New life with a sci-fi system

Chapter 140: 136

Well this was awkward as hell and Cyclops after that drunken argument on my lawn like trailer trash waiting for someone to call the cops. Now here we are together again and this time he at least seems like he is sober today not that I was going to say hi to him. It also seems like he hasn't registered the fact that I am here or if he did he didn't seem to care considering that his eyes were locked on Jean.

The blondes all turned not to look at the x-men but in the opposite direction. As I turned my head I could see Laura charging this way claws out it wasn't hard to figure out her plan. If it was just me here I would have ignored it but considering that I wasn't alone I needed to make a good impression for a few of the ladies here. I removed myself from the blondes who could tell what I was doing and stepped aside. I then placed myself between Laura and Wolverine not the smartest decision I know but necessary. He also had his claws ready for action but as Laura attempted to charge through me I just used the Force to lift her off the ground. It made her attempts seem a bit ridiculous which made me feel better about before which was petty on my part but I didn't care.

"Laura*please calm down, I know that you aren't fond of Logan but it would upset your mother for you to just charge him at every meeting"

Laura: *snarling* FINE! NOW PUT ME DOWN!

I gently placed her back down on the ground she looked like she planned to immediately leave again but caught my stare.

Laura: What!?

"Laura you need to get your anger under control maybe try talking about your issue with Logan instead it would make your mother happy"

Laura: Don't act like you're my dad! (Turning to face Logan) I don't need one!

"I'm not otherwise I wouldn't look at you the way I do"

Logan: Want to run that by me again bub!?

That seemed to both piss off Logan and make Laura smirk with pride although she tried to play it off, it was easy to tell she liked it.

Mystique: I would be careful about what you say next as Logan isn't known for his self control

"And when did you get here?"

Mystique: I was with you the entire time I just used the force to hide nearby Selene knew I was here the entire time

"That makes sense Selene probably thought it was funny and your experienced hiding plane sight even around telepaths"

Mystique: Looks like someone did their homework is it because you want me as well?

"I wouldn't be adverse to you being with me but wouldn't you like for me to return your lover?"

Mystique: who do you mean?

"Your wife Irene"

Mystique: She is dead you fucking ass hole

"And since when has death stopped me before? I just need a yes or a no, do you want her back?"

Mystique: Yes...

I looked to Selene who didn't need words to understand what I was doing she just closed her eyes and began to do her thing. While I conjured a ball of solar that Selene began to devour after about twenty minutes of nothing Selene finally opened her eyes began devouring the the ball solar faster forcing me to add more into it just to keep up. As soon as Selene had what she needed she forcibly created a body of brown haired woman. Seeing the shock in Mystique's eyes I didn't have to guess if she was the right person. The only difference was she wasn't blind anymore meaning she could finally see the world with her own eyes.

Irene: This Future wasn't supposed to be possible... I wasn't expecting to be brought back this soon. So the convergence did happen

Hearing her the crowd began to stir with excitement as ever since the convergence no one could accurately predict far into the future. This not only meant that she somehow foresaw the possibility of the convergence but also the event of her possible rebirth after it happened. This gave mutant kind an unbelievable edge that the rest of the universe lacked but this ability also painted a target on their backs. Irene turned to face me ignoring her nudity.

Irene: We've much to discuss Julian Black and not much time left before the next war begins how far along is your false Traveler?

I never called it that not in front of anyone not even out loud and I was certain that that no one could read my mind regarding system stuff yet she said it with such assurance. I probably activated some sort of doomsday count down by bringing her back to win Mystique over to my side. Let's just hope that she knew how to unfuck the situation that we are in if not then I need to abandon earth but I doubt that destiny would just let me walk away.

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