Chapter 64: Matthew III
Matt entered into Slumberland he had a normal dream of him and his siblings being on holiday and he didn't have to take care of them, but just then his happy bright dream turned dark, he saw that he was now alone with his family no where in sight, he cried out for them.
"Mom Dad, Evie??" where are you guys??" he cried
But instead of his family answering him, he saw a crooked guy with a crooked face and an evil smile, he looked like Voldemort from Harry Potter but he was even more vile than that, he had white pale skin that made him look like a zombie, his head was bald and he had a long nose, his finger nails were very long it looked like he hadn't cut them in years.
"Who are you??" asked Matt as he was trembling
"That is not important right now" the guy answered and after he answered he leaned into Matt, he closed in on his Neck, his long sharp nails dug into Matt's skin and he was about to Bite him.
When Matt suddenly woke up from the Nightmare and screamed "Ahhhhhhh" Matt was shaking and he couldn't catch his breath it was then he realized a hand was on his head.
"Matt what's wrong??" asked Mrs. Sundew as she was caressing her son's hair before he screamed out of his dream. Mrs. Sundew was a sight to behold her silverish- blonde long curled hair was dropped down from her usual bun style to flowing over her neck, her dark Blue eyes illuminated in the moonlight that was shining in Matt's room from his open window.
"Mom I had a nightmare" he said
"Again??" asked his Mom
"Yes" answered Matt as his Mom handed him a glass of water.
"What was it about this time" asked His Mom "
Well I saw this guy..." said Matt as he narrated the things that happened in his dream.
Matt's mom Hugged him tucked him into bed and started singing in an unknown Language "Dormi Dormi deliciae relinquere malas cogitationes post Dormi deliciae" she sang in a sweet tone as she caressed his hair, Matt didn't know why everyone in their family could understand the song and speak the strange language, it seemed like every true Sundew would be able to sing it and understand it.
As soon as the song ended Matt fell into a deep sleep, Suddenly there was a loud Thud on the balcony of Matt's room and it was his Father Lucas.
"Lucy what happened this time??" he asked his wife
"Well Matt had another nightmare again, it all started when we told him the truth" she said as she looked at her son that was sound asleep
Matt's father Lucas was drenched in sweat it looked like he had been running for long and it made him look even more breathtaking, his dark brown eyes glowed in the dark room, his red hair that was usually flowing was down and covered in sweat, his shirt was also wet and showed his torso.
Like the old saying goes "Like Father like son" and it was very true in this situation because it was evident that Matt got his good Looks from his beloved father.
"Luke just go take a shower now because you are drenched in sweat we will talk about the matter on hand later" said Lucy, Lucas Glanced at his sleeping son and he felt reluctant to go but he finally gave in" Fine I will go take a shower" he hissed
By the time Lucas was done he tied a towel dried his hair and went to their Bedroom, Lucy was already there ready to go to sleep and she was reading a book, Lucas put on his Boxers and climbed into bed.
"Luc when do you think his powers will manifest??" asked Lucas as he closed his eyes and rested on his pillow, Lucy turned to look at him and said "I don't know but I guess it will be soon since we told him the truth already"
"Then who's side do you think he will get??" asked Lucas as he turned to look at his wife "well we don't know for sure but when he does we will see" she answered
"But what I am worried about is that He is already after him which puts him in danger and he can't protect himself yet" said Lucinda as she put down her book and started in the direction of Matt's room.
"Yes i am also worried but what do we do they already summoned us this evening" he said "But what if i go to Vice Chancellor Stella i know she can help me she will always help me" said Lucinda
"NO" said Lucas with Rage as he looked at his wife, "Those people have shown how they really feel about you, i mean for goodness sake your own Father disowned you" he said
With those words disowned Lucy Burst into tears "Honey i am sorry it just came out i didn't mean to hurt you" he said as he caressed her back and kissed her forehead and she calmed down a little.
"Listen well Lucas look i Love you and that's why i left everything including my family to marry you, and don't make it one seem one sided because the last i remember you were removed from heir to the throne because you married me, we are both in this together we love each other and we have raised 9 beautiful children, and we need to protect them because it's you and me verses the world baby" said Lucy as there was a glimmer in her eyes.
Lucas thought to himself , this wife of his was strong and knew just what to say to make him calm down and that's why he fell in love with her, not because she was beautiful no but because she always knew what to do, she always thinks fast on her feet in any situation and she is a good mother.
Who would have thought that a Vampire and a Witch would be together