
Chapter 67: Chapter X The City of Flames I

Jake, Remi, Blyke, and Isen are all sparring. Jake takes out his sword and sends some power waves back at Blyke and Remi that glow a dark black and red, they consist of lightning and lasers. He then takes out another sword that turns purple before turning red, he hits Remi and Blyke, disabling their abilities for a bit before he hits them with his mega sword. As Blyke gets up from the immense hit he took he rubs his head and looks at "What was that?" he asks in confusion.

Jake spins all his blades around. "I have a kit that consists of a couple swords, one of them temporarily nullifies someone's ability, another just reflects the ability back using aura as ammo, not sure what this third one does. I think it's just a really big blade that the absorbed aura allows me to hold.

"I don't think this'll work though" Jake says defeatedly. Remi and Blyke walk over to him. "These people, they call themselves devils but they're really more like mutants. I know because I've seen real devils and demons." Jake then sighs. "Mutants?" Remi asks. "Yeah, these guys use plasma in the blood they consume to maintain the structure of the apparatuses their abilities create. Nothing above the realm of this worlds science." Blyke gets up and begins to walk away. "Well then, ready to call it a day, I'm pooped." Isen nods his head as he too begins to leave. The group agrees to walk

The four teens head back to their dorms to rest up for the night. Meanwhile in Arlo's apartment, he and Elaine are drinking coffee and espressos. "Want more?" Arlo asks Elaine. Elaine doesn't respond as she just stares at the dark brown liquid in her cup. Her tongue resonates its bitter taste and smooth texture. "How come I can't remember what happened last night?" Elaine asks. Arlo chuckles as he takes another sip. "I don't know, I think we all got hammered. I can't really remember much from that night either. "I'm not sure. I think we got hammered. I can't remember much either.

Elaine chuckles as she takes another sip from her coffee. Arlo begins to flirt with her for a little while until Elaine takes control of the conversation again. "Arlo seriously, what happened" Arlo shrugs as he watches Elaine smile. "We must of had a blast then if even you can't recall anything" Elaine then begins to settle next to Arlo as the two lie down on the couch. "Who am I to you?" Arlo asks as he finds himself starring up at the ceiling. Elaine pecks him on the cheek as she wraps her body around his. "I think you already know" Arlo looks at her innocent eyes and smiles, she falls asleep right in his arms as the clock ticks for hours. Arlo hears every last tick as he sits on the couch awake. "I can't" he tells himself. "I can't ever spill what happened" Arlo looks at the clock and begins to move himself in a way that won't disturb Elaine. He gives her one last kiss on the forehead before he gets up and puts on his costume, it's a white cloak with a hood that covers him. He can hear faint rumbling from his condo and begins to shiver. "Oh no, it's already begun"

Meanwhile in New Oklahoma city. John, Remi, Isen, Jake,Blyke, and Sera are all rushing to get to the city gates, looking in the distance they see explosions being set off. Soldiers are being killed left and right fighting off the Devil Men. "Right, everyone knows their places?" John asks with authority. The group nods in agreement. They split up into teams of two, John and Sera will head for the center of town, Remi and Blyke will assist the convoys of soldiers, and Isen and Jake will assist the vanguard that's protecting the central database, main communication center that they're using in order to talk via earpieces. They all split up. Arlo is opening his window up, ready to jump out and rush to the abandoned city. Isen and Jake are at the main communication center, they notice something slimy and big crawling towards it, a giant web-like thing. A large fire is casted upon the mysterious liquid muscle that was crawling towards them. "Woah, look! It's splitting up!" Isen calls out.

The muscle splits into many creatures, all ranging sizes, they all have large teeth and big white eyes. Ready to devour the soldiers that lay in front of them, soldiers use their abilities and open fire on these strong hulk like beasts. A large bomb explodes all of the demons, pieces of them go flying, in the smoke however, a large glowing red orb is seen, followed by spikes flying towards the soldiers, Isen takes cover while Jake blocks them. Out of the smoke comes a white haired man with a long red tail. In front of him emerges the number one agent for the authorities, Kent Clark. A grizzled man with a baby face, pale white hair and almost colorless eyes. He wore glasses over them to hide their menacing glare. "So, you think you can match my skills?" He asks. "No, but I have someone who can." The white haired demon spoke. Loud thumping is heard from a distance, suddenly a large creature stomps on the army, its red eye stares into the soldiers' souls as it begins to roar. It releases a large aura blast that devastates the area, people go flying, the only ones left to fight are Jake, Isen, and Kent. As the two demons stare back at them, The large beast, the white haired devil, and now out of the smoke emerges the Devil with no eyes. It releases a large aura blast that devastates the area, people go flying, the only ones left to fight are Jake, Isen, and Kent. As the two demons stare back at them, The large beast, the white haired devil, and now out of the smoke emerges the Devil with no eyes. He snaps his neck back as his eyeless mask stares at all who he wishes to consume.

The demon laughs. "Now, we have an even set of players, let the games begin!" Jake charges at the beast with no eyes, knowing it's one of the stronger ones, leaving the white haired one for Isen. "Bounty Hunter, don't let him intimidate you, he's the weaker one!" Jake roars. White haired boy charges his tail at Isen, Isen finds himself dodging them with ease, knowing this he gains confidence, Jake uses his raw strength and keeps going at the no eyed freak with all of his might, however, he starts to wear himself out, he sees it regenerate all of the cuts Jake made into him.

"Damn, he has something similar to one of Finessas abilities, she could make wires and drag people, in this case they're used to regenerate. Damn, I'll have to cut him up with both speed and strength right now, if that doesn't work, stall till we get some more people and figure out a way to kill him with fire or something, since my ability sword didn't disable this dude, he must be a real demon, FUCK, he could actually pose as a threat."

Jake looks through his black helmet, his robes flying in the wind as he aims his sword ability, using it to get more attacks in versus his heavy sword. He charges and strikes the demon some more.

Meanwhile Kent is battling the beast, he finds himself a moment to take his breath. "So you're the king around here I suppose?" he asks the giant. It stares back down at him and smiles sinisterly. It's gaping red eye pierces all who it stares at.

The beast roars.

"Oh boy, he doesn't know? This will be fun, once he meets the king." Etay thought to herself as she begins to move the giant creature she's piloting. Isen is fighting White hair, he manages to block and repel the tail, its heavy strength matches Isen well, Isen puts a target on the man's heart and goes for his pocket as he is taken back to a simpler time in his mind.

A little while back.

"So, your ability allows you to see opponents from afar but you are a melee specialist?" John asks Isen. "Yeah, what about it?" Isen asks. "This feels like an oxymoron." Isen looks at John confused. "Never mind, here" John opens a box and pulls out some guns and bullets. "DUDE, TALK ABOUT BEING THE QUIET KID! How outdated, who needs guns when we have powers?" John laughs. "Relax, these I just hold on to because Keon asked me to a while ago, he never collected them so I assume they're mine to keep." Isen looks at John puzzled. "So, you want me to shoot with these?" John shakes his head. "No, I wanted you to stab, WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" Isen backs off. "Ughhhhhhhh alright alright!"

"Now, here, practice aiming with your ability, this will give you the edge, just only use these for vigilante stuff please, you won't need these in school." Isen chuckles. "Sure thing." Isen sighs. "Only use them when your life is in danger, because the rule with those is to never point those at someone if you're not willing to make the kill, not even without ammo, it's not a toy it's a tool, it needs to be treated with respect" Isen nods his head. "Right" Isen pulls out a standard handgun, he uses his aura to enhance it, he pulls the trigger, firing multiple shots at the heart of the white devil tier. They all land, piercing through his flesh and killing him. He falls to the ground. "BULLSEYE!" Isen yells in the present day as he finds himself standing over the corpse of a fallen devil. Isen looks to see Jake and Kent still fighting their opponents, he goes over to help Kent. "What's your name, boy?" Kent asks. "Uhh, Bounty Hunter sir!" Isen says awkwardly. "Ahh right, you're one of those vigilantes, don't do anything rash. I know how you people act, now, here's the plan..." Right as Kent is speaking, Isen gets dragged by a bunch of tape, he is thrown to the ground, rendered unconscious, Kent pulls out a fancy jousting sword and aims it at the beast, sheets of metal go flying with an electrical current.

Kent Clark: Ability, Kinetic metal, 7.0.

The sheets of metal go into the beast, frying it up while draining it of blood, Etay jumps out of the beast, her robes fall off and tape starts to fall off of her.

Etay. Tape 3.4 Devil tier ability is a 11-20 ranged. Not yet fully mastered.

Etay lands next to Isen, she looks at the unconscious sixteen year old and picks him up. "Oooh, I kinda like this guy, I think I'll take him ba-" Etay is struck with an electrical current that sends her flying back. She turns back into a beast and the two go back to dueling.

The beast sends Kent flying, it charges at him. Meanwhile Jake is slicing and dicing the no eyed freak, he has a wing spouting out of his back, his body covered in black and red anti aura. He sends it flying, but it keeps getting back up.

"Give up boy, I'm clearly the superior being" The eyeless monster says. Jake looks at the no eyed devil man with anger, It looks back down on Jake from a roof top it hopped to. It then slams back down, sending Jake back. The beast and Kent keep fighting, The beast eventually gets the upper hand and cuts off Kent's right arm, then it pins him to the ground, crushing him with it's foot. Kent spurts up blood from his mouth. All while Isen watches helplessly. He hides not knowing what to do. He watches the beast retreat to the inner city where another battle is taking place. "Why won't you DIE?!" Jake asks enraged. "Why won't you give up boy?" The entity asks.

"Because, my ability is to never give up! and that's the strongest ability of all!"

"Then die a painful death" The entity says. It lunges at Jake but gets bodied by Isen. It goes flying into a concrete wall, confused and puzzled as it watches The Black Knight and The Bounty Hunter prepare for battle. "So, you think you can interfere with our affairs BOY!" More soldiers arrive behind Isen and Jake, It transforms into its unnatural, turning into a pod that launched in the air. It kills most of the soldiers nearby, then it grabs the last gunman and throws him up in the air. Jake, Isen, and four agents with their weapons out watch the demon return into its human form before changing once more into a deformed mouth like octopus.

Jake slashes at the freak, it knocks him and Isen off the battlefield, Isen is sent flying into a military truck, the freak kills all of the agents and focuses on Jake, Jake struggles to hold off all of the tentacles. "Dammit, if I don't do something quick, I'll die, and I might have to use my unnatural, but, despite keeping me alive, it'll devastate the area" Jake looks around panicked as he sees allies all around him. No other option in sight, Jake begins to power up. "Very well, looks like I'll…"


Jake looks to see the freaks center blown off. He looks to be wearing the rocket came from to see Isen in a RPG turret mounted on top of the truck. He fires another shot at the beast, blowing it's center mouth completely off and destroying the tentacles, he then fires more shots at the no eyed demon, blowing it to pieces. After five minutes the two boys don't sense any aura, they don't find a body. All they see is a mask half broken with a twisted smile. They sigh in relief, that relief quickly turns to dread as they look beyond the horizon to find more explosions. They see people running towards them, however they look hostile and funny. "Well, looks like we'll have to do some more bashing of skulls" Isen says with dread. "Count me in" Jake comments. "Hey now, don't leave me out of this!" Jake and Isen turn around to see a man in white rhodes with glowing blue eyes. "Arlo?" Jake laughs. "On time my friend."

"I've had experience with these things, it's a little, personal" Arlo comments as he watches corpses rise from the ground staring back at him with red eyes.

To be Continued.....

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