Chapter 20: Chapter 20
Ryan who stood in the midst of the crowd felt his blood boiling just looking at his sister fighting up in the ring. Majority present might think that Rein was probably loosing right now but Ryan knew well that she was just trying to adjust her body condition to the most appropriate condition needed for the match and she was trying to read up Chris every move.
" Now the real match begins" he thought as he looked at the match with great focus.
Back in the ring, Rein coughed a little as beads of sweat ran down her face. She looked at Chris who in a defensive stance was looking at her to attack the right opening.
She after feeling the reduce in the pain she felt from the punch straightened her back and looked straight into Chris eyes. Her usual composure was Noe back and her normal blank face attitude was what could be observed at the moment.
[Commentary: "whao, it seems like this is only the beginning, as we can see she's already adapted to the pain she had just received and this seems like she isn't falling down any time soon"]
Rein with a small stretch of her arms too on the offensive and dashed forward towards Chris who at the moment was read to defend against his hips and his face but what happened next was not what he predicted. Rein after being a feet near him with her two arms grabbed his neck and with one foot to the side up to her opponent with a single tie. Some of the ways one can set up the technique include pushing and pulling on the opponent to get them to overcommit with their forward posture or by faking a shot, so the opponent pulls their legs back.she made a heavy sitting towards the ground causing Chris lower body to hit the ground.
The recoil he felt sent an extreme rush of pain throughout his body causing him to feel paralyzed all over. Rein herself wasn't any better as her butt was also in pain.
[Commentary:" oh hell, that was a snap down and must hurt but stil it doesn't seem like the regular snap down for some reason, rein definitely was going for a slam. Obviously she wasn't planning on going down alone. Now this is what I call the butt decision"]
"Damn for a lady to do that to herself she sure is brutal"
" I bet that hurts as much as a punch"
"She's crazy"
Many comments from the crowd could be heard as what rein did was out of the predictions they had. For most men it almost same as having a kick to the groin.
A certain lady in black make up and nearly packed hair who was also watching the match clenched her fist in anticipation of what would happen next but after hearing the conversation going on in the crowd, she could help but speak.
"Enough of your weak comments, the match isn't yet over"
In the ring, both side slowly moved towards the edge of the ring ropes catching their breathe as they each rubbed the place of impact on their body.
Chris was not having it very good with himself. He was overly frustrated and annoyed about the fact that he couldn't even take down a newbie girl and what was worst amongst all this was that all moves rein made definitely were dangerous if one wasn't skilled enough.
" Seems like I'll need to end this match using my ability"he thought. Unbeknownst to him rein also had the same thought of using her powers to end the match as soon as possible since she was low on stamina and any more pain would cause her to collapse given that she was still recovering from the previous fight she had while escaping the chase.
[Commentary:"hm hmmm seems like both our fighters are planning on ending the match very soon. Who do you think will go down ...well that's a question which would be answered in few moments"]
"Crack"the sound of bones cracking could be heard at a close distance. Chris manifested his ability while moving side ways but forward in the direction of Rein. Jumping up he with a fist cover partially with bones punched downwards at rein who in turn used her telekinesis power to form a field force acting as a shield against the incoming attack.
He again dashed forward but this time he did a single spin kick landing a solid hit on her shoulders. Even though she was hit with this move, she retaliated with a fierce push to the ground with her telekinesis power in which she fainted from exhaustion and extreme pain.
Chris want any better since he landed on the ground of the ring with his face in direct contact with the ground.
[Commentary: "they both are down but it seems like Chris is still trying to get on his feet. 10, 9, 8,...]
And in chorus the who crowd cheered the count down together.
"3, 2, 1..."
At the last count, Chris managed to sit up panting. The who place resounded with cheers although the match outcome was obvious it was still worth it since both side gave it their all in the fight. The match lasted forty minutes with rein being carried away from the ring towards the resting spot beside the judges.
She was injected with a recovery medicine which after some minutes she regained consciousness butin a pretty bad shape. Bandages were wrapped around her shoulder which received the hit and beside her stood Sonia who was giving a small massage to the other side of the shoulder. Just when Sonia was beginning to feel tired of massaging Rein, the girl in black lip gloss with a black eye make up and a dark jet black hair appeared behind and offered to assist. She was dressed in a gray slightly baggy shirt and a black jean, her eyes were clear and her gaze was sharp but at the moment she spoke to assist, her sharp gaze was replaced with a calm gaze.
"Oh Holly, are you sure you want to do this it's sure not your type of thing to do" Sonia sighed.
"Don't worry , I can handle this little " Holly assure Sonia and sonia agreed . This could be observed that they both weren't strangers to each other and that Sonia had full trust in Holly.
Appearing on the second ring, the same girl who had appeared on the first ring to announce the start of the match was now about to do the same on the second ring.