The Heavenly Winged Dragon's Omni-Gacha

Chapter 4: Gacha Chapter 4: Small Introductions, and First Jobs

After taking his first proper shower since transmigrating into this world, Solis re-entered his temporary bedroom in his new set of clothes: A fresh set of oversized pyjamas gifted by Mira which consisted of fluffy orange pants and a loose, fluffy hoodie with a dog design on it, [If I had a nose, I'd have a nosebleed right now] Celeste announced, causing Solis to cackle a little before jumping into a bed- an actual one, "Fuck yeah..." He smiled joyously, performing a snow angel on the bed, "An actual bed, I missed this"

Without realising it, whether it was because he was extremely tired or the nostalgia of sleeping in a proper bed, Solis' eyes were quick to close as he entered a long, peaceful sleep.

The night seemed to last forever which Solis was thankful for, waking up extremely energised with not even a small ounce of tiredness in both his mind and body, "Uwahhh~..." He yawned and stretched, smacking his lips together and a few times as he got out of bed and entered the bathroom, washing his face and then using a magic toothbrush which instantly cleaned his teeth with a simple touch and extremely minimal consumption of magic power, 'I love magic'

Without a care in the world and what others might think of him, Solis decided to leave the room and head down and join the guild without having changed out of his pyjamas (He was too lazy to change), his hands in the pockets and the hoodie up, slightly over his face which formed a light shadow over his forehead [Image]

Arriving at the guild hall with no one yet having noticed his presence due to the endless liveliness of the place, Solis began his second day as a Fairy Tail member by walking over to the bar to speak with Mira, where he would thank her once more for the hospitality. Once he took a seat and asked for a basic glass of cold water, they spoke for a good amount of time until a familiar pink-haired boy walked up to them, a blue cat on his head, "Mornin', pretty boy!" He greeted with a large, gleaming smile on his face, "We haven't properly met, have we?"

"Considering the only times we interacted yesterday is when you tried to attack me... no, I don't think so" Solis replied dryly, Mira unable to help herself from laughing a little as Natsu's cheeks went a little red from embarrassment, the fire-breathing boy jumping off of his seat before placing a foot down on it and pointing an accusatory finger at Solis,

"Well you're not any better, pretty boy! You punched my face multiple times and made me land on Gray!-" He yelled, an animated, angry look on his face which others could tell wasn't entirely real, Solis interrupting him slightly by saying

"All in the name of 'self defence'" He stated, a muffled laughter coming from Happy, Natsu's own comrade and friend, "Don't laugh, Happy! You're supposed to be on my side" Natsu cried.

Thankfully, after a bit of back-and-forth banter with Solis, Natsu, Happy, and sometimes Mira who joined in to make a few comments in the conversation, the boys eventually properly introduced themselves after squashing any minor beef, "The name's Natsu Dragneel, but some call me 'Salamander'" Natsu said, smiling while pointing to himself and exuding confidence

"Aye~! And I'm Happy" The cute blue cat spoke, giving a small wave to Solis who waved in return and smiled, "Solis... you guys are pretty cool and funny, I'll give you that" 

"Yeah, you too, pretty boy!" Natsu replied, ignoring Solis' blank stare at the nickname remaining, "We should fight at some point, I've heard your magic is pretty interesting!" The suggestion was quite interesting to Solis, 'I wonder if I'd get tickets for defeating major characters at full strength' He wondered

"Thanks, but it's nothing too interesting just yet..." Solis replied with a nonchalant wave of his hand, brushing the topic of his magic aside as he'd like to keep some of his cards to himself and catch people off-guard, "And you, 'Salamander'? I've heard about your powerful and unique magic"

And so, Happy decided to take charge of explaining Natsu's Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, informing Solis (Even though he already knew) that the boy was taught the magic by his dragon parent, Igneel, which allows him to eat flames to rejuvenate himself; spew fire from his lungs; wrap any part of his body in fire, and have the ability to slay dragons, 'I wonder if Dragon Slayer Magic would be more effective/lethal on me' Solis' curiosity was peaked, but at the same time he wasn't just yet willing to experiment by asking "Hey Natsu, punch me with your dragon slayer punch of fire"

"Oi, droopy eyes" Suddenly, Gray Fullbuster, the half-naked black-haired boy, stepped into their conversation and glared at the pink-haired boy who retaliated the same way, beginning a stare off between the two, "Did you take the Orc Quest, the exact same one that I specifically said I was going to take today?!"

"So what if I did? First comes first serve, Elsa, should've taken it yesterday if you wanted it so bad" Natsu replied, standing up once more as the two bumped foreheads and began to go head-to-head, their impressive magic power radiating from themselves,

"Hi-" All of a sudden, before they could fight like they do almost every hour of the day they see each other, Gray and Natsu found themselves looking at the new member of the guild, Solis, waving at the black-haired boy with a calm smile on his face, "-Before you guys fight, I'd like to introduce myself: The name's Solis, nice to meet you"

"...Uh..." Gray, frankly, was quite stunned. The same with Natsu, wondering what the pretty boy was doing as he looked at the back of his head, "Gray, nice to meet you I guess?" Ice man spoke with a raised brow in slight confusion

"Cool, you guys can fight now" Solis said with his traditional thumbs-up, the two uncontrollably jumping on each other and throwing blow after blow, and shooting magic after magic,

"Yo, Mira, you seen Levy?" Solis asked the white-haired girl who turned around and placed a finger on her chin in thought, tilting her head slightly which was quite cute, "She, Jet, and Droy took a B-Rank Quest - they're on it right now, so they probably won't be back until later today at minimum" She answered with a warm smile

"Thanks, and sorry... because it looks like I'm gonna be talking to you and annoying you today" He declared with a devious smirk, Mira closing her eyes as she smiled ominously in return, a menacing aura being released from the girl which caused the boy to sweat a little anxiously, "Oh...? I'd love to see you try, Solis"




"It's alright, man" Sat beside Solis was a large, muscular man with spiky white hair, patting the boy's back with his big hand while Solis had his head down on the bar table in defeat, "Don't go too hard on him, big sis" Elfman reprimanded Mira, the oldest sibling of the Strauss family,

"Hmh!" The barmaid produced a muffled chuckle with her closed, smiling mouth, a plate in hand as she turned around and walked towards Solis, carefully placing the small plate beside his head, "Here's my on-the-house-apology"

Turning his head, Solis was able to see a beautifully-made strawberry cake shining on the plate it was on. He sat up straight in a flash, his posture and raised head making him look like a meerkat as he excitedly grabbed the utensils beside him (Also given by Mira) and began to chow down the dessert with a smile of ecstasy on his stuffed face

"You'vew- ben fohgiven..." He spoke in between his chewing, eventually swallowing the bite as he gave the 10/10 cake a thumbs-up, "You're the best, Mira" Solis declared with a satisfied exhale, 

"You're welcome" Mira exaggeratingly rolled her eyes, taking the used plate and taking it to the sink where she began to clean it, a warm smile on her face as she would occasionally glance at Solis and her brother, Elfman, chatting and laughing from the corner of her eye, 'How fun'

[Why don't you take a quest? Considering you've got so much time on your hands...] Celeste suggested as Solis walked away from Elfman due to needing to use the restroom, the boy's eyes widening a little before sighing in realisation, 'Right... I forgot about the CHORES I'd have to do' He released another sigh, before smirking a little, 'Also, I noticed the pun, CC, not a bad one' He could hear the A.I. woman laughing a little, the two conversating whilst Solis released his bladder and washed his hands before leaving the restroom and heading to the request board where he was Nab once more, "What's good, Nab?" He acknowledged the man who turned to look at him and greeted him,

"Hey, Solis" Nab then turned to the board, looking at the board with extreme focus, "Just looking for the perfect quest to take... and you?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the board as Solis stood beside him, "Same as you..." He replied, looking at all the E-Rank Quests he could take which, as Levy had warned, purely consisted of chores rather than actual quests

"I guess I'll take this..." Solis mumbled to himself, reaching out to grab what he deemed to be the best quest out of the lot. The job required him to fly to a nearby farm and assist the farmers with the animals and crops, 'At least I'll get free vegetables and meats on top of jewels' He thought to himself, the free ingredients being the main reason why he took the quest even if the money wasn't necessarily the best out of the lot, 'If I've got more time today, I'll complete the other one (The one which rewards the most jewels)'

And so, with his first ever job in hand, Solis walked to the bar and called Mira over once she was done with speaking to the other members there, "Hey Mira, I'd like to do this quest, please" He placed the paper down for Mira to take, nodding her head in approval, "I'll inform them and mark the quest as yours... have fun!" She waved to the boy, not having to express any worry as it was only an E-Rank quest and there was no chance of anything dangerous happening




Well, except for all the mud and shit Solis would have to deal with. Thankfully, the farmers he was helping gave him a set of farmer clothes for him to change into which meant his dog PJs were still nice and clean, "Honestly, when I saw you at first I didn't take you as a person who did labour... but you're one of the most impressive people I've worked with in my long life" The senile old man who owned the farm complimented Solis as they and the other farmers sat down on break, eating a nicely cooked meal made by the old man's wife who joined them.

Around 2-3 Hours later, they were finally done with everything they had to do, which meant Solis had completed his job, "Here, kid, you did well..." The owner smiled as he handed the boy a few bags which contained the meat, vegetables, and money, "I even gave you a little extra..." He whispered to Solis who laughed a little and thanked him for the extras, "If you ever need more, feel free to come back here any time"

"Thanks, Old Man Nile" Although Solis had found the name/title a little odd at first, he grew to like the owner's name and got along extremely well with him and the other residents and workers of the farm, "I'll make sure to visit and help a few times... and make sure you tell your wife to give me the recipe for her steak next time, it was way too good"

After a bit more talking and laughter with the old man, Solis eventually flew back to Magnolia, arriving at the guild with bags in hand to see all the guild members silent, staring up at the second floor where Solis was able to see an extremely short, elderly man with a thick white moustache and white hair sticking out from only the outer rims of his head. By the sounds of things, the old man was telling off the Fairy Tail Guild,

"-Nother complaint from the council about all the destruction you guys caused in the past week while I was gone, and all the damages I'm gonna have to pay because of you brats!" The man yelled, holding up stacks of paper in his enlarged right hand. However, as Solis took the time to look around and see what the guild members were doing while the man was speaking, he noticed they were simply smiling and even laughing a little, not taking the man seriously, "Oh well, who cares?" With a shrug of his shoulders, the elderly man proceeded to throw the papers in the air before burning it with fire magic for Natsu to eat as a little snack.

The guild then broke out into a cheer, and everyone went back to doing their own things which, in this case, consisted of a majority of the members entering a large brawl once again.

"Hey, I'm back" Solis, back in his pyjamas, waved to Mira as he took a seat at the bar, placing the bags on the counter, "And I've got a few things" The girl stopped what she was doing and stood in front of Solis, looking at the bags while wondering what they contained,

"Some meat..." The boy emptied 2 bags which contained quite a lot of fresh beef and chicken, and a bit of lamb and pork, "Some vegetables- and fruits, even" He then emptied another 2 bags which contained fresh lettuce, cucumber, carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes, 'Yuck', he cringed in disgust as he looked at the red vegetables, "And this bag contains my money, so that's for me" Although 20,000 Jewels (About $200) wasn't the most, at least Solis now had money to his name even if only a little

"Wow! That's a lot of cooking ingredients" Mira gasped at the large collection of food, "Would you like to me to make something for you using them?" She kindly asked, [She really is good wife material, isn't she] Solis couldn't help but agree with Celeste. Either way, after handing the bags to Mira who would store it in the guild's fridge for him, Solis informed the girl that he wanted a chicken dish before being spoken to by a familiar voice,

"You must be the new member Mira and the others have spoken about" Solis turned to see the short elderly man from before looking up at him with a smile on his wrinkled face, his arm raised in greeting, "I'm the Guild's master, Makarov!"

Out of respect, Solis stood up before introducing himself with a small smile on his face, "Nice to meet you, guild master... I'm Solis, thank you for letting me into your guild"

"It's no problem, anyone's welcome to join the Fairy Tail family!" Makarov laughed loudly, deciding to speak a little more to the new guild member in front of him, "I've heard that you've got some interesting magic in your arsenal, but it's only a recent awakening... how are they coming along?" He questioned, taking a seat at the bar which allowed Solis to return to his seat, [How cute, you're matching with the master] Celeste joked, pointing out that the orange in their clothing made it kind of look like they were matching,

"They both could be better, especially my Illusion Magic. But my Time Magic isn't too bad currently considering I've got a few spells already" Solis answered, Makarov nodding in understanding, "It's alright, boy, unlike me you guys have a lot of time on your hand - pun intended" Makarov smirked at his own little joke before carrying on, "Use that time you have to form closer bonds with your new guild and family, improve your magic, and whatever else you'd like to do in life... don't waste away your life by stressing away and rushing things, it simply puts you in a place worse than before"

Solis nodded his head with a small smile on his face, "Understood, guild master..." The boy knew what the man said was obvious, but there was something about Makarov of all people saying it which made it seem more wise than usual, [People with wrinkles and white hair tend to have that effect...],

"Anyway, don't let all this fighting scare you away and make sure you have fun, bye-bye!" Makarov waved, jumping down from his seat before walking away and stopping the large brawl in his giant form, leaving Solis by himself once more

"Here you go, enjoy" Mira placed a fresh plate in front of Solis, revealing the delicious, steamy meal of chicken breast, rice, and salad with no tomatoes, "Hopefully it's to your liking"

"I'm sure I won't be" Solis stated, causing Mira to chuckle a little at the compliment, "Thanks for the foo-" Suddenly, the boy felt an arm wrap over his shoulders, and noticed a few people surrounding him,

"Hey~ Solis, buddy~" Solis turned his head to the side and saw Natsu's smiling face staring at the food, his arm around his shoulders while Happy, who sat on top of his head, could be seen drooling while looking at the food, "You're not gonna eat that all for yourself, are ya~?" Natsu asked with a loud gulp from hunger

"It would be rude to not share" Solis then turned his head to the other side, noticing Gray had joined to chime in and throw his clothes aside, "Sharing is caring, and manly!" Elfman also added his two cents, eyeing up the food made by his sister knowing that the taste was going to be amazing as always

"It's mine!" All the boys shouted at once, jumping towards the food when a soft hand suddenly grabbed the plate and pulled it back, the bundle of boys looking up to see Mira intimidatingly glaring at them with a frown on her face, "Boys... this food is for Solis, and Solis ONLY... is that understood?"

The boys saw a demon, and backed off instantly, "You know what? All of a sudden, I've lost my appetite" Natsu spoke, Gray, Elfman and Happy nodding in agreement, "Mmmm~" Gray began to stretch while taking a few steps back, "You know, I'm actually quite tired... I'll be heading home now to sleep"

"Sis is too scary" Elfman admitted bluntly, releasing a small, low squeal seeing Mira avert her gaze directly at him, all the boys scurrying away from Solis to leave him be, "You're scary, y'know that?" Solis asked, the white-haired girl's scary aura dissipating as she gave a beaming smile, "Really? I don't think so~"

'Definitely Scary', [Definitely Scary] Solis and Celeste said at the same time, brushing away the thoughts as the boy began to indulge himself in the scrumptious meal 




"Fuck yeah... that was good" Solis uttered, patting his bloated stomach as a small burp left his body. He then looked at the time, and realised it wasn't too late into the day for another quest, "Thinking of taking another job?" Mira asked as she noticed him looking at the request board, taking the plate to wash later,

"Yeah, after taking a little rest... that food was really good" He said, even though anyone looking at him would be able to tell that he was stating the obvious, "That's good... if you'd like, as long as you've got the ingredients I can cook for you for free - since I know you don't have a kitchen yet, of course"

"Really!?" Solis sat up energetically, looking at the angel in front of him, "Honestly, just marry me already" He jested, evident sarcasm in his tone which Mira would reciprocate, "Take me out for dinner first before thinking about marriage, Solis" The two laughed, speaking for a while before Solis decided he had rested enough

He walked over to the request board once more and grabbed a job that paid 40,000 Jewels and required Solis to help a construction team as a mini-assistant, basically going around and helping with whatever was needed. After getting the approval from both Mira and Makarov, Solis flew to the location of the site and spent the next few hours helping the team with carrying things, handing the members drinks and snacks, and even being taught a few things by the kind construction workers

With an extra 40,000 Jewels to his name, Solis now had 60,000 Jewels and 2 E-Rank Quests Completed. If he kept up the rate of 2 Quests a day minimum, it meant he would be promoted to D-Rank by Early January/next month. Flying back to Magnolia, Solis took the time to plan out his next few months leading up to the start of canon, 'With close to 6 months until the beginning, I'll most likely be a C-Rank mage at minimum by then considering I'll probably slow down my job efficiency to put more time into training once I'm D-Rank

Training for all those months daily will probably get my masteries of Time and Illusion up to, hopefully, at least Intermediate if not Basic. I'll also get a free World Gacha Spin before canon starts, so perhaps I'll get another magic added to my arsenal... which basically means that things will only go up from now until canon begins, which is awesome'

Eventually, the boy arrived at the Guild where, realising it wasn't necessarily too late into the night and there were still quite a lot of members present, he headed into the library where he would focus on studying the Transformation Magic Book and, at the same time, work on his daily requirement of Illusion and Time Magic Training,

"Mmmm...!" Solis groaned troublesomely, rubbing the back of his drooped head with a tired expression on his face, "If only Levy were here so that I could borrow her glasses" With a loud sigh, he proceeded to rest the side of his face on the table and aimlessly stare at one of the tall shelves filled with books, 'Hey, Celeste...'

[...Hm?], 'Do you wish you were, y'know, not an A.I. in my head?', [...]

After a few seconds of silence, Solis exhaled a low huff as his lips curled up into a small smile, slowly lifting himself up off of the table as he decided it was time for him to call it a day and head back upstairs, 'It's alright, you don't need to answer if you don't want to... I already have an idea anyway' He said to Celeste, slight pity and guilt in his words as he wondered what it must feel like coming to life just to find out the rest of your existence is to live as a robot inside a random boy's head,

[Thank you, Solis...] Celeste replied, the boy picturing her smiling softly as she said so even though he had no way of knowing what she looked like, 'All good, CC'. And so, Solis went up to his temporary room, took a shower, and proceeded to sleep after conversating some more with Celeste




Meanwhile, inside a train heading towards Magnolia Station, a bunch of on-lookers curiously aimed their gazes at a quiet, stern-looking yet beautiful red-haired girl adorning armour. Although both her armour and beauty may have been what attracted most spectators, what drew the most attention was the massive tooth placed beside her

The woman opened her eyes, revealing a pair of brown eyes which looked outside the train's window attentively, "Hey, isn't that...?" A young girl looked at the red-haired girl, the boy beside her opening his mouth slightly in shock as he uttered fanboying-ly:

"Yeah, it's 'Titania' from Fairy Tail!"


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