The 7th Great God (Overlord Fan Fiction)

Chapter 75: Night Silver Departs

Fortunately for Night Silver, the new melting pot of species were working well together. It eased her mind enough that leaving the village for a little while wouldn't actually cause any issues. I prepared a large reserve of berries to use in the event it takes me a little longer to return this time. The people have managed to work well with each other thus far. Even the smaller number of regular humans haven't been discriminated against. It is indeed safe for me to take a short leave now. 

Night Silver called everyone together for an announcement, and she decided to hold it at the village's previous gathering point. Where a statue once stood, she the goddess now stood. With a large gathering of everyone, and how they all blended together it was enough more telling of just how united they were. At this rate they may even decide to make adjustments to the living arrangements. 

"I called you all here for a few reasons. First, I'm extremely pleased by the progress we've made in the last week. It warms my heart to see everyone of my children getting along and building lives together. So in the interest and hopes that such a sweet event continues to blossom, I Nature's Mother will personally bear witness and officiate your unions. This also counts as my blessing for a healthy family." Night Silver began, acting the part of a loving goddess. By now she was really feeling the role. 

Responding to this, there were several couples who came forward, some were members from the same species and others were not. And even a few harems and reverse harems among those who stepped forward. At first, such a scene made some worry that such unions wouldn't be blessed. The union between species was less of an issue in their eyes, because while they had clear differences they still respected each other as fellow people. 

"Oh? Aren't the two of you already married with 2 children and a third on the way?" Night Silver giggled when the first couple came up. 

"Yes, Mother Goddess, but since you're offering a blessing to have healthy families…" The pregnant woman answered, gently rubbing her belly. "I'd love for this baby yet unborn to receive their goddess's blessing. To grow up as a strong and handsome man, or a beautiful and kind woman. Or perhaps, to have the strength to find their own path in life." She continued and smiled. 

The woman's words were rather effective on almost everyone there. The woman who had spoken just then would very clearly be the first to give birth in this new village. The child this woman carries is the first of many to come. Under normal circumstances this wouldn't mean much, however to all of the people gathered it was a major turning point. The first child who would grow up in a place that wouldn't suffer from food shortages nor real dangers like dragon attacks… They had 3 dragons that would be around almost all the time, which would inherently eliminate most threats before becoming as such. Night Silver knew all of this and smiled along with everyone else, she too had a similar feeling after all. 

"I'll grant you my blessing, and my thanks." Night Silver smiled, giving the pregnant woman a hug. "I'm sure your child will be able to live the life they want, free from the dangers of this world." She added, with a kiss on the woman's forehead. 

"Thank you, goddess, thank you so much. I'll be sure to raise my children so they know of this love you have shared with us." The woman said with a smile through happy tears. 

After the pregnant woman and her husband, came another group. This next group was Rocky Breeze and two women, a winged-human and a regular human. Hmm, this is interesting. The human woman seems to be anxiously excited about something. I can guess why, but Rocky Breeze has to be man enough to ask such a thing of me. Let's see if he is. 

"Goddess, I come before you with my wife at my side. The two of us have both fallen in love with the woman to my left. And we would ask for your blessing." Rocky Breeze asked, making sure to present himself in a proper manner. 

"Hmm, a harem is it?" Night Silver eyed the three lovers, her eyes setting on the wife. "And you, you have also fallen in love with the other woman. To the point that you'd engage in physical relations with her as you would your husband?" She asked, putting on a show. 

"Yes, Mother Goddess. I love her enough that I would lay with her through the night. Just the same as my husband does with me. I too ask for your blessing." Rocky Breeze's wife replied. 

"Hmm, well. If the three of you can manage it… I have no issues." Night Silver smiled warmly. "Love comes in all manner of shapes and sizes. I too harbor feelings for another woman as well. So I can understand your feelings quite well." She continued, which gave the people a temporary shock, it only lasted until the very moment when they realized that it only made sense. "So, I have no issues with harems. And that includes if a woman wants multiple husbands. I'll give my blessing so long as you all love each other and are able to demonstrate it in view of the public. So, with that, the three of you may kiss." She finished, with a happy giggle. 

Rocky Breeze, his wife and his soon to be second wife followed their goddess's instructions, and kissed. It was definitely difficult to do, but the three of them managed to pull off a three way kiss. After this, there were only a few other couples that went through getting recognized publicly. 

"Good, now, I have to say this. There is a place I played a big part in organizing. However, they are having some sort of issue I must go and see for myself. I will return as soon as I can. Brightness will be here to keep you all safe." Night Silver announced, noticing the sad looks… "Don't worry, Brightness will be here to keep you all safe. And I'm excited to see how you develop while I'm away. Know I love all of you." She finished, flying up, waving and then left. 

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