Supernaturalville Book One: Tomb of the Haunted Bathroom

Chapter 4: Chapter 04: Ghost Who Wanted to Scare Sandra the Most

Sandra wasn't going to be afraid of the ghost haunting her bathroom mirror, anymore. She knew it was just trying to annoy her and her family from being at peace with themselves. Sandra didn't know how real the Other Better Place would become. Once she made contact with the ghost boy living in her bathroom mirror, again.

Sandra promised her parents she would be more careful the next time she went to the bathroom. There must be a way to seal the mirror from letting ghosts out of the haunted mirror. Mr. Starbright was going to be a believer in keeping the ghosts in the Other Better Place from being stuck in the mirror. Without realizing how much the ghost boy meant to Sandra.

Sandra and her parents weren't feeling they should let Sandra into getting the ghost boy upset with the world around her. Sandra wanted to prove the ghosts were better off without her. It seemed the ghost in Sandra's bathroom mirror only visited Sandra during the nighttime. When the moon is full, Sandra is all by herself. The little, annoying ghost boy comes out of his secret place behind the bathroom mirror way of living.

Mr. Starbright had started sealing up the bathroom mirror, with silver duct tape. "Now, I understand you may have concerns about Sandra's bathroom mirror being haunted. But you shouldn't worry anymore. I'm not going to let the Ghost Haunters get out of the mirror, alive. I'm going to put a security camera and system in Sandra's bathroom. To track and record any supernatural activity coming from the world beyond the bathroom mirror. I need everyone in this house to be strong, and brave and not afraid of witnessing real ghosts in our house," Mr. Starbright said. He finished putting silver duct tape over the glass mirror in Sandra's bathroom.

Mrs. Strabright suddenly shuddered as a shiver of fear went down her spine. "You mean to tell me, we can't get along with a morbid little ghost? Who can do anything to give us all a good scare? We need to know the purpose of having a haunted bathroom mirror. Ghost Haunters don't like to play well with the living," Mrs. Starbright said, taking the rest of the silver duct tape from her husband. She put it on the bathroom sink in front of the sealed mirror.

Sandra started to pace back and forth. She didn't like to not communicate with the spirit world without having a purpose to get to know what it's like to be in a haunted bathroom mirror. Nothing would make this any better. The ghosts who come from the Other Better Place don't seem to know it means to be an undead living ghost who only lets them see certain people in their lives.

Mr. Starbright grabbed hold of Sandra's attention. To calm her nerves down. He grabbed her by the shoulders, and told her to relax. "Everything's going to be okay, okay, Sandra Starbright?" Mr. Starbright said. Sandra nodded and started shivering with fear up and down her body. "We're not going to let this ghost in your bathroom mirror scare the living soul out of you, okay?" he said. Sandra didn't know how to respond. So, she just nodded in reply. "You have the power to believe what is real about the ghosts who want to make your life miserable. If you continue to ignore them, the ghosts in the Other Better Place will cease to exist. And you get a second chance at a normal, healthy real life again," Mr. Starbright said, gripping Sandra by the shoulders.

Suddenly, Sandra and Mrs. Starbright both screamed in unison. They heard a pounding now on the sealed bathroom mirror. They all stopped and stared at the sealed bathroom mirror for a moment. Another knock on the bathroom mirror, was trying to grab the Starbrights' attention. It didn't like to be trapped. Where it could not escape its realm, unharmed.

Turning to the bathroom mirror, Sandra cautiously started peeling the silver duct tape off from the bottom of the mirror. But Mr. Starbright slapped Sandra's hand away from the duct tape. Wincing in pain, Sandra turned to look at her father with curiosity.

"We have to leave the mirror alone," Mr. Starbright said. The knocking on the other side of the mirror continued to pound. "Do you want to be at peace with the haunted mirror?" he asked, keeping an eye on his daughter.

Sandra didn't know what to think. She just couldn't ignore the ghost boy from knocking on the glass of the bathroom mirror. It was like he was annoyed by Sandra's father's protection to forget the ghost boy ever meant anything but scare the wits out of her.

Suddenly, they turned to look at the haunted mirror. The ghost boy on the other side of the sealed mirror, started crying and asking for assistance. "You can't keep me here like this! I want to be a part of the life I never had," he complained.

 The dressing room mirror lights started to flicker. Mr. Starbright started to walk Sandra and her mother away and out of Sandra's bathroom. Before Mr. Starbright could turn off the bathroom light, they all gasped with fright at the sound of the little ghost boy howling at the top of his lungs in the bathroom mirror.

He howled so loud he made the bathroom lights explode into darkness. Sandra and her parents screamed and fell to the ground next to the bathroom mirror. "Get me out of this mirror trap!" the ghost boy yelled at them. 

Then, the lights on the bathroom sink started to glow. The silver duct tape sealing the haunted mirror was starting to peel off, slowly by itself. "This can't be happening!" Mr. Starbright said, startling himself. They watched in fear as the silver duct tape slowly started peeling itself off the bathroom mirror.

"You can't keep me against my will in the haunted mirror, Sandra Starbright!" the ghost boy said. "You need me to make your life better," he said. The ghost boy let out a nervous laugh as he started peeling the silver duct tape off the bathroom mirror. When suddenly, halfway peeling off the duct tape, it got stuck in the middle of the mirror!

Sandra and Mrs. Starbright ran over to the mirror. And they grabbed hold of the silver duct tape and ripped it off the mirror with all their strength they had in them, together. The ghost boy continued laughing as he watched Sandra and Mrs. Starbright fall clumsily to the ground in defeat.

Mr. Starbright scoffed annoyed as he helped his loved ones to their feet again."It's so cold here, Mr. Starbright," the little ghost boy said, accusing him of his fault for the sudden temperature drop. "I just need a warm soul to get me feeling what it means to be human again," he said, shivering from the cold mirror. 

It wasn't ever going to be easy to get along with an invisible ghost, living in a bathroom mirror. He just wanted to be annoying and get on everybody's nerves. "Go away!" Sandra shouted. She grabbed the silver duct tape from the bathroom sink. And started to seal the bottom part of the bathroom mirror, where it was trying to come apart by itself.

"But you don't understand, Sandra!" the little ghost boy wailed on the other side of the mirror. "I need to get out of this mirror. Before the curse of your reflection in the mirror will make your life even harder!" he said, howling loudly, at the top of his lungs.

Mr. and Mrs. Starbright grabbed the silver duct tape out of Sandra's reach. Grabbing hold of Sandra, Mrs. Starbright tore off a piece of duct tape and sealed it on Sandra's mouth. Mr. Starbright grabbed hold of his daughter from behind and made Sandra sit comfortably on the toilet next to the bathroom sink.

Sandra couldn't her parents turn against her! They were terrified of the ghost boy living in her mirror. Her parents didn't want Sandra to get involved with something she couldn't face alone. "Why don't we go back to Kendrick's place?" Mr. Starbright suggested this to his wife. She nodded and understood with agreement.

"Our house is usually normal during the day," Mrs. Starbright said, thoughtfully. "Not much paranormal activity goes on, when we're here during the day," she said, looking at the haunted mirror.

Mr. Starbright frustratingly rips the silver duct tape off her mouth. That was going to leave a mark! Hurt badly…

"Don't leave me here all by myself!" Sandra screamed. "With a ghost to do more than just haunt and scare me to death," she said. They turned to the haunted mirror. The ghost boy on the other side of the mirror, wasn't going to leave them alone. She wanted to prove how real he can be.

It was never going to be easy who wasn't real.

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