Chapter 60: Chapter 59 Footage
"That's it I don't know,"
Blake looked at the file and glanced at her, he sighed laying back in his chair telling her.
"I know you have no idea what he part he had, but you have to pay for what he did,"
She shivered to hear his voice tune from uninterested to cold and selected, the moved the files away leaning closer to her, and he reached out his hand cradling her face touching her bruised eye,
"They did a number on you," Blake whispered
She felt her face heat up noticing how close his face is to hers, he looked his gaze moved away from her and yells for one of his minions,
They walk in and stands next to the boss, who pulls him down to his level whispering in his ear, the minion nods and moves around the table grabbing the mayor out of her chair,
"What?" She said
They bend her to her knees, Blake puts on gloves and walks to them, looking down at her and Janet stares at him fear laced in her eyes making him grim,
"Hold her there," Blake said
They nod as Blake reached down to her face and softly caresses it, she stares at him before feeling a pain shoot through her eye, Blake pushed his thumb into her eye gouging it and causing blood to pour down his thumb, her screams echo through the room going down the hall where Dana would hear her.
"She out boss,"
Blake glanced at the minion putting an eyeball on the table and sitting down on his chair taking off the gloves,
"She seems to be breathing,"
Blake looked over at the woman slumped in the minion's holding, looking at his work, seeing a hole where her eye should be. Blood on her face on her shirt dried up a bit after...
"And? Put her back in the chair and take this eye to the doctor, let her decide what the mayor let up to be," Blake said
"That means you don't believe what she's saying?" the minion asked
Blake sighed, massaging his temple, dealing with all this from Mórrígan is a pain for him, all he wanted was to control his own life. Where did that get him, in charge of the mafia ruling over the city with an iron fist, having all the money he can ever want… Yet he still feels lost.
"No, I do think she's telling me the truth, but what happens to a person who died leaving their debt to their relatives?" Blake says
They went quiet and looked away from him, they pick Janet up and carried her out of the room, leaving Blake to his thoughts.
"So this is the ball of light?" Marcello asked
"Yes," Lucario said
Marcello looked around the surrounding chaos. Cars that are flipped over, the bodies laid across the ground covered in cloth, the smell of dried blood stains the air making him cover his face with his cloth mask,
"There are traces of the blood but we can't find the body," Lucario said
He walked past Marcello tapping his shoulder and telling him to follow, Marcello got up and walked with him, he keeps glaring at the surrounding scene before standing in front of a tent,
"This is the momentary examination tent for the blood research," Lucario said
Lucario opened the flap for letting his brother walk in seeing people working on a microscope working together, talking, and walking around each other,
"Lucario I need you to see this," Liz said
"Right show us the way," Lucario said
Liz takes a glance at Marcello who gives her a shy smile, Liz turns and walks to her workstation with Lucario and Marcello fooling behind her, Liz picks up a piece of glass with some blood on it.
"This is a dried blood sample from the ball of light man or woman, we don't know yet," Liz said
She takes a look at the blood before taking Lucarios hand and moving him,
"There is something weird with this sample," Lucario said
He sees the blood having creepy hints of crystal in it dried out but still shines in the light,
Marcello watches Liz take some more samples, laying them on a cloth,
"Marcello come see this," Lucario whispers
Lucario moves aside and starts talking to Liz about the discovery, Marcello takes the microscope looking into it, noticing the crystals in the blood.
"Didn't I see this before?" Marcello thought
"Hey, come see this," Liz asked
Marcello lifts his head staring at Liz, he walks over to them shaken up thinking about his conversation with Avalon. Lucario takes his hand and opens it laying a blood sample, telling him,
"Look at this one and tell us when you're done what you think of it."
He takes the blood and walks over to the blood searching machine, he puts the blood sample on the stand and then looks at the blood finding it mostly the same only with some minor differences.
"That's odd? Did they have more blood or is it Avalon's," Marcello said out loud,
"Yeah. That's what we think as well," Liz said
Marcello turned to her, seeing her walk up to him Lucario was nowhere in sight, Liz grabs the blood and placed it in a small bag laying it on the table,
"This blood was from Avalon. Jacob and I went to her house and asked for a blood sample," Liz said
"Did she take it well?" He asked
"She knew that we would ask. She gave us her blood and asked us to tell her what we might find," Liz said
"Do you know what the crystals mean?" Marcello questioned
Liz hummed, lifting her wrist, showing him her watch that makes holograms appear with letters, and articles, Marcello looks around amazed.
"This is how I do my research, it makes looking for stuff like articles and documents from other scientist," Liz said
Marcello reads a headline saying, "the silver woman is just a lie, made by a group who made the government working with mafia theory,"
"Yeah, she wasn't so fond of the news making her a headline," Liz said
"I'm sure she was," Marcello said
Liz pulled up an article on mad cow disease or in humans Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease.
"This is one of the things we have been looking into, there are some signs of it but then we looked farther into the crustal and," Liz said
She flicks the article to him with some of their research with it, and Marcello caught it. He looked at it trying to pull it up but failing to do so, he touched a slide that made the article pop up, scaring him,
"The weird thing is that," Liz says
Marcello reads it while Liz tells him the theory that they came up with. "It's not prions as we thought, if anything it's a new material,"
Marcello moves the hologram research back to her saying,
"If this is true and what you say that it is a new material... then what is Avalon?"
Liz went quiet, turning off her watch, making the tent darker. She walks up to him, laying a hand on his shoulder, and says,
"She is who she is. for that, we will support her no matter what she goes through. But we have been going through ideas of what if she could be, but nothing has been coming of it,"
"Then do you have anything else on this or still have to look into it?" Marcello asked
"No, nothing other than the mad cow prions that turned out to be false," Liz said
Marcello hummed and went into deep thought. "What will happen to her if... no, I will protect her at any cost."
"Marcello, come here, we got something!" Lucario yelled
He looked past Liz sees Lucario holding a tablet waiting for him, Marcello said goodbye to Liz walks over to him,
"This is some new footage we got from a nearby camera, be a little weary it's glitchy," Lucario says
"That's fine, I would like to see it anyway," Marcello said
Lucario pressed play showing a glitchy video feed, there is a thundering of crashes over the video making it shake then the footage showed the ball of light moving towards the van, landing near it floating over a van beside them making it heat up, the ball moves off it,
The van crashed, making the video go black, Marcello looked up at Lucario,
"Wait a moment it will come back on," Lucario said
They went back to the video, there are screams over the audio with a sound of a woman laughing, the video starts to clear up showing Blake and a woman fighting each other,
"That it?" Marcello asked
Lucario nods turned back to the video watching it intently, they watched as the woman is wrapped in his aura screaming to let her go before the screen turned black.
"It needs to be looked into more," Lucario said
"Yeah, I agree, if you want I can look through it?"