of Flames II
Remi and Blyke are hopping from truck to truck, dodging spikes and electrical blasts from Tokyo and Kent. The two send crystals flying from their wings that radiate an electrical current from their shards. "Hey bud, why don't you guys take off the mask! It won't help since we all have your faces plastered on billboards and posters!" Blyke yells. Kent whips his mask off and stares Lazerbeam in the face. "Oh yeah, there's that handsome face, now SMILE!" Blyke shoots a laser beam straight for Kent's head, Kent dodges and shoots some projectiles at Blyke, the two go hand to hand in combat, blocking and parrying each other's fists, eventually kicking each other in the gut knocking themselves back onto separate cars. "I'll give it to you, we're pretty evenly matched." Blyke's words infuriated Kent. "FINE, YOU WANNA BE A BRAT?! THEN I'LL BLOW THIS WHOLE DAMN CONVOY STRAIGHT TO HELL!"
Meanwhile Remi is shooting electricity at Tokyo, she dodges and manages to repel some back in the form of yellow lightning, she then busts out a sword similar to Sir Francais the Thirds power, it shoots Remi's blue lightning back at her, hitting her in the gut. Remi is launched back a couple feet. She gets up, holding her gut she stares Tokyo in the eye through her mask as blood gets on her face mask. Tokyo's black and red eyes stare right into her fiery red amber eyes. Remi's heart drops as she sees the weapon, it all made sense to her in that moment. "Shit, I've seen this before, it's the same weapon Waldo had when I fought him. A purple blade that shot out of his arm." Remi thought to herself.
"Wait a second, that reminds me, what Arlo texted me the day he and Elaine skipped school." Remi remembers walking with John, Isen, and Blyke to their next class Friday when she checks her phone. "I'll catch up with you guys in a minute!" she says as she scrolls through her texts. She asks Arlo about his and Elaine's whereabouts.
Arlo: Umm, Me and Elaine are just tired.
Remi: How come?
Arlo: Uhhh, stuff, yeah, stuff.
Remi: Come on Arlo, tell me.
Arlo: Listen, just, please don't tell anyone this, I have to tell you this because I think you ran into someone like him before.
Remi: Huh, what are you talking about?
Blyke: That sword, the one that wraps around your arm, you said Waldo had something like that? That night you went to that town with Blyke and Isen, when you met John there.
Remi: Yeah, it wasn't his though, it was some tool bought off of Valcon. No natural ability would do that. It wasn't an aura, but some other kind of energy.
Arlo: Exactly, I think that's the case. I kinda went into Devil tier territory, and fought someone with the same ability, except he had it naturally.
Remi: ARLO, WHAT?!
Arlo: They didn't have abilities like us. Just those things, it was an entirely new energy.
Remi: Arlo why?!
Arlo: I'm sorry, I just, look, they had Elaine, she went to get me some stuff for my birthday without my knowing, and they tracked her for her healing abilities.
Remi: Arlo, are you two alright? Do I need to come over or call for help?!
Arlo: NO! No calling for help. We're alright. Elaine's resting at my place with me, I don't wanna leave her alone. She has no idea and I'm keeping it that way! I trust you Remi, don't spill it.
Remi: Okay, just, don't do anything stupid! This isn't over though.
Arlo: Not planning on it. : / I can't let Elaine find out, please let me tell her.
Remi: Your relationship is not my business, but this secret if held onto long enough will only further damage everyone.
Remi then puts away her phone and goes to join everyone else in class.
"So, it looks like they had someone who can make weapons for people, must be how they get money to get the supplies to live here, so that means they had to have done business with Ember and other criminal organizations, makes sense. Our government, our hierarchy, is using us as disposable resources, just like them. They're the real enemy." Remi begins to power down. "Hey, do you guys know about Ember?" She asks. Tokyo scratches Remi's face a little, knocking her back several feet, the sheer weight of Tokyo's tail breaks a hole in the car roof. "Not much of a talker, huh? You introverted or something?" Remi asks as Tokyo keeps attacking Remi. Remi dodges, trying to get answers out of her. "Dammit, I'm not gonna get answers out of her, she's too focused, oh well, can't say I didn't-" Remi's thoughts are interrupted by Tokyo. "What do you want?" She asks. Remi looks at her confused. "You're one of those crime fighters. Are you coming after us? What did we do to deserve this, military trucks, huge convoys, big-" Remi cuts her off. "You ATE people, it's nothing personal since I know you have no choice, but we have to do what's best for the safety of everyone. You deal with our government weapons that they use against us. I get it, they pardon you and use this area as a little reservation. You're just doing what you have to do to survive. So are we, and that means taking out your government as well as ours." Tokyo sighs. "Nothing is ever personal, I know you're connected to X static, and I'm sorry about his death, but you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Remi laughs a little. "Oh yeah, that's what they all say."
"Look, they weren't anything more than customers to us. We have no issue with you guys. We just need a place to live, food that doesn't make us puke. You think we all enjoy eating you guys?!" Remi and Tokyo stare at each other for a little bit. "Listen, I wish we met through different means, I think we really could have worked together." Tokyo sheds a tear. "Yeah, me too, maybe it isn't too late to-" Remi dashes right towards Tokyo, her fist sparking with energy from her lightning. Tokyo jumps back avoiding the electrical punch. "This has to be done, I'm sorry." Remi says softly. "Okay then....."
Meanwhile Several cars get hijacked by devil people, as Kent charges at Lazerbeam, he shoots several car engines, blowing them up. Kent lands a kick on Lazerbeam, Lazerbeam uses his lasers to gain mobility and maneuver out of the way. He then blasts Kent in the knee cap, however it heals instantly. "Damn, these guys really are freaks, oh shi-" Blyke's thoughts are cut off as a second wave of lasers and projectiles come out of Kent's wings, blasting some trucks behind Lazerbeam. At this point Lazerbeam goes up in the air and lands a drop kick from above, knocking Kent off of his vehicle, he then blasts up Kent with his lasers. Some soldiers show up to assist Lazerbeam, Kent goes into a frenzy state, Blyke knows the feeling, similar to when he fought Rein, he doges Kent, but the soldiers weren't so fortunate, they get devoured in an instant, healing Kent in the process. He whips out another mask and takes a whiff of a substance inside of it, making him increase his energy usage. The mask resembled a medical mask, only hard and rigid made of an obsidian purple color. It only covered the lower half of his face, around the mouth.
Blyke doges him and manages to get him to break his skull on a wall. "Screw you man, don't think that your blonde friend is the only one we hate." Kent roared. Blyke looks at him confused. "Hahahaha, we know you're the dude Rein would talk about, we know who you are....
Blyke's eyes widen, horrified and scared as his secret is revealed right in front of his face.
"Pretty soon we'll know who everyone around you is, and one by one, we'll send a message to everyone who ever associated with you not to FUCK with us again." Blyke charges up lasers galore, shooting all ten fingers and two palms, shooting out of his eyes, going from yellow to red, his hair turning yellow, electricity forming around his lasers, he manages to land hits on Kent, after immobilizing him he pins him to the ground, Kent however manages to escape. "Alright then, you think you're so strong just because you're mad and powerful, TWO CAN PLAY IT THAT GAME!" Kent busts out his unnatural, his wings from spinning shields that can repel any attack. Blyke shoots some more amped up lasers, but they don't have any effect. More soldiers arrive and open fire not realizing Lazerbeam the fugitive is alongside them. All the soldiers get their bullets shot back at them, they all drop dead as they pierce through their flesh., Kent laughs as he extends his wings back out. "Damn you" Blyke muttered. Blyke at this point is on top of Kent, shocking him with yellow lightning, using his max voltage while he shoots him in every weak spot he can find. Blood is pouring out of Kent like a wine bottle being poured into a wine glass at this point. He regenerates and gets back up, knocking Blyke back, he then pours out all of his energy into one last attack. "Alright you asshole, PREPARE TO DIE!" Suddenly Kent's two wings merge into one giant tail that coils. The tail itself was glowing red and dark purple with flame-like energy flickering off of it. The tail smashes into the ground, tearing everything around him up.
Blyke dodges the giant tail using his lasers as mobility, slamming into Kent he knocks him to the ground. He points his finger into his forehead with a laser beam charged up. "Oh look, how ironic, you told me to prepare to die, but it looks like your lack of preparation to fight me, got you here." Kent's eyes go from rage to fear, even in their devil form, you can tell that the once angry vengeful spirit behind those eyes has surrendered. "Please don't kill me, I swear you won't ever even hear of me. PLEASE, DON'T DO THIS!" Kent cried as Blyke stood over him. The two stare at each other, the intensity gets so strong that you could identify it from another continent. Kent, scared for his life, is now at the mercy of Blyke.
Meanwhile Remi and Tokyo are throwing punches, Tokyo sends Remi back twenty feet, Remi and Tokyo both charge up their abilities, Tokyo sends projectiles at Remi, at this point Remi fries them up, her electricity is so hot it's at John's level. She sends some more volts at Tokyo, knocking her out. "There we go, now that wasn't too hard, was it?" Remi said to herself.
Tokyo wakes up, she stands and faces X-Rei, however, someone drops behind X-Rei. Someone sinister. "REMI NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Blyke goes flying into Tokyo, breaking her back, he then shoots through her to get to Remi, tearing her in half, he then lifts up Remi and does the quickest 180 he has ever done, right before a giant hammer lands on where Remi sat.
"Are you kidding me?! I ALMOST HAD YOU!" The Devil Man cried. "Screw you! That was my friend you just tried to kill!"
"OH, AND YOU DIDN'T JUST KILL MINE!" Blyke stares at The Devil Man in horror as his words peirce through him. Suddenly Blyke shoves Remi out of the way, he parries a large tentacle from hitting him. "BLYKE!" Remi charges at The Devil Man, she tries to connect her electricity but The Devil Man manages to hit her back, she lies on the ground as she watches Blyke go flying into her. "So, just like with Joker, because I couldn't reach far enough, it ended up costing me." Remi thought.
Why are my friends always getting hurt around me?
Why am I always the one watching?
Why do I put such harsh expectations on Blyke?
No matter how much stronger I am, he always feels that he needs to be the protector.
Remi starts to cry.
"Blyke, is it selfishness, does protecting me make you feel good, why are you always trying so hard to keep ME safe, don't you ever think about how good I feel keeping you safe, how good it feels to protect you from them, you mean so much to me, and I don't wanna lose you if I can help it, I, I, I............. I wanna save you Blyke!" Remi gets up, she watches Blyke start to summon laser balls around him in mid air, The Devil Man has some holes in him. Remi's lightning is white at this point, she pulls Blyke back and throws a bolt at The Devil Man, it sets him on fire, but that does nothing, he launches them both fifty feet, thinking they are seriously injured, he whistles, a large creature is heard approaching.
"Deal with them" The Devil man said bitterly as he shed a tear of blood in his eye. He then retreats as Etay lands on top of Remi and Blyke. Blyke shoots lasers in the giant beast's eye, blinding it. He takes Remi and they go to hide behind a jersey barrier to think of a plan. While they hide some men approach them. "Hey, you kids alright?" A government agent asks. "Yeah, just a bit winded," X-Rei responded. "You two stay there, we got re-enforcement on the way." Hanna replied.
RR, the first agent, and Hanna, along with some other soldiers make their way to Etay, It roars as they approach. The two sides clash, soldiers go flying. "Get ready for the PAIN!" RR yelled as he draws out a giant sword, made from the organs of a devilman.
"This was your plan all along. To get rid of us after developing special weapons from our people. We should have never trusted you people" Etay said. "He was right all along, James was always right."
RR strikes its foot, cutting the massive thing off, it screams bloody hell, everyone in the city covers its ears in pain. "AGH! what was that?" Arlo yells.
"Jeez, I don't know, look out, another wave!" Isen yells as Arlo expands his barrier, maintaining it so that the infected don't get to Jake or Isen. "Man, how many more of these freaks are there?" Arlo asks. "I don't know, we just keep fighting! Strength and Honor NEVER GIVE UP!" Jake yelled. "Yeah yeah, save the Knight crap for after we're out of this!" Isen yells back. "Enough whining already and give us an assessment on the situation, aren't you the hunter of the group?!" Arlo asks. "Oh yeah, uhhh, right! Looks like after we kill these guys, we'll have another huge swarm to deal with in twenty minutes."
Meanwhile Sera and John are plowing through hordes of Demons, Zombies, and parasitic freaks, Sera slashes and dashes through the crowd finding The Devil Man while John takes her left overs. "Anything?" John asks.
"No, what now?" Sera asks. "Alright, fall back then, we'll-"
A part of John's mask is shot off. He takes Sera and shields her from incoming shots. "Snipers!" John yells as Sera and John take cover behind a barricade. "You alright?" John asks. "Yeah, think so." Sera said. John stares at Sera's red eye. He then hears someone yell. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!"
He walks up to The Golden God and the Magnetta haired girl. "So, you're the infamous Golden God, the one who took my sweet sweet revenge away from me!" The Devil Man yelled. "What are you talking about?" The Golden God asked. The Devil Man goes up to Sera, curious about her red and black eye. Sera is frozen in place, looking at The Devil Man, his mask, appearance, aura, everything screams danger. "Ahh, my, you brought me a new subject, well, welcome home, I hope you liked the tour! You're gonna be here for a while." Sera swings on the Devil Man, but he dodges, looking deeply into her eyes Sera freezes out of fear. "I'm not staying!" The Devil Man laughs. "Like they'll accept you out there! Face it this is the only safe place left for you sweet heart." James then freezes. "Wait a second, her hair, I recognize it." He thought as he flashes back to when Okamari was still alive. "No, it's a little lighter than her's, I swear I've seen it before.... I-"
James remembers when he saw John hanging out with this girl he held her in his arms as they were goofing off on the roof. They were unaware of the Pig's intentions with her. As he ripped up the Federal agent, he distinctly remembered making similar comments about the girl's hair. Then it all clicked in his head. "Wait a-" Suddenly, The Golden God sends The Devil Man flying. As he scales down the hill he looks at Sera. "You good on your own?" Sera smiles, confident and ready to mutilate. Sera looks back at The Devil Man's goons as John jumps to where he sent The Devil Man. John goes into the building that The Devil Man went into. He sees him getting up and slams him back on the ground. James gets up and blocks some of John's hits as John begins to send fists of furry. "Wait stop!" The Golden God holds his two fists in the air, he lowers them, he watches as The Devil Man takes his mask off.
"What the hell was that for? Now I know what you look like! You're making my job so-" James begins to get emotional. "DON'T YOU RECOGNIZE ME JOHN, IT'S ME, I KNOW YOU'RE JOHN DOE, THAT GIRL, THAT'S SERAPHINA RIGHT, MY FUTURE SISTER IN LAW?! AM I WRONG?!" John looks at The Devil Man almost offended. "What the hell are you talking about, how do you kn-" John stops himself from finishing that sentence. "It's me JAMES!"
James rubs some black muck in his hair to try and match John's hair color. "YOUR TWIN!" James at this point is on the verge of tears. "Mom sold me man, and I think I know why, it was to protect the family, so you guys could grow up all happy, she didn't want to, but since I was the only cripple, it had to be me, but look, now I'm powerful too!" John looks at James horrified. "WHAT?! HOW DO YOU?!"
"WAIT, you had those visions right, about Arlo and Blyke, the blond jerk dude, and the kid who faked dating Rein to expose her, and on top of that, he was with you when you two killed Jason, MY KIDNAPPER, the guy who killed my beloved Okamari! I SWORE I'd kill you two for ruining that, ruining my sweet sweet revenge, but, but, it's okay now, We're all together now, all one happy family. I don't care anymore that you took him out." James goes on the ground crying. "J-James, no, I, wait, but..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" John charges at James, refusing to accept the truth, that his brother is this monster who eats people, who traumatized his friend Arlo. He shoves James to the ground and beats him in the pavement. The flooded sewer water starts to fill the area. "NO, YOU KIDNAPPED HIM, AND PROABLY ATE HIM, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I BELIEVE YOU?!" James, out of frustration, starts to grow into his unnatural form. "JOHN, USE YOUR HEAD AND LISTEN!"
"Come on man, I know who Blyke and Arlo are, Seraphina too, I know you guys are a thing, I know about you being the Golden God as soon as I saw Seraphina, how is that not evidence?!" As John and James stand off, Remi and Blyke watch RR and Hanna face off against Etay. They see a big figure emerge out of the smoke, facing them. They look at each other, knowing at the fact that they'll have to fight. Isen, Arlo, and Jake prepare to fight some more infected, but they see other devil tiers heading towards them. Giving each other one possibly final look at each other before they meet their demise. Seraphina is surrounded by hordes of Devil men, she stands there in her grey riot gear, her hair falling freely from her head, remembering everything she did in her life, ready at the possibility that this might be the end. Despair fills the air as our hero's for the first time as high tiers face this possibility as an outcome...
To be Continued....