Chapter 61: Chapter 60 In the dark room
Darkness fills the room, the remaining light gone, and a woman lies on the ground staring at the door waiting.
the woman sees a man dragging another woman in, he laid the woman in front of her and tied her hands together before letting her go, the woman fell, landing on her side with a thud,
"She will be out for a while, the nurse gave the mayor some painkillers,"
She glanced at the man, he stood in front of her and then went to check her ropes. He hummed finding them lost,
"You know you're a bargaining chip, right? He says
She didn't say, but nodded, not wanting to answer him. He gets up and walks away from her, he stops at the door.
"Food will be in an hour, rest for now,"
He shut the door, leaving them in the dark.
"This is odd," Avalon said
she watched as they examined her blood next to the ball of lights,
"This is what's in my blood," She thought
Picked up the crystal and examined it, not hearing the door open, the crystal shone in the light that resembled a rainbow, and Avalon put the crystal down, hearing something behind her. A hand grabs her arm and tries to turn her around, but Avalon pulls her arm away, back kicks the person making them hold their torso, Avalon moved fast now in front of the person about to land another punch on them,
"Do you never change, do ya?"
Avalon stopped,
"Haven't you learned," Avalon let out
Ally chuckles, holding her stomach, starting up her lean against the wall for support,
"Yeah no," Ally said
She gets up from the wall and walks over to Avalon, Before Avalon can say it, she's engulfed in a hug by her. Avalon hugs her back, weirded out by this. Ally lets her go, patting her on her back and the shoulder, saying,
"Nice to see you, I thought that you would retire or something,"
Avalon scoffed
"Not yet. I was thinking about it," she said
Ally glanced at the crystal on the table, This piqued her interest in hearing about her blood and caused some minor arguing, Avalon pushed her hand off,
"Go ahead, I've been looking at it for a while anyway," Avalon said
Ally walks to the crystal and grabs it, She starts to examine it and Avalon watches Ally before sitting down on a chair,
"What is this thing?" Ally asked
"They said it's crystal-like," Avalon says
"Yeah, crystal. Do you know why you are back?" Ally said
Ally walks over to her and takes a chair, Avalon doesn't hear her, her thought seems to have her attention.
"Whatever I am it's not human," She thought,
Avalon leaned back on the chair with her eyes closed,
"So I..." Avalon said
The door opens and shows Salvatore walking in with Jane talking about something.
"They hadn't seen her for two weeks last Wednesday, there have been multiple search groups looking for both her and the assistant," Jane said
"Then all we can do is keep looking and hope they didn't kill them," Salvatore says
"Then when they come back from lookout, I want the next team to go on lookout, make sure they don't leave anything unturned," He continued
"Yes Hun," Jane said
Salvatore who's looking at Jane tunes his stare at them, smiles walks up to them, says to Avalon,
"I haven't seen you in a while,"
"I could say the same to you," Avalon said
He placed a hand on Ally's shoulder and says,
"Nice job on the last mission, it helped with the search,"
Ally rolled her eyes trying to hide the light pink hue, saying, "It's my job don't take it personally,"
While she spoke, he sat in the chair in front of them, inwardly chuckled at the young woman's antics,
"Well, if that's the cause, good job," He says
He looks to Avalon, having not seen her in a while,
"How has the country been treating you?" Salvador asked
A tap on his shoulder machines him to glance at Jane who gives him a document, Avalon looks at the document having a sense of familiarity come over her,
"It's been peaceful while working from my home I'm able to relax more it took some stress off of me," Avalon says
"That's nice, I hope your doctor's appointment went well,"
"Yes, it did," Avalon said
She kept it short, not wanting to remember what she and Liz talked about. Ally finds this intriguing, Avalon usually doesn't act like that, Salvatore peeks at Avalon, seeing her in deep concentration,
"It must have been Liz..." He thought
"This is the information that the ground team got from the expedition site," Salvatore said
He opened it moving the paper towards them, Ally grabs the paper and started to read,
"The data collected by us and the latest watch point us to where they are,"
Ally continued to concentrate on it, not hearing Avalon and Salvatore talking about the paper,
"They have been watching the area?" Avalon asked
"Yes, they have there's been also some inside telling me what happens," Salvatore said
"Then you know what's happening with the mayor?" Ally said
Ally passed the papers to her, letting her read them as Salvatore sighed, saying.
"Yes, I do and to be honest it's not good. The mayors seem to have family that owes to them,"
Avalon sets the papers down and feels a shiver down her spine, Salvatore takes the paper back giving it back to Jane.
"The plane is to build a force to go in. There are already some recruits there, so I need you two to go in as well," Salvatore said
Ally glanced at Avalon wanting to see what she said, Avalon nodded her head, telling him.
"Yes sir,"
Salvatore smiles at her and nods, he turns to Ally waiting for her to say something,
"Got it," Ally said
"That's great. You two need to get ready by the end of the week," Salvatore said
"If that's all, I need to get out some of my things and get back in shape," Avalon said
She stood up and walked towards the door, Salvatore looked concerned, she talked for hours about the plan and where is she going to be, where her teammate or Marcello going to be.
Something changed her, but he didn't want to push her, she would talk to him when she was ready.
"Hey don't let your thoughts hurt you," Ally said
Avalon who was holding the door open was going to walk out, She chuckled and said,
"Dear, if I let my thoughts control me I wouldn't live,"
The door closed. Salvatore felt his stomach turn, a warning of some sort,
"That's new," Ally says
Jane who overlooked the whole thing sensed an off-putting presence, She lays a hand on Salvatore's shoulder saying,
"Sal, we need to get ready as well, you have another meeting then you have information that the team on the ground you have to look at,"
"Yes I do but my I have a word with Ally," Salvatore says
Jane nods and walks out of the room worried about what they're talking about, Ally shifts herself leaning forward and staring straight at him.
"Ally, do you have the paper I told you to get?"
"Yeah, here you go,"