Fully transformed, I rushed towards the door and broke it as I ran outside in all fury.
However, I stood still while panting heavily as I found the people who had been innocently going about their businesses like they were normal people, currently holding knives, chains and pitchforks as they got ready to attack me.
Now this was the problem, I couldn't fight. And as if sensing that I couldn't do a thing, they began to move nearer as they gathered around me.
When I looked around for any sign of the boy or the lady, I realized they weren't anywhere to be found. Infuriated, I charged forward and the people fearlessly brought their pitchforks and knives, swinging it at me and making me move back only to be punctured from another angle.
"Come on Wolfie, fight us!" One of them loudly challenged me.
"What a disgusting creature! Trying to take our dragon away just for its selfish reasons!" Another one spat out in anger as he rushed up to me and nearly ran his knife into my skin, making me quickly act fast by punching him with my front leg, causing him to stagger and fall heavily to the ground.
"How dare you vile creature come into our land!"
"You're evil!"
"It's a good thing we caught you on time or who knows what would've become of our dragon!"
They kept rattling on as they rushed forward but I growled angrily at them, baring my sharp canines at them.
Suddenly, a large stone was flung at me and it struck the right side of my face, making me feel slightly dizzy.
As I looked in a direction, I found a little boy looking really angry as he got ready to throw another stone again while shouting, "Kill the wolf, save our dragon!"
And everything they did only amplified my anger and as if energy got imbued in my body, I charged towards them and began to bite and claw at their faces and bodies in anger.
The more I attacked, the more they ganged up against me as they pierced my skin with their pitchforks and knives while some even climbed onto my back and used the iron chains to strangle me.
Wow! The audacity of these people!
I tried to make them fall off my back but they were relentless and I began to bite them viciously while groaning and howling in pain. And the more the chain stayed around my neck, the more my eyes began to lose focus and it gave them so much advantage.
The amount at which I was stoned, pierced, kicked and scratched, the more I felt like I was really going to die. They were too much and I knew I couldn't fight against them even if I tried.
"Kill the wolf, save our dragon!" Their chants kept growing louder as they tried to end my life.
Was this how I was going to die?
In the hands of the people who saved me?
I groaned in pain and tried one more time but they pressed me down, pinning my head to the ground and a buff man approached me with a large axe, ready to cut my head off my body.
When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a familiar hay roof firmly supported by strong wooden sticks.
Confused, I tried to sit upright when someone instantly came to meet me.
"Mister! You're awake!"
I dully looked at the person and my eyes took a while before it focused on his face and I soon realized it was a young boy.
"Master! He's awake!" The boy screamed and a woman rushed in with her eyes wide open as she came to meet me.
"I can't believe I'm face to face with the last dragon, this is beyond my comprehension," she said and tried to touch my face but I moved away slightly and she quickly withdrew her hand.
Suddenly, loud screams and shouting filled my ears, making me inhale sharply at the distress it caused me.
But when I heard a loud howl of an animal, my head quickly snapped in the direction I heard it in alarm.
"Where is my wolf?" I asked and they stared at me in confusion.
"Your wolf?" The woman asked in surprise.
"Where is she?" I demanded and got onto my feet.
"You can't go out there. She's harmful!" The boy warned but I pushed him aside and walked up to the door.
"Sire! She will kill you!" The woman rushed after me but I ignored her as I stepped outside and looked everywhere before my eyes zeroed on the crowd. And there she was, my wolf.
When I realized that they were hurting her and someone came with the motive of cutting her head off her body, my blood grew hot in rage and in a loud voice, I shouted; "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!"
And a strong wind blew all around, making everyone instantly give me their attention.
Shock was written all over their faces as they lowered their weapons.
A heavy silence settled as the wind died down until a woman screamed in delight.
"The dragon is awake!"
But instead of giving them my attention, I marched towards them and they instantly made way for me, distancing themselves from the battered wolf.
"This vile creature wanted to eat you, master," one of them informed me.
"And what made you think that?" I calmly demanded.
"It's a werewolf and it's because of them that your kind went extinct. They eat dragons for power," one of them explained.
Without saying a word, I moved towards the wolf and carefully ran my fingers through her furry head. There was someone about touching her brown fur that made me feel relaxed and excited at the same time.
Was it possible to feel that way at the same time?
Her soulful eyes dully met mine briefly and she breathed out in relief and before she passed out, I heard her voice in my head say, 'It's such a relief to finally see you on your feet.'