New life with a sci-fi system

Chapter 139: 135

Laura ignored the bickering beauties in front of me as she came towards me looking upset.

Laura: If you were planning on coming here why didn't you bring my mom?

"Your mom is busy with a new research project that we are currently working on"

Laura's dead eye stare clearly said that she didn't believe me.

Laura: You forgot to include her didn't you?

"Yes Laura, I forgot... but in my defense I wasn't lying about the project and I promise I will temporarily pause the project to have her here"

Laura: Better.

Without another word she stalked off not even bothering to look back ignoring the wide eyes of Emma's staff. I forgot how much of a mommy's girl she is given stoic she usually is and how did I allow myself to be bullied by her? I don't care how cute the murderous teen with a fantastic ass was I shouldn't have have caved that quickly.

Looking around I noticed that while I was busy staring at Laura's ass I've been surrounded by very clingy blondes while their mother was too busy sniping Jean to notice. At least that was the case until there was too many to ignore and it seemed like they're having a psychic argument with Emma and Jean. The reason it was so apparent was they seemed to be glaring at each other and it was odd to see Jean and Emma on the same side. The girls did their best to distract me asking how were things back home even though it wasn't even their home anymore considering that they now lived with Emma.

Harley and Pam decided to explore the campus while this disaster was going down causing a few of the staff to chase after them. It was understandable considering that two former infamous villains were wondering around and although they weren't technically a threat anymore it was best to keep an eye on them. They pretended to act as tour guides to placate the dangerous women hopping to keep them happy and away from the students. As for Selene she didn't even seem to care about it was only seemed to follow me around because I asked her to come. Medusa seemed interested until she saw the blondes trying to flirt with me and measuring my micro expressions then she became almost indifferent.

As for Sue she seemed stunned by sheer volume of blondes. She also seemed a bit unnerved by the fact that they were pretty much identical to each other before looking back at Emma. I think she suspected that they were clones or possibly a mutant like Multiple Man. It seemed like she wanted to comment on the inappropriate nature of a bunch of teenagers hanging off a grown man. Personally I didn't have a problem with beautiful women vying for my affection but I little worried about their plans for me. I couldn't help but remember what Emma mentioned before about her daughters' and their plan to "smooth out my imperfections".


Scott Summers POV (aboard the X-jet)

It took me a while but I think I am finally getting over Jean. I've let the team down the last few missions because I have been emotionally compromised. Finally I was able to pull myself out of bed and go on a mission again nothing too crazy just going to Massachusetts Academy another school for mutant children. The professor wants to get in contact with the schools director for mutual cooperation and build a working relationship. We're hoping to make a good impression as we want encourage mutant comradery not only in schools but in the world as a whole. This is just the thing I needed to get back out there a simple mission with trusted friends and Logan.

As we landed outside the campus not wanting to overstep I couldn't help noticing a large gathering of students and staff. I guess they probably have a precog or something on staff that predicted our arrival? I was brought out of my musing when Logan suddenly stiffened I turned to him waiting for a possible explanation.

"Whats wrong Logan are the children in danger?"

Logan: No, but I think it's probably best for you to stay in the jet

"If there isn't any danger then there is no reason for me baby sit the X-jet and even if there was danger I would still go. So whatever it is I'm going out there unless you give me a reasonable explanation as to why I shouldn't."

Logan: It's your funeral bub I just wanted to spare you the pain

I ignore Logan and his cryptic nonsense I've been on plenty of dangerous missions and seen all sorts of things. Whatever is out there I can and will handle it! At least that is what I thought...


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