
Chapter 70: Chapter XIII City of Flames part IV

Arlo, Isen, and Jake, along with Keon and the last of the soldiers charge at the devil people in one massive bumrush, the battle was ruthless, Arlo and his copy fight one on one, they get blasted into a corner of the area while Jake takes on the eight armed spider like beast. Isen takes on the big batted tail beast as Keon and his men take on the Red Knight and his men. All while Blyke can only watch in horror as he finds himself unable to process the environment around him.

"Dammit, Remi's still out there, she'll get hurt!" Blyke thought. He uses the last of his strength and blasts lasers out of his feet, launching himself at Remi, he uses his good arm to pick her up, he then goes flying into a nearby building, crashing into an office space that looks long abandoned, he slams into a wall were he hold Remi. All while he hears the screams of dying men, helpless and feeling despair as he sits and watches, however he takes on a sick pleasure, that even if countless men die, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, that at least his Remi was safe. And that made him feel so happy, all while disgusting him at the same time. He was no hero, he thought, yet he never asked for it. Only to grow stronger.

The Plague doctor throws more orbs at Arlo, Arlo easily blocks the shots with his amped up ability. "I see, looks like we're compatible" Arlo lands a hard punch in the man's gut, throwing him back twenty feet. Arlo rushes the man and tries to land another punch, but gets blocked as the man generates thick black obsidian armor over his arms, creating claws.

Arlo and the man go head to head in physical combat, but pretty soon the winner will be determined as the man slide tackles and pins Arlo to the ground using his scaly claws, he digs his big concrete like hand claws into Arlo, causing his skin to break. Arlo's eyes glow green for a bit, allowing him to heal while lifting up the man, as the devil man grips his claws into Arlo, he gets a hold on the man and lifts him up, as he raises him in the air, he slams him down on the concrete hard, breaking his back and skull, then before he can regenerate, Arlo lands heavy punches on the man's head and neck, beating him senselessly as he hears the bones crack he stops, looking at his now red drenched outfit. He looks at the man bent awkwardly and bloodied, he puts on his white hood and heads back to find the others.

Meanwhile, Isen and the big tailed man are panting as their battle pauses, Isen clearly not taking the damage well. He stares at the robed figure in anger as he bleeds.

"Damn you, I'm so sick of being outranked, it feels like no matter were I go, someone is always stronger, HELL even ZEKE got stronger, if of course John didn't do what he did, I might have had to deal with him with Blyke together. On top of that, I'm so sick of that cocky read head always kicking my ass, I want to be strong!

Now it's my turn!

Isen at that moment felt a rush of energy, as if something Unnatural was occuring within him. His begins to glow orange, as he dashes he leaves behind a trail of fire, his pupils burn like flames within his eyes. "I'm gonna make you BLEED!"

Isen throws punches like there was no tomorrow at the hooded figure, however his second wind doesn't last him long. He begins to feel his body stitch up and cramp as he collapses. Isen then feels the swipe of a tail send him flying. He crashes into a wall which breaks several of his bones. His thoughts put him down like a stray as he finds himself drowning in despair.

"I may be an elite, but those that I fight will always be stronger. They know they can fight me, otherwise why wouldn't they run? Some super strength and see-through eyes won't save me in this world. To think I actually stood a chance." Isen takes a deep breath

"I guess, this is how I die. Looking straight at this freaks face." The man had a dog-like mask made of a hard purple rock-like substance that stared back at him. The mask was smooth, and had one white eye staring right at Isen. "Wow, it looks so scary, maybe I should just close my eyes, like mom always said." The man continued to walk towards Isen as his tail grew into a massive claw. The organ was a pitch black color, matching the man's silhouette. Flames burned all around the two as smoke covered the night sky.

"It's okay, just remember, when the scary monsters come out, you close you-" Isen cuts his own thoughts off as he hears an intrusive thought.

"NEVER CLOSE YOUR EYES, OPEN THEM, SHOW THE WORLD YOUR COLOR, HOW BRIGHT IT IS!" Isen cracks his knuckles as he finds his pain numbing. "Dad, wherever you are. I only hope to bring honor to you in this exact moment. I love you, I miss you."

Suddenly Isen has a vision, something in his ability makes him able to see and track his father, he sees a tombstone with the name of his father, or at least, his code name. "No, no what the?" Isen asks as he finds himself dodging the swipe of the devilmans tail. "This can't be" As the guy comes closer to Isen, Isen powers up, this time he turns orange, feeling more in control, the flames flicker off of him. "You bastards, you did this to him." Isen thought as he looks over to see ally government agents fighting alongside him. "You sent him out to his death. YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" Isen clenches his fist as he finds himself kicking the jaw off his enemy. "I get it John, I finally get it."

Isen, UnNatural, Hunters Flame, 9.4 Hunter 4.4 +0.1= 4.5

Isen then charges at the demon, he lands his hardest punch on him. Only for it to be blocked by a giant tail. "Huh?" Isen gets launched into a wall. His ability gets deactivated. "That felt so good, I felt, clean…" Isen thought. He looks at the demon straight in the eyes, who grabs Isen by the throat, choking his life force away when his hands suddenly break. The devilman feels a break in his spine as Arlo jumps down and kicks him square in the back. Isen falls to the ground coughing as Arlo's blue eyes glare at the sinister foe. "You made it to the party," Isen says. "Yeah, and of course you're throwing it so it sucks, just sit tight, I got this." Arlo darts towards the hooded freak, as it looks at it's broken hands, it swipes it's tail, breaking Arlo's barrier, however Arlo heals it and keeps darting, he jumps onto it and lands several punches before trapping it in one of his reinforced barriers, the demon manages to brake Arlo's barrier once again, it's twenty ton tail wrecks havoc on the area, as Arlo smiles we transition to Jake's smile, his teeth act as fangs, ready to bit at the spider like demon that's in front of him.

"So, you're a big strong dude huh, your ability is almost an eleven, meaning you mastered your unNatural huh?" Jake asks the scorpion-like mutant. "You-must-die-DEVIL BOY!" It spoke back. The devil man speaking had red muscular tissue covering his face and wrapping around his entire body.

As Re, the mutant strikes Jake, Jake evades and slices half his arms off, only for them to grow back. "Man, you're pretty tough, it wouldn't be fun if I died though now wouldn't it?" Re strikes again, Jake jumps twenty meters before slamming back down to the ground and stunning the beast that lies right in front of him. Meanwhile, Arlo's eyes now glow yellow like his hair, he then summons a giant blue barrier over his foe, Arron the devil man tries to use his tail to break it, but the recoil finally reflects back to Arron, he then slams his barrier onto him, crushing him. The impact shatters Arron's bones to the point where they grind into dust. Arlo then turns back at Isen, knocked out from his wounds, Arlo picks him up and heads to where he found Blyke and Remi. He drops Isen on Blyke, his arms healed from Arlo's healing barrier.

Jake slices off all of his opponents arms, they grow back, Jake now bored of this repetitive pattern raises his sword in the air, as the spider demon with freakish human arms looks up, he sees a giant sword being raised, ready to strike a single target.



Re smiled as his demonic tatoo's began to flare with his body.

"You're not a demon either, you're just crazy, none of you are brother are, you're all just scary cannibals. You have no idea what kind of HELL we go through!

The sword grows to the size of a skyscraper before it begins to fall down onto the city. As the sword strikes, a loud crash could be heard, it demolishes everyone around. Shaking the ground where it stood. Out of the smoke The Red Knight emerges.

"Man, that sounded bad, I gotta get these three morons out of here" Blyke starts to wake up. "Good, pick up Remi, I'll take dufus here" Arlo tells Blyke. "Yeah man, just give me a second," Blyke says. "We'll head to the nearest car, stay behind me. I'll drive us to my place." Byke looks up at Arlo confused. "How?" He asks. "You'll see." Meanwhile Jake and the Red Knight stare each other down. "Woah, it's you, f-f-f" Jake hesitates to speak as he finds himself stumbling over his words.


The red knight stood before him.

Meanwhile Sera and Etay are still fighting, Sera is starting to wear out when Etay finally gets the upper hand and puts her giant fist against Sera, Knocking her with all of her wait. "J-James, what are you doing?" John asks. "Goodbye brother, I wish I could see Blyke and Arlo, but that will only make things worse, just, make sure my memory doesn't fade."

John starts to cry. "Don't do this. I'll miss you man, I really will." James hugs John. "No one is ever gone, I just wish I was a good person at the end of the day." John shakes his head. "You are man, I can see that." James smiles as the two brothers let go. "You haven't seen The Demon Within Me"

James looks over to find Sera struggling against Etay. Several more tentacles suddenly burst out of James' back violently. Blood shoots out as their dark red and purple color glows in the nightly atmosphere.

As Jake and his father stand off, the scorpion demon twitches as its body was crushed when Jake was killing the spider like freak Re. "I don't fear you anymore father." Jake says as he holds his blade with both hands. "They have real demons after all." Jake thought. "Hahahaha, you can't be serious, betraying the family just to bandwagon?" Jake sighs. "Why spend eternity in hell for something you don't even agree with? I'm no loser."

"Because that's where you'll be going anyways, you're a demon, it's in your blood, you're not holy enough to enter Heaven, nor will you ever be." Jake takes a step back. "That's not what I planned on happening dad." His father takes a step forward. "Well son, you can either die here, or come back to hell with me, where we can correct you properly." Jake shakes his head. "I'll pass, thanks." Jake swings his sword at his father, of course his father blocks, and the two start to duel, as they sword fight a million demons start to charge at Jake, however Jake is still smiling. "Why you smiling brat, you got a death wish?!" Jake smiles even tighter. "No, I just love winning!" Jake points to the sky, as his father looks up Jake takes a cheap stab with one of his swords Jake's father watches as James Doe lands on his army behind him, destroying the soldiers one by one, ripping them apart like rats, Jake takes out his swords and is fighting his dad three against his dads two weak swords, he keeps slicing with his third sword, slowly killing his dad cut by cut. "You coward, you're using three swords." The minions behind The Red Knight cower in fear. James looks out to see his people staring at him with fear in their eyes. "Why did I ever marry into you people? Did I not forget that you're all the reason for this?" James asks. He then cracks a knuckle. "Okamari, Etay, Tokyo, you're all dead to me…"


Meanwhile John is running through the city his mask dropped on the ground, broken in half, the rain drops on it showing a drowned broken figure in the puddle's reflection. John keeps running through the streets, he jumps his last fifty feet to get to Sera, punching Etay in the face and pulling her out, slamming her on the ground, watching as Sera gets back up from the beast that just pinned her down. John holds Etay in a backpack position. "SERA, DO IT, HURRY, KILL HER!" Sera looks at John, both her eyes are now red and black. "Sera?" Sera hits John in the face, pinning him to the ground. "Sera, what are you?"

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe this, the legend that almost took us down, is now afraid to hit his friend. It's what you FUCKING DESERVE!" John finds himself cringing at the pain he's feeling. "Sera, please, don't do this, what did she tell you? Why are you on her side now, is she black mailing you, I'll do anything just...." More punching continues to inflict on John. He takes a beating as if he's tied to a chair, refusing to let go of Etay. He turns around trying to get Sera to missing and hit Etay, only for Etay to kick her back. "NO!" John yells with a broken bloody yell. "Shut up already, you're so obnoxious!" Sera looks at John, pinned down, but it wasn't her strength that was keeping the boy in the black and gold metal suit from getting up, it was his restraint, not wanting to hurt her. He laid there. Then he sees something out of the reflection of the puddle he was in, a centipede was crawling around Sera's ear, it was sticking its head out. "Sera, I know you're in there, if you can hear me, don't move." Sera is looking down on John, tears are streaming from her black and red eyes, unable to control her body. John uses his strength and lifts Sera off of him, he then launches Etay far from them, he grabs Sera and pins her to the ground, grabbing the centipede out of her, he holds it in his hand, squishing it, the blood and guts from it smear all over his hand.

"Sera, SERA?!" Sera falls to the ground coughing. She looks up to see Etay's silhouette and red eye behind John. "JOHN LOOK-" Right as John hears Sera, Etay turns into the beast and swallows John whole. Then she gets out of her form for a quick second to face Sera. "Thank you sweetie, I now have the very thing that can save both of us now." Etay says with a seductive look. "A cute boy to help me make more of us." "J-JOHN?!" Sera yells. "Wait, no way, you mean, this kid is John Doe, James brother, oh that's gonna be a problem, you see, in order for you humans and us devil people to be able to coexist, we need to make sure all of the high tier vigilantes fade out first, then we can start to appear in society. Isn't that great! Unfortunately though our king won't be a happy camper when he finds out we have to kill his brother. Forget keeping him, but perhaps a little fun wouldn't hurt-" Sera grew enraged as her eyes flared up. "What are you talking about?" Etay laughs. "Ahh, this guy kept you out of the dark, well probably for the best, anyways, thank you for lending me your body, but you're not what I needed." Etay walks away as the giant creature with John in her mouth. "No, wait, you GET BACK HERE!" Sera gets furious, she starts to float, her hair turns all black as her eyes turn all red.

Sera is seen charging the giant creature with all her overpowered might and glory, her powers at full blast, Seraphina, time manipulation, 10.1, Devil Woman, 10.01 Unnatural, third eye, Seraphina despite having no capable unnatural for both of her abilities, is able to not only access devil ability once her time ability is back but if mad enough, can use it to its full capabilities, and take a third ability and max it out. She uses Etay's ability and turns into a giant devil freak, chasing after John like her life depended on it, she eventually pounces on the devil tier monster and pins it to the ground, snatching her jaws at the beast trying to slit its throat. The two beasts wrestle in the city, knocking buildings over as they fight for John.

Meanwhile Jake stabs his father in the heart, pinning him to the ground. "What the, wait, no, how....." Jake chuckles. "Oh well, looks like I'm not the one going to hell for eternity." The Red Knight looks up with rage. "You little brat, how could you?!" Jake chuckles. "Oh stop crying old man, it's not like you're being tortured by your own son. Enjoy the last little bit of time left, because once that pit of despair is thrown into the lake of fire, you bet your ass I'll be there to torture you! Jake's fathers face goes from anger to horror after he realizes what he just did, creating an immortal enemy. Jake takes off his helmet and looks James in the eyes, he looks at the horizon, clean and demon free, James looks at him back. "So, where do we go from here?" James asks. "Well, I don't think you're the enemy I thought you were."

"No, guess you can't say that." "Well, I'm gonna head home now." Jake says.

"So that's it, after all these years you'll spare me despite the crimes I've committed?" Jake looks back at James. "Come with me, we have angels to kill in Hell." James nods his head. "And the humans who put me here?" Jake laughs. "They're not even meant for the place. I pity them, leave em." James looks back at the city of flames, then at Jake and throws his mask down. "I'd rather enjoy Heaven than rule Hell again. I quit."

Meanwhile, Explosions can be heard all around the city as Keon walks away with his men back to base. They all look back to see the city they took back, its destroyed state is a site that can make many men question whether the effort and lives were worth it or not. Keon takes out a cigarette as flames flicker in his pupils. "It's all your fault Doe, all of this….

We'll one day make you pay for

Etay was ripped out of the monster she piloted, Sera threw her into a building squashing the green haired queen, making her the last of the devil people to live in this city, as she dies Sera's monster rips John out of the monster carcass, she puts him in her mouth and takes him away to the outskirts of the abandoned city, she then spits him out onto a tall skyscraper. He coughs as he looks at the monster that just spit him out, scared of it being Etay, he powers up, only to find a magenta haired woman jump out of the monster, with nothing but tape covering her naked body, her highlights sparkle in the moonlight as her gentle blue eyes stared into John's. All he knew is that the battle was over, he collapses, thanking God he can finally go home and rest, knowing that all of his friends made it out safely, especially the one he cared about the most. She wraps herself around John, he returns her gesture with his arms, the two embrace, holding each other as tightly as they could, Sera kisses John on the forehead, the two eventually fall asleep on the roof, catching a good night's sleep under the starry night of a once ruined city.

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