THE CONSIGLIERE AWAKENING: Ultimate villain system


Everyone had a name except him and this really made him furious. He could not even recall what his own name was but then simply reclined his head as he looked to the side. Out the window, there were lots of farms to the sides. These looked like wheat and he marvelled at how he knew what that was. Perhaps, he should try trusting Lucifer that in due course, he would remember his own name that seemed to have fled from him. How he would give everything and anything to be recognised right now.

"Mate, I mean no harm but I think that for a man who has helped you, you should do me the courtesy of telling your name." Gideon said to him.

Still, he did not bulge. All he could think about was people and the task that he needed to perform.

"Come now, papa, you can tell the old dear is still flustered. He probably had not expected to have been jumped by bandits." Samantha said to her father.

All her antics somewhat made him really pissed off at her. 

"Well, I hope he's more responsive later. I wouldn't want to help someone I don't know what he's been involved with." The farmer said to her.

It was a long drive of about thirty minutes and at some point, he fell asleep. The moment he closed his eyes, he realised that he was suddenly back to the torment hall and the evil demon was beginning to dine on him again. He was in pain and agony for a while when suddenly, someone started tapping him and eventually, he opened his eyes.

He had been dreaming but his dreams felt like reality. It was clear that he was in a fix right now, closing his eyes meant more torment or possibly, there might be a hidden message lurking around.

"We're here." Gideon said as he came down at his side. His daughter had been the one who tapped him and she had a smile on her face. "Come, Samantha."

"Gotta go. You should get down." She said to him as she highlighted.

Slowly, the man came down from the car and looked at the old cabin surrounded by lots of plants. There was a side where the sounds of various animals were being heard. A true farm house but no people.

"How do I get the people?" He asked Gideon again as he came close to him.

"How about you rest up? My daughter will show you to a room and I'll send some clothes to you. Then we can talk about you getting to people." Gideon said to him.

There was something exploitative that was reeling around the old man's eyes. It felt almost like he had a plot of sorts but maybe, it was just his imagination. He simply nodded and Samantha asked him to follow her.

She however did not lead him into the cabin but around the house. There was a shed there with a padlock in front. She fished the key from around her waist and then opened the door to admit him.

The shed was rather small, with just a little mat to the corner. There was nothing else and something told him that this was fishy as hell. There was not even a lock inside and he wondered if they put their visitors through such stress.

"You have to manage this. Papa and I have strangers stay in the cabin but maybe if you're good, then I could get you inside. I mean, there's some sort of softness to your person in the midst of all that broodiness, right?" She asked him.

"Thirsty." He said to her,

"Oh, I'll go get you water. You just stay here and rest up, okay?" She said to him,

He said nothing to her and neither did he sit. Just standing there as he clearly was waiting. The old man then returned and his daughter started leaving. For a brief moment, he could have sworn that there was a brief interchange between them but he cared less.

"Ah, I know this is nothing like what you're used to but I mean, you have to bear with us. I brought you these clothes. Might be a little beneath what you are used to but I bet you need more of your modesty than selection." Gideon said to him.

"Okay." He responded and took the clothes.

The old man still would not leave and he himself started getting dressed. He could not understand what this man wanted but clearly it was definitely something that would not benefit him at all.

"So, I have been wondering where you come from. Pardon me and my inquisitiveness, but what was taken from you?" He asked him.

"I don't know. I don't remember." He responded.

"You don't remember? Dude, I don't see any cuts on your head to signify that you're suffering from amnesia. I mean, not that I'm trying to impose but I'm just trying to know where your family is." The old man said to him.

He thought of what to say and then spoke.

"Pedro Picasso." He said to the old man.

"Who's that?" Gideon demanded.

"I don't know." He responded.

There was anger and frustration in the eyes of Gideon and he stormed off angrily. Shortly after, his daughter returned with a tray of bread and water which she set on the floor in front of him.

"I see you had a falling out with my father. He says you said you don't remember but mentioned a name. Why that name?" She asked him.

"I don't know. I just remember it." He said to her,

She hesitated a little and then decided to leave.

"Okay, I'll go speak to him and see how we can help." She responded as she walked away, leaving him to eat. The moment he saw it, he was suddenly consumed by the feeling of hunger that he literally pounced on the meal and started eating. It was clear he had not eaten for years.

Meanwhile in the cabin, Gideon was waiting for her to show up with good news on their catch. He knew this guy was bluffing. Everyone always seemed to try and use the name of the richest man to get away. This guy had the body of a well to do person and must have been robbed but he too needed to do something. No way was he going to give him food and board and let him roam free.

"Well?" He asked Samantha the moment she entered.

"Nothing. I don't know if he's telling the truth or he's just a damned good actor. Maybe if I can cajole him, he might tell." She said to him,

"No. He didn't seem interested. We're going to have to do this the hard way because he's clearly playing on our intelligence." He said to her,

"Well, what do we do then?" She demanded.

"We'll ask him after letting him know what his situation is. If he chooses to play smart, I'll bring the takers in and he'll pay the hard way. Tell me, did you at least lock the shed?" He asked her.

"No. I was thinking we're making him feel comfortable for the time being. Maybe when he's asleep then we may lock it." She responded.

"And if he walks away? What would you do then?" He demanded. "Give me the keys."

She handed him through keys and then followed him as he stormed out. Gideon was clearly frustrated by this person and she knew it was the result of the last deal. They got back to the shed where the man laid on the mat facing upwards. He was so tall that he had doubled over his legs at the knees.

"Well, mate, you wouldn't give me your name or details. It's clear you're toying with me and it's in my best interest to let you know what has happened to you." Gideon said to him.

Hearing someone was going to tell him something that has happened to him instigated a beacon of hope within him. Maybe, they found out where he was from with the name he had given them.

"Tell me." He said to the old man.

"I told you he's toying with us." Gideon, now irritated, said to his daughter.

"The effrontery! After how we helped you? And you're not going to help us too?" She demanded, with a sad voice.

The man was confused. What on earth was she blabbing about? He thought they had something to say to him.

"Well, mate, you have been kidnapped and I suggest you comply with our demands and tell us where we can get the money for your ransom. As soon as we withdraw it, then I will drive you out to the road and you may find your way if you're lucky." Gideon said to him. Every tinge of being a good person had suddenly evaporated and all that was left was this cruelty.

But something awakened within the man. It was like a fiery pit from hell was stirring within him and he knew, he finally had souls for hell.

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