The Goddess Made A Mistake Again

Chapter 55 - Anna's Innocence ( 18+ )

I showed her the sticky and slimy substance.

At first Anna didn't have a clue where it could have come from. How could she? She was a pure girl who had never participated in such activities before.

Sure she had thoughts about doing indecent stuff with Henry before but it always came down to doing indecent things… without any visual image.

As I slightly touched her inner lips of her vagina, Anna felt another jolt go through her and somehow knew that the sticky substance was hers.

'Did that thing… came from me? Bu-But how?'

'Did my pee really leak out while young master slapped me?'

Anna's face slowly glowed redder and continued until it felt too me that if I did anything more excessive, she would burst.

"You don't know?" I asked toying with her, "Hmm… then only one way to find out I guess."

Anna saw me carefully looking at the sticky thing before putting it inside my mouth and sucking it. She completely lost her mind as she saw me sucking on what she thought was her pee.

"Master Don't!" She said but I was already tasting it.

It was good. Not goona lie, with her in such position and my horniness sky high, anything coming out of her vagina would taste good to me.

"Hmm… it's quite good."

'Annh… he's already sucking on it with such a satisfied look. How do I tell him that it's my pee… and why is he actually tasting it and feeling good?'

I saw the various degree of confusion on her face and asked, "Tell me Anna, do you really not know what is this?"

"It's-It's my pee."


"But it is… you found it from my…"

I smiled at the ignorant girl, "This is not your pee but… your love juice."

"Love Juice?"

I nodded, "You see when women are horny they sometimes leak a fluid that comes out of their vagina. What you leaked just now was just that… your love juice."

"Still, it's similar to my pee."

"No, your love juice is kinda different and not similar to your pee at all," I don't really know if that's actually real or not, "It's just your lust coming out and it's definitely not something to be ashamed of."

"Oh! So master… do men also leak something like that?" She asked, purely wanting to fill her curiosity.

"Yeah, we do. That's why it's not something to be ashamed or," I touched her inner lips where such substances were and sucked them again, "be embarrassed to eat."

She shyly looked down, "But master… why are you drinking them?"

I came close to her and whispered, "How could I stop myself from drinking them, when my beloved Anna's love juice taste so good?"

She shyly looked at me and before I could say anything, she kissed me hard.




She sucked on to my mouth with intensity never seen before and it aroused me further. We kissed for a while before breaking, "I think it's wet enough."

"Hmm?" Anna didn't understand but felt something large and cold going through her private cave.

"Aanh!" Anna didn't know what, but the feeling just now was beyond anything she felt before.

I saw Anna moan as I put my index finger inside her vagina. Just as I had thought it was completely wet. So even if it was easy enough to go inside, it was kinda hard to move around.

Her vagina wasn't just wet but it was quite warm and very tight. A characteristic of a woman who has never masturbated before or did any kind of irregular activities.

Call me crazy, but finding out that my Anna was not only pure but pure to such extent only made me love her further. It also kinda made want to break all of her innocence and transform her into someone new.

But all will be done in time, first I have a very horny girl to satisfy.

I slowly moved my hand back and forth inside her, "How does that feel?"

"Hanh Hanh… I don't-… know how to… describe it master."

"Does it feel amazing?"


"Does it make your body quiver and weak all over?"


"Does it make you feel guilty but glad nonetheless doing such forbidden things with your master."


She was fully embarrassment but her mind was giving way to her body's pleasure to stop worrying about her words.

I stroked my fingers further and reached other places as I could hear her slight moans and heavy breathes. Seeing that she was ready for it, I put in my middle finger as well.

Anna suddenly feeling the my cold finger go through her warm vagina, felt even more joy and screamed, "Oh Yeah!" and instantly covered her mouth.

I smiled, "Come on, Anna. Scream out, moan as much as you can. Nobody's is here beside us, so don't be shamed anymore."

Anna shook her head in denial.

"Huh… so you won't do it?"

She nodded firmly. Anna has already been embarrassed to the point that denying Henry's words didn't seem that important, especially after what they were doing.

"Alright then," I popped my finger out, "Then no finger play."

Anna quickly looked at me with fake anger. She might not want to hear herself moan so shamelessly but she very much wanted her master's fingers to keep doing whatever they were doing inside her.

The feeling was so great that her mind was sure to break.

"If you moan openly without fear or shame, only then will I continue."

"Hnngh! Pervert Master!"

"Yes, I am a pervert," I said sucking on to her fresh, warm love juice, "But you still love me, right?"

Anna may have done quite shameful things with me, but she still wasn't ready to openly admit that as she looked away from me but didn't hold her moans anymore.

"Yeah baby." I resume finger fucking Anna and this time she didn't cover her moans nor lower them.




"Yeah that feels good!"

"Oh yeah!"

Various words came out with greater degree of moans as I continued masturbating Anna and it only took a few moments before I felt her body quiver and knew she was about to burst.

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