Tournament of Worlds

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

That night the alarms went off. Natarle on coms "First battle stations incoming Zaft helicopters and BuCUE. Jason got out of bed leaving a sleeping Miriallia.

He launched in the Strike. Mu was doing last minute checks on the new Skygrasper. Jason had to rewrite some of the controls since the Strike could barely even stand up straight.

He had to add the extra gravity to all of it. After taking some hits he finally got it where he could move on the surface. He destroyed the helicopters and got one of the BuCUEs.

The energy on the Strike was already getting low due to all the damage he took when he was rewriting everything. A radio came into and said to head to this area where they set up a trap. It was a female's voice.

Jason follow the plan and lead the BuCUEs to the area. Jason barely jumped out of the way when a huge blast erupted from under him destroying the BuCUEs.

His energy was spent. The Archangel came over to the Strike to pick it up and the rebels was all around it. The leader of the rebels and Murrue talk for a bit when it was decide we would follow them and try to help them if possible. The group was the Desert Dawn.

When everyone came out of the ship after putting on some camoflauge on the ship to hide it from the air. The officers met with the leaders of Desert Dawn.

So the only way out of the desert is through the Red Sea and out to the ocean but the Lesseps is in the coastal city before the Red Sea. Desert Dawn agree to help us get supplies in return we take down the Lesseps and free the people of the city.

Murrue look at Jason trying to get his thoughts since he would be the one doing most of the fighting. Jason "I can handle that." Murrue agree with to the demands of the Desert Dawn.

Miriallia was about to walk out of the ship when everyone else was returning other then the ones that volunteer to stand guard. Tolle walk up and confort her asking to talk again.

She quickly ran behind Jason and said "I already told you there is nothing more to talk about its over leave me alone." Jason stood between them. Tolle "Really Miriallia lets talk." Miriallia "There is nothing I was with Jason last night."

Miriallia was turning red she just remember how so many had heard her the day before. Jason just told Tolle to leave her alone or he would regret it. Tolle just storm off leaving the two of them and the others shocked. Murrue "Lets go rest its been a long night."

The sun was already coming up. Murrue "Jason lets talk and Miriallia too." They went to Murrue room which was on a hallway by itself so she had all kinds of privacy.

Murrue "This room is one of the only soundproof rooms so you can be as loud as you want here." As soon as they was in the room clothes was flying off and Jason was put on the bed.

It would be a long time before any of them woke up. Jason had finish is both of the girls multiple times and them both cumming a few dozens times each.

They went at it for a few hours. Jason lay down on the bed with one on each side cuddling up to him as he drifted off to sleep.

That night one of the cities that the Desert Dawn was part of got attacked by the Desert Tiger Andrew Waltfeld. The group went to help the city learning that he gave an order to burn it to the ground after giving them 15 minutes to get away.

The chief was telling the leader of the Desert Dawn when they arrived. The group wanted to go after them so a lot of them chase after Zaft and was going to revenge.

Cagalli also went with them. They caught up with them and a fight broke out Zaft destroyed almost all the vehicles that the rebel group had. Jason was following in the Strike.

The three BuCUEs attack the vehicles and Cagalli got save by her body guard Kisaka. Jason went and destroyed each of the BuCUEs the rest of the Zaft forces fled.

Desert Dawn was at a lost losing their city and now they lost a lot of men too. Jason got down from the cockpit. Cagalli was going on about getting revenge. He slap her across her face.

Jason "Why would you try and get revenge. You do not have the power to take him down and that will just lead to more hurt. You need to protect those you love or are dear to you before even thinking about revenge."

Cagalli "I know that but It just hurts right now." Jason "Lets get back to the base the Archangel is sending what supplies they can to help."

The next few days there was no movement and Cagalli took Jason to get some supplies that the crew need while Kisaka took Natarle to get the supplies the ship needed for the trip to Alaska.

 Cagalli "Dang what with these girls on the ship they are asking for some really difficult things. Jason look at the list and seen what Murrue and Miriallia was asking for along with Flay looking to get more beauty products.

Jason just shook his head thinking "How am I going to punish those two when I get back and we have time." Cagalli was red face going into the store that had what the girls was asking for. Jason stayed outside and watch her acting as a body guard.

Cagalli was too embarrass to go into a store like that with a guy so Jason let her go by herself. Cagalli came out she was so red.

Jason "Lets go get some food." They found a place to eat and that when they met Andrew Waltfeld. There was a little accident and Cagalli was wearing food all over her. Andrew took them to his mansion that he was staying in.

Andrew had Aisha prepare a change of clothes for her and let her take a bath. They left shortly after she got done heading back to the ship.

Aisha "Your just going to let him walk out of here. Andrew "That kid is very strong and if trained right he could end this war I believe."

The next few days went by quickly just doing little things on the ship. Jason was sneaking into Murrue's room to have fun with Miriallia while she was on the bridge or out discussing things with the Desert Dawn. After about a week the supplies that Natarle order was delivered.

The Archangel was heading out the next day. Cagalli convince them to let her and Kisaka to come aboard. Murrue thoughts "Well he is probably another one for Jason." 

It took the Archangel a few days to get to the city that lead to the Red Sea. The Lesseps was waiting a good distance from the city. Miriallia "Jason you can launch the Strike. Lt. Commander Flaga can launch once the Strike is out of the way."

Both launch and the Lesseps had 5 BuCUEs and LaGOWE that was the last to launch. Mu was firing at the Lesseps and was trying to keep the BuCUEs off of the Strike.

Jason had move quickly and took care of three BuCUEs as soon as he landed. The other try to surround him but it was only a few minutes and they was cut in half. Mu was able to focus on the Lesseps destroying its engines and weapons.

Andrew gave them the order to retreat no need to lose the lives of his men. Andrew and Aisha was in the LaGOWE and was heading to face the Strike.

Jason was dodging all his blast. He took a leg with a slash of the beam saber. Jason remember this seen and was wondering why Aisha did not survive so he would try and give her the best chance. Jason kept slashing and they was slashing and dodging just like him.

They traded a few blows before the gun on top got cut off resulting in a small explosion on the suit. Andrew told her to leave she said nope not leaving you.

Jason made quick work and slash all of the parts of the LaGOWE just leaving the cockpit and he sent it flying with a punch.

Jason and Mu return to the Archangel and it sailed past the city and to the Red Sea heading towards the ocean. It would take them a few months to get to Alaska.

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