Chapter 6: 5
"W-What!?!" "W-What!??!"
"Y-Yeah its my.... first race..."
"How can you be so good at your first race?"
" uh... I just wa-"
" *kneels* Master teach me your ways "
"W-What are you..."
"Please refuel your karts and prepare for the race as qualifying has ended , you will be given 10 minutes to prepare so please proceed as instructed"
"O-Oh... Im... going to prepare , S-See you guys later"
"Me too , catch you later man..."
" *sobs* M-Master.... Noooo!"
While going back to the garage...
I saw my dad
"Son! Over here!"
" *runs* dad! *hugs* "
"Great job buddy..."
"Thanks dad..."
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Predict their movements..."
"I just saw it... it was like I black out and just sense what they do"
"Son.... I..."
"What dad?"
"I think... you have... a special ability..."
"Your grandfather had one... and he would always tell me stories on the times he has used it..."
"What are his ability?"
"He used to name them , his was Eyes Of War"
"Eyes of war?"
"I think I told this once before... that your grandfather was a soldier in the korean way right?"
"Yeah I think I remember..."
"Well he was not a normal soldier... he was one of korea's 16 battalion grand commanders... , All 16 of those commanders had an ability that I think you have...*
"So I also have an ability similar to grandfather?"
"Well... father said that there are a lot of variants of the ability... he said it could be awaken at 5-10 years old... the ability depends on the passion that you have during the age..."
"So what did grandfather's passion while young?"
"He had the passion to protect... at first he named it Eyes oF Honor , but when he was drafted to the war... He had a change of passion , And it was to protect his nation by any means necessary and thats when he awakend his ability to evolve..."
"It... evolved?"
"It became Eyes Of War , he could Sense Danger , Hear enemies far away , and could see heat signatures for a moment , wich helped his battalion to only lose 1 soldier"
"I-Incredible... so what do you think my ability is dad?"
"I cant say... I think you'll be the one to figure that out , remember its your ability no one else has it... its your own... but as your passion is racing it might have something to do with it"
"Okay... I think... Ill name it... Eyes Of Sensing a Overtake by the enemy behind me!"
"Maybe a little shorter...."
"Hmm... Ah I know , what was that animal that could sense danger?"
"I think... A Leopard can?"
"Yes! That Ill call it THE EYES OF LEOPARD"
"Hmm... Okay that sounds better..."
"And I might al-
"All drivers , please proceed with your karts to your positions..."
"Oh... I have to go dad!"
"Well then.... crush them tiger!"
"Dad its Leopard :/ "
"Err whatever just goodluck Min-Soo!"
"Thanks dad"
'Commentator 1'
"As the drivers line up I really only have one driver to watch out and it is driver 28... being in his first karting race yet he already placed on the front row , despite all of the other drivers here are quite experienced"
'Commentator 2'
"Well no matter how good you do in qualifying , you still need to be good at the race , so we'll have to find out if this child is a prodigy or he was just lucky"
"The race will start in 3.... 2... 1... And..."
To be continued