The crows:Death falls on all eventually

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

In the ring, Rein had already changed from her sweat suit to a baggy pant and a upper tube which left half her body naked. Her smooth well built figure was very much evident to all that she was a great beauty with an elegant volvulus body. Her pair was packed into a poney tail style and her make up was pretty much washed away.

Chris from his own end wore a loose pant with his usual training shirt.

" What style should we fight with" Rein asked stretching her body.

"Which would you like?, boxing, kick boxing, wrestling, tai jitsu, taekwondo or chi"Chris responded.

" Would have loved Tai jitsu buh I think wrestling would be better"rein thought as she looked at chris, she later on choose wrestling and she took up a gripping stance.

On the other side of the ring Claire and Oscar decided to fight hand to hand combat with different fighting styles combined. Both fighting rings had the competitors in a stance waiting for the referee to give the go ahead signal.

"Bueno dias damas y caballeros" a man in cowboy dressing and a old woolen hat greeted the audience in Spanish. He appeared as the light in the whole room dimmed on a floating platform of about 10 meters high and a few meters above the fighting ring. A chair was behind him while he stood giving the commentary.

" At my right we have two individuals who would be fighting, I mean sparring. You know what , this is a fight as long as you step into the ring and so we will have a fight to watch" in his Spanish accent he announced.

The crowd cheered technically in agreement with what he had just said. Honestly, no one would want to spend his time watching a boring fight and given that it's between super natural ability holders , many would expect a fierce fight.

Rein who was taking her stance in the ring was thrown off guard by the new announcement. If it was a spar, she would confidently want to fight using wrestling due to it being a technique she was trying to practice. But now that the match had been announced to be a fight , then everything has changed.

"In the first ring we have two individuals who would have a go at each other. One is the one of our skilled scouts Chris with the ability bone manifestation and our newbie Rein, who had recently recovered from a speed chase as we all know, with the ability of telekinesis. They are going to fight a wrestling match with each and every of their muscles churning and their blood boiling".

"Whoop" the crowd cheered in a loud voice.

"In the other ring is another pair which would have a battle. We have Oscar with the ability silent concealment and Claire whose ability is sound detection. They would face off against each other in a rough combat. Heheheh, this match would be as thrilling as the first ring don't you think so everybody? "

"Yeah, yes...."

"Now to make the whole match very interesting, the first ring would be the first to have a go at each other. This match would be for a maximum of two hours and after that, the second ring would commence their match, as you all know it's me Alberto introducing the match and like I used to say to my Mexican friends, Let the ground rumble" he said commencing the match with a brilliance Mexican accent.

The crowd whistled along with many hands hitting against each other producing clapping sounds.

Not far from the ring about three meters apart were tables of judges more like supervisors who where there to ensure appropriate conduction of the match. Another lady in only a bra to and skimpy skirt walked up to the stage and shouted start before instantly teleporting away from within the ring to the outside of the ring by the side.

A bell rang causing the whole place to fall silent, breathe were held as it was a tradition to hold ones breathe before the first hit was made by any of the participants before the cheers go loud.

A step forward, rein made a gripping form with her hands towards Chris who in turn guarded against it with his arms before returning it with a punch to the belly.

"Rattle rattle" the loud cheers resounded throughout the whole underground.

Rein after receiving this punch staggered backwards. Her breathing became disordered for a moment along her eyes constricted.

"That hurts"she muttered but soon dodged to the side instinctively as Chris had already appeared before her with another punch. She after dodging the incoming punch swiftly appeared behind him and in an instant tightly grabbed him with her two arms clamped around his waist and lifted him up.

[Commentary:"Oh oh seems like rein has already gotten her head straight after receiving the first punch. And now she's going for it..." ] Alberto said.

Rein with a strong footing to the ground like an iron pillar bent her back backwards trying to perform a suplex, but once again Chris managed to avoid landing on the ground with his head, her managed to shift his body and instead landed on the ground with his shoulders.

[Commentary: "Oh my guts, he avoided the the suplex at a last minute, that was superb but not unexpected from an expert"]

Chris and Rein stayed on the ground for some time trying to get a grip on themselves.

Chris definitely felt the impact from colliding with ground and was lucky that it wasn't his head that had the collision, if it was he would have been done for.

"She sure has a long of strength indeed"Chris growled rolling on the ground whilst he made a distance from Rein and himself.

"He managed to avoid my suplex, argh this is bad. I don't think he would give me another opportunity to go near him once more. His ability sure Is a headache in close combat seeing that he can make a quick bone shift just to avoid critical impact with the ground" Rein thought standing on her feet before moving and resting on the ring rope.

[Commentary: "both sides seem to been feeling it good, I bet that suplex would have been disastrous if it went through"]

Chris stood up and with a few hops dashed forward at Rein performing a spear which truly hit given that she was still resting against the ring ropes. She once again fell to the ground crouching her belly.

"Fuck"she shouted in pain because the impact this time was double of the first .

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