Tournament of Worlds

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

There was a few battles before they got to the ocean but it was very peaceful. Murrue gave the crewmembers the orders they can go on deck in their free time.

The girls had got some bathing suits in the supplies. The girls all change and enjoy the fresh ocean breeze. Jason was up there with them.

Murrue and Miriallia was at his side. Cagalli walk out to get some fresh air. She walked up to the three of them.

Cagalli "I am surprise that you guys can relax like this."

Jason "Well the people on the ship is checking the area as we move."

Murrue "Yep and not everyone has to be on the bridge while there are no enemies around. Its the perfect time to relax and enjoy the company of others." 

Jason skill was active. So any girls in his area was getting a little arouse.

They had been out there for a bit. Miriallia whisper in Jason ear "Can we go back to the room." She could feel how damp the bottom of her bikini was.

The same was with Murrue when she heard Miriallia ask Jason that. Murrue nodded her head along with her.

Jason "Sure if you two are tired of being out here already. Cagalli did not know what was happening other then her body was getting really hot.

Jason took the other two inside and was quickly pulled to Murrue's room where the bikinis did not stay on for long and both girls was pulling Jason to the bed to have some more fun time.

Jason had thought of the toys they had Cagalli got for them when they went shopping the other day. He made both of the girls bend over the bed and went and got the toys.

He took the pink one out of the bag it was a butt plug. He move behind Miriallia and insert it inside her. She gave a nice moan when it went all in.

Murrue was next she had a blue one put in hers.

Jason "Now you both will wear those until I say otherwise."

Both girls nodded their heads and the fun started. When both girls was pass out cuddling up to Jason. When a ding happen in his mind.

Lacus was messing with the system and found out that they could send messages back and forth. She sent him a nice picture of her in pink panties and bra.

Jason message her back asking how she's been doing.

Lacus was telling him all of the things she has done since coming back to the PLANTs. She has already level up two jobs and working on the third one.

She has been doing concerts on each of the PLANTs colonies.

Jason talk to her a bit before dozing off. The alarms went off that night all three was still in bed cuddle up with each other.

Jason woke up poking each in the cheek saying "Better wake up and get moving we are under attack."

Murrue sleepy said "Give me five more minutes." Jason got next to her ear said you move or you won't be able to move. She quickly got up and got dress.

Miriallia was just as quick when she felt Murrue jump off the bed. Both of them ran to the bridge. Jason ran to the hanger and got aboard the Strike waiting to see what was out there.

Zaft had sent another ship after them this one. It had the Buster, Blitz, Duel, and Aegis on it all equip with flying machines for Earth's gravity.

Jason had to depend on just jumping from the Archangel deck on top and back down trying to avoid being drop in the water where he would be a big disadvantage.

Mu and Cagalli both launch in the Skygrasper. Jason was jumping and knocking them off there flying equipment or destroying it one of them shot Cagalli down and she had to do a crash landing on an island while flying back towards the Archangel.

Jason had got on one of the flying things and was taking the fight to them when this happen. 

Jason finally got all of the flying machines destroyed and was only left with fighting the Aegis and both had destroyed the other ones flying machines.

Jason was jumping at the Aegis when it hit the flying machine he was using. The other three suits had already been pickup on the submarine that Zaft was using. 

Mu was trying to locate where Cagalli went to but they got his navigation unit so it was busted and could not go far since he could not get back to the ship.

Jason finally did some damage to the Aegis and sent it into the water below. Jason had to swim back to the Archangel and Mu landed to get repairs done.

Miriallia came across the coms "Where is Cagalli? She isn't back yet." Jason let me resupply and I will go look. Murrue "You only have a few hours before the sun sets be back by then."

The sun was already down when Jason came back. Murrue force him to take a nap before continuing the search in the morning they was not going to leave her behind till the found the wreckage or she came back alive.

It was the next morning Jason had only a few hours of sleep and he was back out looking. It was around 7 before he picked up the distress beacon from the Skygrasper.

He quickly went to the island and had the Archangel follow behind him so they could get what was left of the Skygrasper.

Jason found her on the beach waiting for him to get to her. When he got out of the Strike she ran up and hug him. This was what the screen on the Archangel was showing when they got close to the island.

Miriallia and Murrue had the same thing going through their heads. Well looks like it won't be much longer til there is another one. 

Jason release her and took up in the Strike cockpit and pull the Skygrasper from the shore line where it crashed. It was mostly still intact so it would not take long to repair. 

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