Chapter 63: Matthew II
Matt Picked up Noah and Carried him
"Hello Noey how was your day?" he asked his Baby Bro
"Matty Matty is was Awesomeee I drew used my hand to paint" he said as he laughed
"Oooh That's nice Noey" he said as he walked to to the Dining room
"Evie have you and the twins done your homework??" he asked as he put Noey on his seat
"Yes Matt, sheesh why you do have to be so annoying not even a hello" Evie said
"Okay sorry Hello Evie, Homework done??" he said sarcastically
"Haha yes" laughed Evie
"Okay where are Mom and Dad??' he asked
"They aren't back yet" answered Frankie as he looked up from the book he was reading
"Matt why are you late it's already 6 o clock" asked Edward
"Well a friend of mine kept following me and I didn't want her to get lost so it took a while" he said
"Ooooh a girl" said Evie
"Ooooh what is her name?? how old is she?? is she in your class is she your friend? is she your girlfriend??" asked all his sisters
"You see why I don't say anything with you all bugging me like this" said Matt
"Okay Sorry Matt" said Evie
"Sorry" said the Twins
"Sorry" said Kaylee
"But at least tell us her name" said Celeste
"Okay okay her name is Annie" he said
"Ooooh Annie what a nice name" his sisters answered
"Okay enough now" said Matt
"Oooh okay, so what do you guys want for Dinner??" he asked
"I want Pizza" said Noey
"I want sweet potato fries" said Edward
"I want Grilled Chicken" said Mark
"I want Fried Fish and chips" said Frankie
"I want Pancakes" said Ellie
"I want Waffles" said Celeste
"I want Lasagna" said Kaylee
"I want chicken soup" said Evie
"Ahh why I did I ask them what to eat??" thought Matt as he face palmed himself
"Okay okay settle down" he said as he stopped his siblings ranting
And they all kept quiet
"Okay Number 1 Ellie, Celeste, Pancakes or Waffles are for breakfast this is dinner we are talking about" said Matt as he tried to explain to his sisters
"Ohh yes we know" answered Ellie
"Okay then why are you suggesting Pancakes??" asked Matt
"Well because as school one of our classmates said that last night he ate breakfast for Dinner and so we wanted to try it" said Ellie "right Celeste??" she asked
"Right!" said Celeste
"The answer is NO we are not having Breakfast for Dinner" said Matt as he put his hand through his hair.
"Awww Matt no fair" said Ellie
"Ohh yes I'm the bad Guy" he said sarcastically
"Anyway the Good Options are pizza, sweet potato fries, grilled chicken, fried fish and chips, Lasagna and Chicken soup" said Matt
"So we have 6 options how will we choose??" said Matt as he was laughing
"LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS" said All his siblings in a Chorus
"Lots it is then" said Matt as he raised up his hands in the air
"Yayyyyyyy" shouted all his siblings
In a big Family like Matt's choosing what to do where to go or eat, is difficult because everyone one wants to do something different so Matt's parents came up with a fair way to choose.
It's called lots, each number represents one option and the papers are folded up and put in a bowl, the oldest person shakes the bowl to make sure it's fair and picks out a number, the number picked will be the option that will be decided on.
Ever since the first time the Sundew family tried this method, they fell in Love with it immediately because the method was fair and it made everyone always waiting and hoping for their number to be picked.
"Okay everyone let's do this" said Evie as she picked up a piece of paper wrote numbers from 1-6 on it, folded them up and put them in a bowl.
"Okay number 1 is pizza, number 2 is sweet potato fries, number 3 is grilled chicken, number 4 is fried fish and chips, number 5 is lasagna and finally number 6 is chicken soup" said Evie
"So now without Further ado Matt would you please do the honors??" asked Evie as she smiled and handed the bowl to Matt
"Of course with Pleasure" said Matt as he smiled and took the bowl
As Matt's hand reached into the bowl, everyone was on the edge of their seat waiting patiently for the answer of the lots, it seemed like Matt was being slow on purpose to torture them, but finally his hand took a paper he placed the bowl on a table and he slowly opened the paper.
"And the number is... 1!!!" said Matt
"Yayyyyyyy" said Noey
"I win I win" he said as he danced around the table
"Awww" said everyone else as they looked disappointed but they still wanted Pizza
"Okay now what topping do you want on your Pizza?" asked Matt
And then everyone started arguing and shouting
"Cheese, chicken, PINEAPPLE, plain, Barbeque, vegetarian, SARDINES, PORK"
"Ahhhh why did I ask the flavor??" thought Matt as she Face Palmed himself
After dinner it was now 7pm and Matt's Parents were still not home, everyone was watching tv, while Matt and Evie were washing the dishes, by 7:30 they were done washing them and Noey was alright fast asleep.
"I am going to put Noey in his bed" said Matt as he walked upstairs and Placed Noey in his bed
"Goodnight Noey" said Matt as he kissed Noey's forehead
"Goodnight Matty" said Noey as he was rubbing his eyes and fell back asleep
The children watched tv till 8pm and Matt switched off the tv, his parents were still not back yet it was weird they were always usually home by 7:30pm
"Okay now children time for bed go brush your teeth" Matt commanded his siblings as they went upstairs
By 8:30pm everyone was Fast Asleep and Matt was waiting for his Parents, he had dozed off and woke up at 9:30pm and decided to go to sleep, Matt went upstairs he brushed his teeth wore his pj's which had owl prints on them he climbed into his bed and drifted into slumberland.