Chapter 125: CH 125
"I also know there was a full moon on the 21st of last month and that it was going to take you quite a few days to get over the forced transformation. And that's why I didn't see you.
"However, you have no reason to fear I would reject you. Because I won't. I know you were one of my parents' closest friends and a honourary uncle to me. And I know you would spend time often at Potter Manor."
"Told you!" said Sirius from behind Harry.
Remus first looked up at his friend before looking down at the table and sighing. "I I'm just used to people turning away from me in disgust when they - find out," he said. "The only time I'll ever look at you in disgust is if you put yourself down in front of me one too many times," said Harry. "I don't like people doing that."
"Now," turning around to look at his godfather, Harry said, "As for you. I can see you really need the help of the Potter elves in here, so don't be bashful in calling on them; alright?"
"Alright, Harry," replied Sirius. "I will."
"Thank you," said Harry. "Now I know this is supposed to be Harry and his godfather getting to know each other time; but, would you like to learn how I make my magic flare as I promised I would the day I arrived back at Greengrass Estate for Christmas holidays?"
"Yeah, actually," said Sirius.
"Flare your magic?" asked Remus. "Mm-hmm," replied Harry. "Sirius has already seen me do it and I promised I'd teach him. If you'd like to watch it'll only take a few minutes. Then, I'll work with you."
Sirius came around and eagerly sat at the table with Harry and Remus. "Alright," he said. "How do we begin?"
Then Harry began to teach the trick using the now tried and true method. It only took about ten minutes for Sirius to get it. And the first time Sirius got his magic to significantly flare Remus's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open in shock.
After Sirius tried for the third time accomplishing it with his eyes open, Harry told him to stop before he over did it.
"Daaaammmnnn!" said Remus, once he got his voice back.
"That's what I said!" said Sirius in glee. "And you can do that, Cub?" asked Remus of Harry.
"Yes," replied Harry. "And I can now do it more powerfully and hold it for longer. Plus, I've also been practicing casting spells while doing it and I'm finding my magic much stronger as a result."
"Daaaammmnnn!" said Remus, again.
"I know you closely watched what I was doing with Sirius; but, do you want me to help you through it?" asked Harry.
Thinking a bit, Remus said, "Let me see if I can get the basics of it first. If I struggle, then you can guide me, alright?"
"Alright," replied Harry with a nod.
Harry and Sirius then watched Remus concentrate for a bit. They then watched as he took in a few deep breaths. Then, on the third breath, they noticed his magic start to leak. Another breath and he did it again, stronger.
In less time than with Sirius, Remus was sitting with his eyes open and glowing but unfocussed. And magic was swirling around him in long surges.
"Don't hold it too long, Moony," warned Harry. "Let it out completely now and you'll see just how tired you are."
Both then watched as Moony settled down again and the glow in his eyes faded away. A few seconds later and he looked like he wanted to slump forward onto the table top.
"Daaaammmnnn!" he said for the third time.
"Now both of you need to set aside a part of your day, each day, to practice it; holding it for longer and longer each time," said Harry. "Then, once you can hold it for at least three minutes, you might want to try spell casting while doing it. But, be careful, you'll find your casts to be somewhat overpowered when you do."
Sirius said, "Alright. I feel rested a bit now and nowhere near as tired as I did before you started teaching Moony. I want to see how fast I can start doing it without having to go through that whole breathing training, first."
With a nod, Harry said, "Go for it."
Sirius's mien took on a look of concentration for a few moments before he rapidly began effusing magic and had glowing eyes. He held it for about fifteen seconds and then let it relax out of him.
He, too, almost slumped forward onto the table.
"Merlin, that takes it out of you!" he said. "Magic is like a muscle," said Harry. "It needs to be exercised. So, you're going to need to practice it every day. You'll soon get up to speed with it."
Looking around a little Harry asked, "Is there anything to drink here?"
"Oh!" said Sirius. "Not the very good host, am I? Kreacher!"
An elderly and ugly house elf appeared and started muttering, "What does the filthy blood traitor..."
"Enough!" said Sirius. "Kreacher, three butterbeers, please."
The elf popped away and returned a few moments later with the required three beverages.
Harry first had a butterbeer when he was living in the Alley. He was disappointed to learn they didn't have it at Hogwarts. However, he was assured it could be purchased in Hogsmeade and brought back to the castle if he could find a Third Year or up who would be willing to purchase it for him.
Sirius quickly banished the caps off the bottles and the three wizards spent the time drinking them reminiscing about Harry's parents.
On the day of return to Hogwarts, Sunday the 5th January, the Greengrass household was up early and ready in plenty of time. Daphne and Harry had packed ready the previous night, with Daphne bringing in a set of Hogwarts robes to put in Harry's trunk on top of his things.
Harry sent Hedwig back to Hogwarts as soon as she rested after delivering him his morning's Daily Prophet. He had her things packed away soon afterwards. Going to Daphne's room he knocked and was bid enter. Inside, Daphne was clearly doing a final check before closing and locking her trunk.
Glancing over at it and seeing how over-full it was, he asked, "How on earth do you intend to close that?"
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