Chapter 5: 4
Lap 4 of Qualifying
'Eric Magloosen'
"Test the viking if yer can , hehehe"
'Driver 10'
" (where should I go?.... trun 10 ill divebomb!)"
" *eyes glow* heh..."
" *tries to dive bomb* "
" *takes the inside line* kekekeke , yer cant over take me boy!"
"N-No way! *tries to move in the inside line*"
"Moves into the inside line immediately"
"This guy has fast reactions... ill fake him out the next turn..."
"Cant get around me cant yer?
" arghhhh!"
" * eyes glow* hmmmm... what should i do... he'll try to fake me.... I know I'll just brake check him before he gets to the next corner Kekeke"
"Three.... two.... o-"
" *brake checks* kekeke"
" *Brakes hard* W-What are youd doing!!??"
"Kekeke , cant pass me f***er!"
Meanwhile at the front on the 5th lap
'Hyuk Min-Soo'
"He's going to divebomb me!"
'Commentator 1'
"As they approach the final cor-
'Commentator 2'
"Driver 16... is he going to try.... yes he will!"
" * goes inside* no he doesnt have it! "
"Driver 28 defended driver 16 just in time amazing prediction from driver 28 there!"
"I agree , driver 28 has done amazing defending from driver 16"
"As they both get to the last turn , they will know race to see who has the much faster lap!"
" *steps on the pedal harder* haaaaaaaaaa I need to atleast make it near the front row!"
"As The both of them pass the finish line we will announce the positions after all finish..."
After all finishes
'Eric Magloosen'
"Hey yer! , Hey monkey!"
"You talkin to me?"
"What do you want? *gasping for air* "
"How come I aint ever seen yer during qualifying "
"I was in front... hah.. hah"
"Impossible how does a mon-"
"Who dare interrupt me while i-"
'Driver 16'
"What did you say?"
"Yes I am... and you?
"Heh... Im Eric Magloosen! The son of the great legend Kevin Magloosen!"
"Who's that :l "
"Y-You Bastard! "
"Your the guy that I was battling right?"
"Yes... number 16 , whats your name number 28?"
"Hyuk Min-Soo"
"A korean?"
"Im Monegasque , Monaco you know?
"Yes... FX races there right?"
"Yes , they do"
"Have you ever seen the races in person?"
"Many times already... around 5 times"
"Wow , I want to see in person too but... I might need to become a Formula X driver first hahaha"
"Hahaha Nice to meet you Min-Soo , how old are you?"
"Im 8 years old"
"So around 3 years younger than me..."
"U-Uhhh... soryy we forgot abou-"
"Yer **** ill **** the both of yer , yer ***** ****** you f-"
"We will know announce the placments if the driver here... there are 15 drivers , 15 different positions
In last...
Driver 64
Followed by---
Driver 10 placed 8th on the starting positions
"That guy was f****** trash kekeke"
"Driver 11 placed 7th on the grid.."
" hehe..."
" * looks* did you...."
"Driver 28 placed..."
"2nd and 1st place was taken by driver 16"
"This bastard got 1st...."
"Hey Min-Soo , Nice driving Bro"
"Thanks man..."
"How many times have you raced before?"
"Uhhhh... this is my first :b "
"W-What!!!" "What!!!!!!"
To be continued