Solar Blood Masters

Chapter 123: Is This Allowed?

Within the Grand Mound, a tense silence had settled upon the Emperor's platform as the nine rulers of Yama Yaguai observed the spectacle unfolding on the screens before them.

The Golden Prism Citadel, a beacon of golden brilliance, hovered above the Desolate Sands. Its 'Absalom Drill' was greedily devouring the earth and harvesting Kepfu Eggs at an alarming rate.

"Hmm… that Palace… It is no ordinary creation, is it?" Julian Ringtail, ever the mischievous observer, was the first to break the silence. He swished his tail back and forth while filling his mouth with snacks.

"Brother Hawk… Surely you're not going to deny that, are you? Those energies… that design… It reeks of divinity! Tell me, tell me, how did that bull even acquire such a treasure? Hmmm? Did he… Steal it from you?!" His laughter echoed with a hint of genuine curiosity.

"That palace, it was crafted by the ancient ones, back when humans still dominated the lands. And it was later modified by me." Qi Hawk's explanation was met with a chilling hiss that had even those fairies dancing nervously on their butterflies.

Lu Ignis glared at Qi Hawk, his golden-bronze scales was practically vibrated with fury. "You… you FEATHERED bastard! You GIFTED him that divine artifact, didn't you?! Why?! Why would you do such a RIDICULOUS thing?! This is outrageous! Unforgivable! That bull should be DISQUALIFIED! Immediately!"

He slammed his tail against the platform. The impact sent a tremor that had the other emperors glancing at him with a mixture of amusement and wary annoyance.

"This blatant disregard for the sanctity of the Great Divine Tribulation! It's an INSULT to the Void Emperor and those of us who strive for fairness. Such a display, it will not be tolerated!

I DEMAND justice!

That bull's team… they should be BANISHED from this event. Their points… REVOKED! And those eggs, they should be REDISTRIBUTED to those who've earned them fairly, those with STRENGTH and CUNNING!"

His words, fueled by his hatred for Qi Hawk, were a venomous torrent that had even the stoic Anakin Vader shifting uncomfortably in his seat. This snake's rage, it was infernal.

"This grand event is about showcasing PERSONAL strength and might, not relying on some ancient human artifact to gain an unfair advantage!" Lu Ignis pressed onward. He extended his head closer to Qi Hawk as his ruby eyes narrowed menacingly, "This is CHEATING! A violation of the sacred rules set in place by the Void Emperor herself!

And you, Qi Hawk, you are the instigator, the source of this injustice! Therefore, you too should pay the price for your negligence! Black Wind Territory, it should be eliminated from this event, as a lesson!"

Lu Ignis then turned to the other Emperors.

"My esteemed colleagues, surely you see the truth in my words! This cannot stand! We must act NOW, before this bull's audacity undermines the very essence of the Great Divine Tribulation. I say… We must disqualify the bull's team and Black Wind! This… This is my stand!"

Facing Lu Ignis's venomous accusations, Qi Hawk couldn't help but snort.

"Your words are as empty as your skull, serpent. That palace is not a weapon of mass destruction! It's merely a tool, a home! And to think I, Emperor Qi Hawk, the ruler of Black Wind, would stoop to such pathetic levels of trickery? You insult me with such pronouncements.

Furthermore, Raphael earned the right to utilize his resources as he sees fit. Surely, your selective representatives also possessed divine treasures. He's not breaking any rules. He outmaneuvered you, outwitted you, and now, you seek to punish him for your own failings? AHAHAHA! What a joke!"

"Joke, you say? Then explain this, HAWK!" Lu Ignis gestured towards the screens. They showcased Raphael amassing points at an alarming rate.

Black Wind was in the lead. By a long shot.

"Look! Your champion, he's gathering ALL the eggs while OUR territories struggle! Is THIS FAIR?! Is THIS the essence of the Great Divine Tribulation?!"

The other Emperors, though they secretly loathed Lu Ignis and his arrogance, had to admit he had a point. The bull's strategy, while ingenious, was also… troubling.

"Hmmm, he is gathering a significant number of points, I must admit." Mermaid Merlando commented, while flicking his turquoise tail thoughtfully.

Elux Badger spanked his woman's sexy segmented parts and grunted, "Damn right, he is. My diggers are getting their asses kicked by those blasted cannons. This is unacceptable! Black Wind should be DISQUALIFIED!"

"Indeed, this imbalance… it is disturbing." Silk Yune added while staring at the Citadel's brilliance. Not too long ago, her Crimson Fang Hounds were obliterated.

"The bull's reliance on a divine artifact, it does undermine the spirit of the competition. Moreover, that drill is decimating my undead legions presently underground. Unacceptable! This cannot stand! Disqualify! Disqualify! Disqualify!" Anakin Vader's eerie voice, which resembled the rustling of dead leaves had a few creatures clutching at their hearts,

Even Emperor Lala Zhen, who'd remained silent throughout the debate, couldn't help but express his concern.

"This… This is unprecedented. Such a powerful artifact…" He'd never witnessed such a thing, and his heart, well… it skipped more than a few beats as he thought about what would happen if this continued.

Black Wind Territory winning the Great Divine Tribulation because of a Palace?

"Surely, this cannot be what Void Emperor Sindoll intended…" He shifted uncomfortably upon his throne, and a thin bead of sweat trickled down his forehead. It glistened beneath the arena's bright lights.

An ant sweating? It was an anomaly, an unnatural phenomenon. But such was the pressure of being in the midst of such a heated debate between those whose powers had reshaped the very world they now occupied.

"LALA ZHEN! ENOUGH of thisss pointlesssss DEBATE!" Lu Ignis hissed impatiently. He was eager for a verdict, a judgment that would crush Qi Hawk. "Spit it out already! What is your DECISION? You are in control of this Divine Tribulation."

The Red Ant Emperor took a deep breath. He opened his mandibles to deliver his decree…



A beam of blue light descended from the sky above, piercing through the dome's ceiling and silencing everyone present!

And from that light…

A dozen fairy butterflies materialized.

"The Void Emperor…?" The emperors, including Lu Ignis, bowed their heads. They recognized the symbol of Sindoll's authority.

One of the butterflies, larger than the rest, landed gently upon Lala Zhen's head. It whispered a message in his mind. Its thought was soft, yet carried a power that had even the Red Ant Emperor trembling!

Then, with a final flicker of its wings, the butterfly vanished.

Lala Zhen looked up. His face was pale. He gazed at the gathered emperors.

"The Void Emperor has spoken…"

A section of the Golden Prism Citadel's control room floor slid open with a soft hiss. It was an opening that resembled a mouth, and from its depths…


Hundreds of Kepfu Eggs came tumbling out, they rolled across the smooth, golden surface, forming a massive pile that glistened with black goo.

The aroma of potent Solar Essence was intoxicating.

"YES! Look at all those EGGS!" Lu Jade slithered over to the egg mountain with an excited hiss. His tail thwacked against the floor. "We're RICH! RICH! RICH!"

He coiled around the pile and rubbed his scales against the eggs, savoring their warmth.

"This must be at least a THOUSAND eggs! Maybe even more… I can already TASTE those 500,000 years!"

Raphael, however, couldn't share in his companion's jubilation.

He coughed. Blood trickled from his lips, staining the 'Crystalline Throne of Light' crimson. A few of the cables attached to his body sparked and disconnected, causing a jolt of pain that had him gritting his teeth.

"Damn it! This… power…"

He tried to hide his discomfort. But Thienika noticed. Despite her own weariness from channeling so much energy into protecting Raphael earlier, she rushed to his side.

"Raphael, you must lessen the burden on your soul. Cancel the drill! We have enough eggs. Those other Black Wind participants, surely they are also amassing their share."

"No, Grandma, I can't stop now! Those Black Wind fools are about as reliable as the weather!" Another cough racked his body, and he clutched at his chest.

He could feel it, the Citadel's energy draining him.

It was like a parasite, feeding on his Solar Essence.

But he refused to yield.

He reconnected the cables, gritting his teeth as pain shot through him.

"I have to get as many as I can!"

"Cough! Cough!"

Hearing Raphael coughing, Lu Jade rushed over, now made aware of his brother's condition. "Big Brother, Grandma is right. You're pushing yourself too hard! Those coughs…" He tried to persuade Raphael just like Thienika but the bull was stubborn.

Just then, a terrifying sight on one of the screens before them had them both gasping!

It showed a breach in the Citadel's defensive arrays!

A pack of monstrous creatures, led by a colossal, three-headed hydra, were pouring through a gaping hole in the barrier. They were slashing at the Gold Eagle Winged Warriors with claws and fangs, easily destroying them.

"Those weaklings! They are breaking those crystals!" Lu Jade pointed with his tail towards a pillar that was situated at the edge of the courtyard. Atop its peak, a massive blue crystal that radiated potent energy, flickered then shattered into a million pieces after being bombarded by a blast of shadow energy.

The gap in the Citadel's barrier expanded, and more creatures poured in!

"We have to stop them!" Lu Jade yelled as he turned towards the exit. "Those eggs…"

"Little Lu, WAIT!"

"You're not STRONG enough to face them alone!"

Thienika and Raphael tried to stop him, but Lu Jade's mind was made up.

He rushed out of the control room, eager to protect their treasure, his scales flashed as he vanished down a hallway.

"Raphael! Send more warriors to assist him!" Thienika pleaded, but Raphael simply shook his head.

"I've diverted them to those pillars. We need to repair the shield! If they reach those eggs, it's over." He spoke with a weariness that had her heart aching. He was truly pushing himself to his limit, but why?

He had a plan.

"Grandma, I'll lessen the drill's power. I'll divert those excess energies to the defensive array."

He focused his will.

And the Citadel responded.

A handful of the blue Circular Spell Diagrams at the drill's base deactivated and shot upwards, positioning themselves around the weakened barrier.



The 'Death Blow Cannons' emerged with potent energy.

From his throne, Raphael watched as the cannons fired a barrage of blue energy blasts that sent the infiltrating beasts flying.

It was a magnificent, yet terrifying sight.


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