Chapter 126: CH 126
"It'll close," she half-snarked.
"Oh, I'm sure it will," he calmly replied. "But, if you have anything fragile in there, I'm worried you're going to break it."
"It'll be fine," she said.
She packed one last item of 'civilian' garb on top and muttered, "That'll do it." And closed the lid. Though, it didn't quite close all the way down, she sat down heavily on the lid and managed to get the catch to lock.
"See?" she said, indicating the trunk. "I told you it'd close."
Harry just laughed in response. "Do you want me to levitate it down to the parlour for you?"
"Of course," she said. "That's one of the reasons I keep you around for, is it not?"
Releasing his wand from the holster, Harry didn't bother to reply. He just levitated the trunk and led it down to sit on top of his own next to the fireplace. Daphne followed to make sure he didn't drop it.
"Well," she said. "Now that's done I want to make sure we arrive at the Station in plenty of time to meet up with the others." Arriving at the muggle side of Platform 9 ¾ at just after 10.30am, Harry was happy to see the Grangers had only just arrived before them.
"Wendell! Monica! Hermione!" he called in greeting. The Grangers immediately spun about and Monica enveloped him in a quick hug. He shook hands with Wendell and immediately gave Hermione a hug before she could launch herself at him for one of her grapple-hugs.
Harry and Daphne were escorted to the Station by Isabel and Tori. Cygnus and Sirius were in last minute preparations for a closely approaching Wizengamot session and were unable to attend. Remus begged off saying he still wasn't comfortable being around too many witches and wizards in one place, such as the platform. The Grangers sent their owl to Cygnus on the 2nd January stating they would be honoured to become protectees of House Greengrass. And only yesterday evening, while they were wearing brand new everyday wizarding robes, did Cygnus perform the ritual. Both were amazed how the crest of House Greengrass suddenly appeared on their left shoulders.
Today, they were all wearing normal muggle attire, as were many wizarding families, such as the Greengrasses.
"I was just about to go through to the platform," said Hermione.
"Then we shall go through together," said Harry.
After spending a few minutes with the Granger parents the Greengrass party headed through the barrier onto the platform. Carefully moving through the crowds, Harry and Daphne with Hermione in tow meandered down the length of the platform looking for their friends.
Finding none of them he offered to get the trunks on board into a spare compartment. The girls glanced at each other and smiled before turning back.
Daphne said, "That would be nice, Harry."
Picking up his own with a levitation charm, Harry led it onto the train and started searching for a free cabin. He found one in the last carriage.
Levitating his trunk up he stored it in the overhead racks and exited the train to grab the other two.
Quickly, he had Hermione's trunk on top of Daphne's and levitated both onto the train. So concentrating was he, he didn't notice the looks of surprise he was getting from those nearby.
Less than a minute later he had both Daphne's and Hermione's trunks alongside his own in the racks in their compartment. For safety, he pulled the door shut behind him and locked it.
Within the next ten minutes he greeted and assisted with their trunks Susan, Hannah, and Tracey. Neville insisted on getting his own trunk onboard but accepted Harry's help in getting it into the overheads.
He was only able to spend a few minutes greeting Aunt Amelia and Gran before the Seven had to board. The five minute whistle had sounded a little while ago.
When they arrived at Hogsmeade Station about seven hours later, Harry was pleased they wouldn't be riding the little boats to the castle, this time. When he asked about it, he was told it only occurred for the first trip to give the new First Years a unique view of the castle.
As soon as they disembarked the carriages in front of the front door of the castle they were stopped by Professor Snape.
The Potions Master looked at Harry and said, "The Headmaster wants to see you, immediately before the feast."
With a sigh, Harry said, "Very well, I shall collect Professor Flitwick and we shall be there momentarily."
The professor stared at him and almost snarled, "When the Headmaster says 'immediately' he means precisely that, Mister Potter."
'And when the school charter states no student shall be summoned to such a meeting without being accompanied, when requested, by their Head of House, it means precisely that, Professor Snape," replied Harry.
The professor glared back for a moment before he spun about with a swirl of his robes and stalked back inside.
Harry turned to Daphne and asked, "Have your glasses with you?"
"Always," she replied with a knowing smile.
With Daphne on his arm, Harry walked into the castle and into the Great Hall. As he expected, Professor Flitwick was already there.
Walking up to the head table he looked at the small professor and said, "I've just been given a message by Professor Snape the Headmaster wishes to see me before the feast." The professor frowned and said, "Such messages should come through me, Mister Potter, as your Head of House."
"Nevertheless, Professor," said Harry. "That is what happened."
With a sigh, the Professor hopped down off his chair and indicated for the two to follow him.
They left through the teacher's entrance as it was the quickest path to the headmaster's office.
Walking up the hallway towards the gargoyle, Harry said, "I'm beginning to believe I need to request quarters in this part of the castle; what with the number of times I keep being summoned here."
"And I would seek quarters right alongside," said Daphne. "I don't think I can trust you not to get into trouble without my calming influence near you." As they entered the office Dumbledore said, "I believe I told Professor Snape I wanted to speak with you immediately upon your arrival, Mister Potter."
"And I gathered that Professor Snape was in error by telling me precisely that, Headmaster," replied Harry. "After all, it would be a breach of the school charter for you to do something so foolish. And I doubt you'd risk your tenure here to do such a thing."
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