New life with a sci-fi system

Chapter 141: 137

"It's already mostly completed but Thoris believes she can still improve the design although she reworked the design a few times already..."

Destiny: How many times?

"I'm certain possibly ten or twelve..."

Destiny: The exact number this is important! How many times has she reworked the design?!

Seeing how serious she was I immediately called Cortona on my omni-tool for the exact number. If a precog tells you that it's important you dropped whatever the fuck you're doing and do as she fucking tells you.

"Cortona what is the exact number of times Thoris has reworked the design of the..."

Cortona: She has reworked the design for the project or false Traveler exactly thirteen times.

Mystique: How did she know that what you were going to ask?

Cortona: Because I am always listening through his Omni-tool

"She is the one woman I'm completely fine spying on me blatantly. So Destiny was the number good or bad?"

Destiny: Not as good as fifteen but definitely better than fourteen and safer than twelve

"Was there a critical design flaw?"

Destiny: No, there wasn't and I won't say more than that so any psychic should stay out of my mind otherwise it gets worse.

The Blondes took a step back away from her while Emma only raised an eyebrow Jean simply nodded and agreed. No one wanted to be the one to accidentally destroy the world because they were curious. Ivy grew a coat made of grass for Irene to cover her nakedness after everything was sorted. We made it to mansion nearby that Emma was clearly using personally. The staff was told to get back to their duties which while they grumbled they still complied. The X-men were taken to solarium to wait although they tried to protest but eventually complied. While my harem and I were taken to a tea room as Emma wanted a private conversation first.

Emma: What is this false Traveler exactly

"It's a world building machine"

Harley: You mean like a game? because they way you and the nudist were talking it didn't sound like that?

Irene: I'm not a nudist and we weren't discussing a game this is a literal machine to can create worlds that can support life

"This is also the reason why the Thanagarians haven't triggered the conflict even though they are a warrior species and tensions are high on both sides although I doubt that will be the case much longer"

Irene: You're right but for the best results we need you to speed up your false Traveler project

Ivy: You keep saying false Traveler but exactly is a Traveler?

Irene: I don't know I just know that's what Julian calls it

"The Traveler is essentially a god and a machine whose singular purpose seems to be uplifting worlds never seeking praise or worship. Even this description barely scratches the surface of the paracausal entity known as the traveler"

Jean: is the...

"No it's not in this universe as it's dealing with threats in another reality"

We went back and forth before it was time to meet with the X-men.


Orro Monroe POV

Things were not supposed to be this complicated it was supposed to be a meet and greet. The worst thing that should have happened was that we didn't see eye to eye and went our separate ways. The Professor should have warned us ahead of time about the possibility of running into Julian again so we wouldn't have brought Scott. After Jean had left Scott has fallen to pieces it took a lot of effort to pull himself together and finally be ready for an outing. We even went out of our way to frame it as a mission to ease him back onto the team and to give him a win.

I don't blame Julian his outlook is just different from our own and he had no idea that we were coming. The professor should have known who that the director of the school is one of Julian's women. I don't think I'll ever understand why so many significant women gathered around one man and agreed to share him it makes no sense to me. The professor said he wasn't using any sort of outside influence to scew their actions but I had a hard time reconciling the idea that chose this. This is why I haven't had much contact with Julian myself outside of maintaining contact with Jean.

The few conversations I had with Julian make me question his motivations and he was very direct about his interest in me. The most I can conclude from our interactions is that he is driven man with an unshakable resolve and he is a womanizer that seems to have a gift for convincing women to agree with his harem logic. He also seems to have a talent of upsetting the men on our team.

Wolverine: Storm whatever they needed to talk about alone is done as they're heading this way.

Storm: Cyclops can you handle this or do you need to leave?

Cyclops: I'm fine, I was just shocked earlier but I can handle it, let's just see what they have to say

Storm: Okay, Nightcrawler...

Nightcrawler: Ja, I'm on standby

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