Solar Blood Masters

Chapter 122: Absalom Drill

A thin wisp of smoke rose from the muzzle of the last 'Death Blow Cannon'. The cerulean light that had pulsed with such lethal intensity, dimmed and faded. The Citadel's weapons were silent now, having unleashed a devastating judgment upon those who dared to challenge its might.

High above the ravaged landscape, within the heart of the Golden Prism Citadel, Raphael sat upon the 'Crystalline Throne of Light'. Lu Jade was slithering close by and Thienika was slumped against the control panel.

Within that large oval throne of immense energy, a network of black and gold cables connected him to it.

He could feel it, the Citadel responding to his very thoughts, its essence intertwining with his own.

Before him, hundreds of spiral screens flickered, each displaying a different scene from the world outside. . Despite these hundreds of screens, Raphael was able to process all their information due to his connection with the Crystalline Throne of Light.

He observed the chaos and destruction he'd wrought with a detached amusement. He saw those singed craters where his Death Blow Cannons had struck, a graveyard for foolish hounds. He saw those surviving contenders staring up at his palace with fear and envy evident in their eyes.

Such power, he thought, was exhilarating.

"They're gone." Lu Jade's hissing had Raphael turning his head.

"Yes, Little Lu. They won't be bothering us anytime soon."

Lu Jade slithered over to the throne and coiled himself around its base. "Big Brother, you DID it! You WIPED those mutts out!"

"Those hounds, they never stood a chance!"

Those compliments were music to his non-existent ears.

"It was all thanks to you, Little Lu, for reminding me about this." He gestured towards the Crystalline Throne. "This divine… thing! Your intelligence is a treasure indeed."

Lu Jade blushed. He was flattered by the praise.

"Of course, I also owe QI Fenwei a HUGE thank you. She taught me a few tricks." He recalled her instructions, "First… access the throne. Then… focus my intent. Visualize the desired function from the database. Hmm, so far it's working, but I haven't fully grasped its full capabilities, not yet."

Lu Jade chuckled, "With this palace, Big Brother, no one will dare to approach us! We are invincible! Those who seek to harm us, they will simply… become dust! Hahaha!"

"Indeed. But we're here to amass Kepfu Eggs, not to simply hide behind a shield." Thienika's admonishment had them both sighing. Her ancient wisdom was a constant reminder of the task at hand, and frankly, even a magnificent palace couldn't solve all their problems.

"She's right. How do we collect those eggs from up here, Big Brother? We're miles above the ground."

Raphael sighed, he then glanced back at the screens. Those Kepfu Eggs, he had to get them!

"I… might have… an IDEA!"

"What?!" Lu Jade slithered back and forth, eager for those details to be revealed, those plans, that would make them rich and powerful!

The cables attached to Raphael began to buzzed violently. He summoned two additional screens. One displayed the Citadel's energy levels and system integrity. The other displayed a long list of the Citadel's functions and its arsenal.

"Hmmmm… Let's see… Death Blow Cannons – fully operational… Defense Array Integrity – 98%… Moveable Compartments… Ah, here it is! 'Absalom Drill' - energy consumption: 87%."

He paused, scrutinizing the specifications.

Beside him, Thienika and Lu Jade peered at the screen.

It read:

"The 'Absalom Drill' is a high-powered energy drill, capable of burrowing deep beneath the earth's surface with unparalleled efficiency while simultaneously harnessing raw materials via its suction portal. The Drill was designed for mining operations and those who desire to create massive holes. Its power is fueled by the Citadel's Crystalline Throne of Light.

The Drill is comprised of seven rotating rings that extend downwards, with each ring progressively smaller. Its activation triggers a concentrated energy beam, capable of shattering mountains and piercing those toughest materials."

"With the Absalom Drill, I can uproot the Desolate Sands and harvest Kepfu Eggs in bulk! Hahaha! What do you say?!"

They were both taken aback.

"Uproot the desert? Is that… even… possible?" Lu Jade was dumbfounded.

"It's risky, Raphael. The energy consumption is high. Should the Citadel's defenses falter while the drill is active…" Thienika's warnings were met with a casual wave.

"Don't worry, Grandma, I've got this! Besides…" A mischievous grin spread across his face. "It's not like we have much of a choice, do we?"

Just then…

"MASTER! We've found it!"

A Shadow Bat materialized, fluttering excitedly. "A massive nest! Thousands of eggs! Just a few miles from here."

"Excellent!" Raphael's hooves tapped impatiently against the floor as those cables connected to his massive form, buzzed softly with delight, for he had a plan, and it was truly magnificent.

"Now then, let's get to work. Set course for those coordinates."

As the Citadel shifted and began gliding effortlessly through the air, the blue Circular Spell Diagrams outside the barrier began moving. They descended, converging at the Citadel's base and stacking atop one another.

It was like a puzzle being solved! And from those interconnected, glowing diagrams…


…something terrifying emerged!

"What the hell?!"

Pitbull Sama, who had just finished devouring the remnants of his pack's Solar Consciousness to regain a shred of his lost strength, looked up. He saw the Golden Prism Citadel approaching and at its base, the 'Absalom Drill' extended downwards. It began radiating an ominous, cerulean light as it grew larger.

The drill was massive! Seven rings of black metal, laced with glowing blue runes, rotated rapidly. And from its very core…


…a beam of pure energy erupted. It was vaporizing the earth below as it burrowed.

The sand dunes erupted in a chaotic display.

"That… That drill!" Pitbull Sama was stunned. His jaw dropped. "That damned BULL! What's he DOING?!"

He witnessed a sight that had his very soul trembling with greed and terror.

Hundreds of Kepfu Eggs, dislodged by the drill, shot upwards through the beam's path! They were being sucked into the Citadel at an alarming rate.

And around this monstrous drill…

Other creatures had also noticed this spectacle. They gathered. And their eyes were shone with avarice and disbelief.

"Those eggs… That thing is STEALING our EGGS!"

"Where did it come from?"

"I heard that hound saying it's the golden BULL from Black Wind!"


"GET those EGGS!"

They rushed towards the Citadel while unleashing a barrage of attacks, hoping to break through its defensive arrays. But the 'Death Blow Cannons' were inactive, because their energy was diverted to power the drill. Only the shield stood as their deterrent.

The attacks, potent as they were, bounced off harmlessly.


The shield flickered!

It was weakening. It was only a matter of time before it broke apart.

"Big Brother! They're trying to break through! There are too MANY!" Lu Jade shrieked.

"Hmmm…" Raphael watched their frantic attempts to enter his Citadel. This annoyance was short-lived because he had a plan, and those fools, they were simply fodder for those defenses he'd acquired.

He activated a hidden function within the Crystalline Throne of Light.



From the depths of the Citadel, hundreds of 'Gold Eagle Winged Warriors' materialized.

They were at the peak of the Great Ordeal Stage!

They swarmed outwards with their golden swords flashing, their eagle wings beating, and their beaks sharp!

"Kill… KILL… KILL!"

Raphael's army met the attackers head on! It was a battle of epic proportions.

"Damn that bull! That greedy, arrogant BASTARD!"

A disgruntled griffin with singed feathers screeched as it circled the 'Absalom Drill'. It watched with envy as Kepfu Eggs, hundreds upon hundreds, shot upwards into the heart of the Golden Prism Citadel.

A rippling effect was forming in the air, caused by the drill's potent energy. A blue haze surrounded it that warned any creature foolish enough to get too close.

"He's stealing our chance at the Void Emperor's blessing!"

A massive, spider-like creature with eight glowing eyes spat venom that sizzled upon hitting the sand. It then lunged forward, its razor-sharp mandibles snapping. It was trying to snatch an egg that was being drawn towards the Citadel, but...


A blast of pure energy repelled it.

The spider shrieked and was turned to ash!

"This is futile! We can't get NEAR those eggs from out here!"

"We have to break into that palace!"

A monstrous boar with its tusks dripping blood, slammed its massive body against the Citadel's barrier. The impact reverberated through the air, but the barrier stood firm.

"JOIN us! Let's crush that damned bull and claim those eggs!"

The other creatures who were fueled by greed, didn't hesitate.

They attacked!


They unleashed a barrage of fire blasts, claws swiped, and tails whipped as they joined those already battling the Gold Eagle Winged Warriors that were protecting their master's prized palace.

The fight was a chaotic display of brute force against unwavering loyalty. The Golden Warriors were weaker, sure, but their numbers were overwhelming.

A few Calamities got their pride wounded. They charged recklessly into the fray and were met with a flurry of golden blades. They roared in pain as their bodies were chipped and blood splattered.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Desolate Sands…

"Hmph, another one bites the dust."

Qi Fenwei sheathed Archon and Lullaby in her harness after flashing off the black blood. Her latest victim was a 3rd Layer Nightmare Calamity Pigatroll. It lay groaning at her feet.

She then casually scooped up the three Kepfu Eggs that were nearby.

"Not a bad haul."

Her hawk eyes surveyed the horizon, searching for a more bountiful hunting grounds.

Then a bright flash in the distance caught her attention.

"Huh, what's that?"

It was a golden radiance, shining brilliantly like a beacon against the hazy ochre sky.

Her enhanced vision zoomed in. She watched as a familiar, octahedron-shaped palace hovered above the desert. Her gaze narrowed. She saw those hundreds of Kepfu Eggs being sucked into its depths.

"He activated the 'Absalom Drill.' That reckless idiot!" Qi Fenwei couldn't believe it. The drill, it consumed vast amounts of energy. She shook her head in disbelief.

"When the drill shuts down… That BULL… he'll be swarmed by those greedy vultures. Those eggs, they'll be free for the taking."

She couldn't let that happen. Her duty wasn't simply about protecting her own team, it was about ensuring Black Wind's victory.

"Hmm… this bull… Now that he's gone so far, I can't allow him to fail!"

She kicked her wings into overdrive, then streaked across the sky with the speed of a lightning bolt!

"Hmmm… That bird?"

Gastaroid was watching Qi Fenwei's purple blur disappear into the horizon, her speed had even him impressed. He then turned his attention back to his opponent, who seemed to be preoccupied with something else entirely.

"What's wrong with that turtle? Could he be giving up?"

"It's TIME we end this, Bull Mountain Demon."

Lord Lingshi's voice was calm, but Gastaroid sensed a finality that was unsettling.

He looked down..

Lord Lingshi had a flaming pillar protruding from his right eye. It was deeply embedded, sending tendrils of molten rock across his shell, but the ancient turtle seemed unfazed. He was casually drawing a scene on his 'World Canvas.'

The scene depicted the pillar being removed and his eye fully restored.

"What the hell…?"

Gastaroid stared in disbelief as the scene on the canvas manifested into reality. The pillar vanished, and Lord Lingshi's eye was healed.

Not a single scar remained.


Lingshi sighed. "That was a troublesome distraction, but a mere inconvenience. Now then, I believe it's time we concluded this pointless battle, don't you agree?"

"Pointless? Why?" Gastaroid was confused.

"Because…" Lord Lingshi glanced at the holographic timer that hovered menacingly above.


"Time is a fleeting commodity, young bull. I'd enjoy testing your strength further, but…" He paused. "The Emperor of Ho Eastern has entrusted me with a task, and regrettably, I must comply."

With a simple blink, the World Canvases and paintbrushes returned to his bamboo grove.



In a blink, Lord Lingshi was gone.

"That bastard!" Gastaroid watched him go, then a deep growl vibrated his molten form. He was ready to resume their fight.

But his eyes were drawn towards that golden palace in the distance. Its radiance was even more potent than the scorching desert sun, and those whispers from those lesser creatures… they spoke of eggs.

"Hmmm. A worthy prize indeed…"



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