Mafia Deadline

Chapter 62: Chapter 61 Rmembering

"Anybody in there?"


She straps her bulletproof vest, hearing more knocks on the door going through the office,

She's on the final strap.

"Come on, I know you're in there, don't make me kick open the door,"

"Give me a minute!"

She laced the strap and looked in the mirror, she hadn't seen herself in this for a while. More knocking comes from the door, taking her out of her thoughts,

"I'm coming, just hold on to your pants,"

She stands in front of the door, opens it and the person falls to the floor, they groan in pain as she rolls her eyes saying,

"Just like old times?"

Ally chuckled from the floor glaring up at Avalon saying,

"Yeah, shut up and help me up,"

Ally lifts her, maybe a little too much,

"Thanks," Avalon said sarcastically

Ally scoffed, letting her go and walking toward her desk, she looked around, noticing a few pictures. While Ally is checking her desk, Avalon struggles with the last strap muttering curses under her breath,

"This is why I asked for the one that you can tie," Avalon complained

She snapped the strap in place and let out a sigh, knowing that it was only the beginning of bad luck, She turned to Ally and tried to say,

"Ally what are..."

Ally didn't look at her, rather she gently grabbed one of the pictures, starting at it and reminiscing.

"Do you see it?"

Ally scoffs saying,

"No, they haven't shown up yet,"

Ally watches from a roof waiting for any activity, but until then she sits on the edge looking at the storage facility,

"They took a stop near the great lakes before going back on the road again," Avalon said

Ally hummed,

"Why couldn't you help watch it with me? They could have put someone else in the command seat," Ally said

"It will be fine Ally if we finish this clean without any mistakes they might promote us," Avalon says

Ally smiled, "Always trying to look at the bright side of things, that's new," Ally thought

"They're moving fast to you where you are for some reason? Be on guard," Avalon says

A car in the distance rang out alarming Ally, She turned to the road in front of the storage facilities, watching more than one parked.

"Avalon prepares the team I'm going to gain some ground," Ally says

Ally ran to the side of the roof, jumped down, and landed on a stairway balcony, she let out a deep breath saying, " I can't keep doing that,"

Ally runs down the stairs,

"Ally .... the... right"

She pressed the earpiece,

"Avalon? Avalon?"

Ally jumped down on the cement, still trying to reach Avalon,

"Come on,"

Ally tries calling Avalon again, while looking around the corner and noticing the gang loading bags into their vans,

"There are only two more vans," A man yelled

Ally watched as he told some poor fools to start driving the vans,

"Ally they..."




The alleyway she is in starts to shake,


Lights drive by her as she leans on the alley wall,

"Snap out of it!"

A sharp pain hits her, making her see clearly,

"The office. I'm in the office," Ally thought

"You've been staring at that picture for an hour," Avalon said

Ally looks at her finding the sun shining in the room, casting a bizarre glow to the room, Avalon notices her dazed look before saying anything, Damien runs into the room out of breath,

"How is she?" Damien asked

"Did you call him here?" Ally inquired

Avalon rubs her head wanting her headache to stop, but it doesn't it only intensifies.

"Yes, I did, You need to be watched after what I've seen, You fainted before my eyes and almost falling flat on your face, but I caught you just in time," Avalon says

Damien walks to Ally and grabs hold of her hand, Ally bewildered by him tries to pull her hand away only to fail,

"I'm going to check her with the doctor," Damien says

Avalon turns her attention to Ally, leaning on him for support, breathing slowly.

"Yes, go. I will report this to Sal,"

Damien picked Ally up, carrying her to the door, which Avalon opened for him,

"I can't see," Ally says

"What do you mean you can't see?" Damien asked

Damien walked through the halls with her in his arms, staring at him awed.

"Are you alright," He asked

"I shouldn't have said that. She's not fine," Damien thought

He runs down the hall,

"Watch out," He yells

A woman moves out of his way yelling at him, which he doesn't hear, he is too busy taking a glance at Ally,

"Her breathing is normal," he says

He smiles and stops at the door, only to notice that he needs help,

"Hey, anyone in there? it's an emergency!"

Hurried footsteps lead to the door opening,

"Hurry bring her in,"

"Are you going to say anything?"

I didn't bother to look up at him.

I jumped at him blaming his hand on the table,

I glanced at him, saying, "Yes?"

He scoffed, lifting his hand and leaving a dent in the table, he walked around the table standing in front of me. He just stands there waiting for something, maybe for me to talk.


He grabs my face,

"Nice eye patch," He says

I grabbed his hand and pulled his arm away, I glared at him saying "Don't touch me,"

He scowled at me, walking back to his chair and sitting down.

"You have no say here… the only reason you still live is that you're the mayor," he said

I keep staring at him only to have something pick me up,

"You have told me nothing, hell You didn't know your own family owed the mafia billions," He says

The chair fell on the floor as I looked at the thing that was lifting me, it was dark. I can barely see it… I feel like I have heard of it before,


"Yes, aura?" He says

The aura drops me, causing me to land back in the chair, and it breaks, I curse under my breath as pain surges in my back.

"Their men move closer,"

He sighed,

"Haven't they had enough?" Blake asked

He walks away from me to the door and opens it leaving me with his words, "Aura bring her with us,"

I looked at the darkness before seeing nothing.

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