The Goddess Made A Mistake Again

Chapter 56 - When The Blood Sticks To You ( Mild 18+ )

Anna felt a feeling she never felt inside her private cave before. It was as if she had contained her fluids that she should have ejaculated a long time ago and now it was ready to burst out of her.

The pressure and feeling of it was soo good that she couldn't stop or didn't want to stop it from happening.

"Some-Somethings coming!"

Those were the only words she could utter before her whole body spasmed hard and she came all over the floor as I continued rubbing her hard until I was sure that she was completely satisfied.

After cumming for the very first time in her life, her body completely gave up and she laid down over my body.

"Hah… Hah!"

I saw her breathing hard and her eyes hazy as if lost in a mystical world and smiled.

"You're all exhausted, right?"

She only gave a bare nod before slowly saying, "I… I can still… satisfy… you, master."

'Look at her, all heavy and no energy but still she thinks of satisfying me in her state, you really are the only one unique person I can find in this world.'

I rub her head gently and lay her down on my bed, "It's okay, Anna. It's your first time and you're very exhausted, it's only natural. Get some sleep and we'll continue this again one day."

"But master…"

"Nothing Anna, rest yourself for now. Besides, I'm not really in the mood for a BJ after what happened at the party." I kissed her forehead and got up, "I'll be up for a while, so don't worry about any attack."

"Okay" She said tiredly before closing her eyes and quickly drifting back to sleep.

Seeing that she had gone to dreamland, I went downstairs and told the manager to give me a few buckets of hot water for bathing.

It took a while but they delivered them before my room and I took them inside the bathroom. As I undressed myself completely, my body revealed all the blood spots there were on it.

Yes, I was hurt, but only by a bit. The reason why Anna wasn't able to distinguish them, was that there were a lot of blood on me that wasn't mine. They were also the reason why I asked for a hot bath.

Sitting down on the hard rock that is supposed to be some kind of chair for baths, I proceed to throw the warm water over me and slowly wash it down.

The bloods were everywhere, except for the face that I had already washed before. If I didn't then the people on the streets would have labeled me as psycho or murdered.

It was a cold night, so that's why it was much harder to clean the blood as they stuck on to me like degenerate tattoos. While there was Anna that could have helped me, but somehow I didn't want her to.

Maybe it was because in my eyes, she is and always will be the one innocent maid that has helped since the start. So in regard to that and many things, I didn't want her washing away so many blood of others.

"Sigh… at least now I know what she thinks about me." I said while throwing another mug of water over my head.


It was morning, close to 10 AM.

I was going to Viscount Valorence Mansion.

No, not the brother but Haiel. I still wasn't sure what to do with that guy, maybe the current circumstances would help me.

I went inside the garden as the mansion's view appeared before me. From up above, the mansion looked just as strong and beautiful as always. But it was at the ground where the true damage was.

When the thugs invaded the place, they not only broke the window, but left the doors and many parts of the walls in shambles. I could see the third floor room which now had half of its walls blown to pieces and saw people gathering items on the floor.

The guards?

I think they were already dead by the time they attacked and some were paid away by the brother to diddle away for a while.

I stood before the main gate as many workers fixed the door and other parts of the mansion.

"What a mess!"

"You can say that again." I look back to see it was Arthur who was approaching me.

"Why did they had to make such destruction of the doors and walls like this if they were just going to come through the windows?" I asked.

"They wanted to make a point," I turned to Arthur, "Whoever had organized this attack wanted to shame the viscount and by destroying the front part of his mansion, it would be a reminder to all who came, would see the viscount's failure."

'He's right about that. This would surely do that, but why though?'

'In the original story, Haiel would have died and Miel would have gotten this place anyway so why do something that would only bring shame to your family name?'

'Did he think that there was a chance his plans could fail and by doing damage to Haiel's reputation, Miel would have some way to get his brother's place?'

I thought but there were many holes in the plan and the story didn't go into much further detail other than defeating Miel in a certain point of the future and Elisabeth becoming Viscount of Valint.

"How was your sleep?" Arthur asked.

"Oh, it was wonderful." I sarcastically say to the guy as he gazed at the dark undertones of my eyes with a similar one like him.

It was quite impossible to sleep in times like this. Who knew what would happen to you while you're sleeping unguarded in a place unknown and without any guards?

"I know that was a stupid question but-"

"Then why ask?"

"… for conversation."

I looked at the guy who blankly looked at me before shaking my head, "Sigh… do you know why the viscount called me here for?"

"What else? To reward you for your excellent bravery the other night."

"Unhah, then why are we the only ones here."

"…Good point." Arthur nodded before walking inside the mansion alongside me.

"What kind of reward do you think; he'll give?"

"Maybe a sword…" Then he thought back to my huge sword and changed his words, "or something completely ridiculous."

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