Chapter 65: Matthew IV
How i Met your Mother
"Lucinda Lucinda where in the heavens has that girl run too now??" asked Sophie Lucinda's maid that was supposed to look after her but how could she when couldn't even find her
Deep in the Decantans Forest
"Bella i think we are far enough now" said Lucinda as she stopped running to catch her breath
"Yes i think you're right Lucy, lets change here" said Isabella, who was Lucinda's best friend
"pila habitu exponentia said Lucinda and suddenly the jeans and top she and Bella were wearing and replaced it with a ball dress.
Bella's ball dress was a deep purple colour that complimented her blue eyes, she had long black dark hair and now it was in a chignon that was complimented with a gold tiara, and her swan Black Mask covered her eyes.
Lucy on the other hand had a white long dress that fitted her so well it made her look simply breathtaking, it made her dark blue eyes glow in the Moonlight, her short neck length silver white hair was in a waterfall braid style and she looked stunning, she wore a dark blue swirly mask that covered and matched her eye colour.
"Come on Lucy or else we are going to be late for the Vampire Masquerade Ball" said Bella.
Only a few people in the witch world knew about the existence of Vampires and werewolves in the witch world, the King and Queen had made sure, that the existence of these supernatural beings were kept under wraps because they didn't want the realm to fall into Chaos.
And both Kings and Queens of the Vampire and Werewolf realms agreed to not tell their people that the other species existed to avoid mixed races and Marriages.
But still with that some people still knew and they are the members of the High Council, and Lucinda being a daughter of a member of the High Council her father made sure she could protect herself and know about all these matters for when she too, will join the High Council and of course she told her Bestie Bella.
Vampires lived in a secluded part of the witch world they made sure never to be seen by witches or werewolves, they stayed on their land, while werewolves on the other hand were very easy to deal with because they looked like humans most of the time and it was only in the duration of a full moon when they couldn't control their powers that they would go to the badlands to stay till it passed.
Vampires were very beautiful creatures they had strange hair colours and eyes, they had very extraordinary sense of hearing, they could see in the dark, and contrary to the old tales about them they didn't drink blood, in fact their king, King Henry made a law that the drinking of Human or witch blood was prohibited to all vampires but with the exception of every 500 years the royal family could drink blood to refill themselves while the normal vampires were only allowed to drink animal blood.
Werewolves looked just like humans and witches you won't even be able to tell the difference between them except for their powers, werewolves had super strength a good sense of smell and hearing and they could climb very well, it was only on the event of a full moon that their natural instincts would kick in and they would become their full wolf selves.
This midnight there was a masquerade ball held by the Son of the Vampire King, in the Decantans Forest, and once Lucinda heard about it she and Bella has agreed to go to the Ball, they were intrigued by vampires because they had never seen one in real life before and they were curious to see these mystical beings.
Deep inside the Decantans Forest they could see some flashy lights and Music, the ball was being held under the moonlight and everyone had masks on, Bella and Lucy awed at the many beings they saw, they expected them to look more ugly or mystical but instead they looked like any other witch would, but they looked even more gorgeous.
It was like the whole forest was turned into a magical mystical place. "Luc remember to keep a low profile we don't want them finding out that we are imposters" said Bella as she and Lucy walked to the Dance floor. "Well Bella it's too late for that i think we are a little overdress" said Lucy as she facepalmed herself.
All eyes were on the two beautiful maidens with beautiful dresses and expensive masks, they looked stunning especially Lucy as she glowed in the moonlight.
It didn't take long for the maidens to meet some wooers.
"Would you care to dance with me fair maiden??" said a young dark-haired handsome man with light brown eyes as he stretched out his hand to Bella, and Bella could only awe at his handsomeness and she took his hand without waiting and with that she and the mystery Vampire were dancing in the moonlight leaving Lucinda watching by the side of the dance floor alone.
"Hello little lady would you care to dance with me??' asked a brown haired guy as he smiled at Lucinda mischievously, Lucinda was about to decline when another man spoke up and said "Jamie that Lady was about to dance with me"
"Oh really your highness i am sorry she is all yours" said Jamie as he backed away.
Without warning, the Prince grabbed Lucinda's hand and pulled her to the dance floor, he put his hand of her waist and she on his neck and they began to waltz together.
"Thank you your Highness for saving me from that guy i don't know what i would to" said Lucinda as they swerved and danced together in the moonlight, it was then Lucinda was glad her father forced her to learn to dance or else she would have embarrassed herself right now.
"Your welcome but who said i wanted to save you from him??" he asked "I actually wanted to dance with you , how can a pretty lady like you be all alone in a party like this" he said
It was then Lucy looked up to look at him, she now noticed the features of his face, from his very dark red hair to his beautiful dark green eyes that glowed through his black mask, and the black suit he was wearing was beautiful.
"But still Thank you your Majesty" she uttered as she stopped herself from looking more at him, he then spun her and said "My name is Lucas stop being so formal and call me Lucas" said Lucas
"Okay your Maje...I mean Lucas" said Lucy "Hmmm yes now that's better" he said "So tell me which district are you from??" asked Lucas "District??" asked Lucy. Witches Didn't know much about Vampires, buy because Vampires were meant to lay low to not reveal their existence they were spread out into 5 districts they were
Va- where the royals and the government officials lived it was very close to the border of the witch world.
Mp- where the Middle class lived, they built nice houses there and were very civilized they even lived like humans and they didn't use their powers, their border was located in the heart of the Witch cliffs.
Pi- The Pi people believed that vampires would be at piece with all species and so they surrounded themselves with Witches and werewolves, they lived in the heart of the witch world.
Re- The re people didn't want to be under the monarchy of King Henry so they broke out from the Vampire Kingdom elected their own ruler and lived very far in another realm.
S- the S people were the magic dwellers of the vampire clan they believed that if they could take over witches they could become the superior race.
"District??' asked Lucinda "Yes silly district?? i mean don't tell me your a rouge??" said Lucas as he laughed at her confused face "Well the Little Lady tell me your name" he asked "My name is Lu..." and suddenly the dance ended and everyone cheered.
The Giant Clock on one of the trees dinged as it turned to one a clock
"Oh no i am late" said Lucinda to herself "Umm your Maje... i mean Lucas i am sorry but i have to go now Thank you for the dance" she said
And before he could even reply with a goodbye she had already grabbed Bella's hand and ran into the forest from the way they came.
"Oooh Luc you just stopped me from talking in a deep conversation with my Jacob!!" groaned Bella as they were still running "Jacob??" asked Lucy "Yes Jacob the Mystery man i danced with" she said as she had a smug look on her face.
"Look at you Belle look we are going to get in big trouble because it's already 1pm" said Lucy as she could not believe her Bestie's look right now "Well it's not like i was the only one that had fun i saw you dancing with that Handsome Red haired man too" said Bella
Lucinda Blushed "Well for your information he's the Prince and it was just because he saved me from a weirdo" she said as they finally stopped running, they heard some rustling sounds behind them.
"Luc i think someone is following us" whispered Bella to Lucy "yes i think you are right" whispered Lucy back.
They both stood still and didn't move any further and then they saw that is was a group of Vampires and just not Normal Vampires because they looked different compared to Lucas and the other Vampires at the Party, they had very pale skin and their fangs were out, their eyes were also blood red.
"Hello ladies" said a Guy that appeared to be the leader "what are you two beautiful ladies doing out alone at this time??" asked the Guy, Bella and Lucy didn't answer "Tell me are you deaf or dumb??' asked the Guy with anger as he took a step closer "Stay away from us" said Lucy as she was about to cast a spell.
"Oh don't be afraid little lady all we want is your blood and it will all be over" said the Guy and immediately all of the Vampires started pouncing towards them and Lucy was about to cast a protection spell " defensio.... but before she could finish the spell a man dropped from the air in front of them and he started fighting the Vampires.
He slashed their faces with his claws, there was blood everywhere, bella and Lucy didn't know what to they just stood there frozen in shock, but then a lady vampire jumped on the guy that was facing them and she was trying to bite him, so Lucy quickly thought and whispered "Levitatis incantores" and the lady vampire was lifted up into the air, which gave the guy and advantage.
All this time the Guy's back was what Lucy and Bella saw, they never saw the face of their hero, after throwing them all around a few times and punching their faces , the leader of the vampires said "retreat everyone" and with that command all the Vampires all jumped into the sky and retreated.
"That will teach those rouges" said their hero as he turned around and they finally got a glimpse of his face "Your Majes...I mean Prince Lucas Thank you for saving us" said Lucinda as she curtsied and Bella did the same "Don't mention it but you ladies should be getting back home now it's too late for you to be roaming outside" he said as he played with his hair and his dark green eyes were glimmering as he still had his black mask on.
"Yes Prince Lucas we will be heading home now" said Lucy "Well do you want me to escort you and your friend??' he asked "No there's no need but have a goodnight" said Lucinda "Oh night Little lady you forget that it's morning for us Vampires" he said as she smirked
"Well Good Morning then but we must be going now" said Lucy "Okay Goodbye Little Lady" said Lucas "Goodbye" said Lucy
It was already 2pm by the time Bella and Lucy got home, they used a spell to be levitated to Lucy's room's balcony "Ooops we forgot to change back" said Lucy "mutare tergum spell" she said and they turned back to their Jeans and tops, they quickly put on their nightwear and climbed into their beds.
"Goodnight Bella" said Lucy
"Goodnight Lucy" said Bella
And with those words they drifted into slumberland.