Chapter 19: The Gotham Massacre
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I'd actually prefer to act a little more stealthy, but I have superiors who have issued me some orders.
Still, one of the main reasons my squad exists is because of the reputation of the US Government. After all, with the rise of various superheroes, trust in the government is declining, and my squad is supposed to be a new force under the control of the United States, which should not only help people, but also attract attention.
That's why I'm showing off and acting flashy. I'm the new face of the U.S. Army and I have to look the part. And on my first mission I have to catch at least one villain and kill a few more. Still, at least one will need a humane trial, certainly in another state that allows the death penalty.
Hmm, maybe I should even try to catch the Joker. After all, he has the most overblown reputation of the villains in this city, and he's weak in strength. Many other villains are stronger than him and have more subordinates, but here is afraid all the same all of him, because only he has enough madness to commit a lot of anti-human actions.
Actually, with this order, I should probably worry about my current and future family, but there are a few buts....
Firstly, my current family is more threatened by my brother's enemies because he doesn't kill them, unlike me. Secondly, my entire harem will already be in my squad, or just around me, so they are at risk as it is. And lastly, my family will be protected, personally from me, and from the government. And along with protection from the government will be a lot of bonuses, like no taxes for them, until a certain point, and stuff like that.
As for my protection, I've only recently thought of the idea. Roughly speaking, I used to plan on absorbing all the guys, and some of the girls, from the ones I've summoned. However, now I'm thinking of doing things a little differently. Personal power is important, but I can't be in all places at once, and so I'll need more human resources.
And I can't trust the safety of my loved ones to other people, so this will be handled by some of the summoned people. And the kind of people who can if not defeat the enemy, then at least delay him until I arrive. It would be even better to call up someone with teleport or super speed, but for now I'll just have to make do with what I have.
- Greetings, Major Kent. I'm Officer Knox, thank you for saving our lives. But let me ask you a question, why are you here? - A fairly young guy in a police uniform asked me, holstering his gun. His partners were arresting all the criminals who had surrendered.
- My superiors had ordered me to settle an outbreak of criminal activity in Gotham. The U.S. has been training the Argent Squad to counter various freaks for some time now, and this is our first mission. All I need is the cooperation of the local police, as well as information. You can contact your superiors, they should have been informed by now," I told him, shaking his hand. Now we just have to wait for Semilia and the moment when the locals will give us their communication channel.
The guy quickly walked towards the patrol car, dialling someone's number. His mates were still looking at me rather obliquely, but I didn't see anything particularly negative on their part, which pleased me.
Just at that moment I was approached by Semilia, who stood out quite a bit. However, it was immediately clear who she was with. After all, unlike me, she was wearing the official uniform of our new squad. Though it looked like it wasn't originally made for us, she was wearing the new squad logo with the word "Argent" on the back.
- You're taking a long time," I said, looking at the girl.
- Well, unlike you, I had to run from the landing site to you with almost all my gear. And I'm not much stronger than ordinary people, you're the superhuman," she said with irritation in her voice.
- Well, don't be angry, we'd better get on with the mission. I think I'll go to the souls of superhumans, and you better help the locals to deal with ordinary gangs. I think an immortal soldier with the most advanced weaponry will be useful to them, - I said, looking at the policemen, who were still discussing something with their superiors.
- So, I just need to destroy all the local gangs? - Semilia asked, whose mood was still low.
- Well, you shouldn't be so cruel. After all, we're still working on our reputation, not it on us. So we must appear cruel to all, but fair as justice itself. To the end to warn opponents that they have the opportunity to surrender, and try to take ordinary criminals alive. But the freaks are best to be taken alive at once, arresting only the weak or those who have not yet had time to get dirty, - I answered her, thinking a little.
Now we need to build up a reputation like that of the Justice League, which hasn't been established yet. In fact, I'd rather make it so that the League never existed at all. However, that would require leverage on the government itself, after all, we can't always be pawns in the hands of the powerful. At some point, I'll be the one everyone has to listen to, or at least I'll try.
And then we were approached again by a police officer, who had received confirmation from his superiors and was ready to assist. I only needed information and communication, but Semilia got several officers under her control, and together with them rushed to suppress the mafia.
I, on the other hand, was able to figure out exactly where I needed to go right now. Everyone who could and wanted to had already escaped from Arkham Asylum. The rest remained there in peace and quiet. But right now, I was only interested in the two targets that were already on the rampage. And it was them that I had forgotten about. Or rather, one of them, namely Bane. A criminal who enhanced himself with some kind of serum that made him stronger.
Now it was Bane that the cops were trying to hold, while Batman was dealing with a second problem, in the form of Mr Freeze, who had taken over some lab and taken everyone inside hostage. And I'm even more curious, did Bats decide to deal with him first because he took hostages, or because the lab belongs to the Waynes? Okay, well, it doesn't matter.
Bane got into a fight with some mob or something. I'm not interested in what exactly they were fighting about. What matters is that they've already killed several civilians in the process. That's exactly the kind of thing that makes me hate criminals. They kill ordinary people who can't defend themselves and think they'll get away with it. I'll have to dispel their delusions.
With my speed, getting to Bane wasn't a problem, but I had to walk on the rooftops because there were too many obstacles on the ground.However, once I got to where Bane was supposed to be, he wasn't alone. There were a lot of dead and unconscious people lying next to a rather battered building that had clearly been the scene of a fight, and judging by the clothes they were wearing, they were from the mafia.
And Bane himself at that moment was fighting with two small figures in which I recognised Robin and Batgirl. They were losing to the strength of the criminal, but were clearly capable of causing him trouble and apprehending him. Except judging by their actions they themselves wanted to defeat the villain, not stall until Batman arrived. Pretty stupid, but I'm not one to judge them.
Now it's time to see how good my new gun is against superhumans. I jump gingerly from the roof, immediately activate double acceleration, and aim at Bane. Just not on the lethal points yet, killing him will be much more advantageous in a fight.
Thanks to my skills, it wasn't difficult for me to aim and shoot straight up in the air. Therefore, a millisecond later, Bane cried out after feeling three wounds in his thigh and slowed down a lot, which Batgirl took advantage of by trying to knock him out.
However, this only made Bane angrier, and he got a little bigger, apparently increasing the flow of the drug into his bloodstream. Too bad I don't care about something like that. He's no longer an opponent for me, and I need more power than that.
I accelerate even faster with the wind around me, breaking the sound barrier, and just smash into Bane's chest, crushing it inward. However, this still didn't kill my opponent, but only stunned him. So I had to use a slightly more traumatising move.
I bound the lower part of his body with earth, and touching his head with my hands, I simply sizzled it from the inside. It was more for show than effectiveness, but I just wanted to do it that way. Although this scum clearly deserved a much longer and more painful death, but now was not the time for that.
- You killed him! - I heard an angry shout behind me. Robin was coming towards me, and he didn't like what I'd done, by the look on his face. I wondered how he managed to hide his identity with such a small mask. Although my brother wouldn't be recognised even though he's only wearing glasses. Well, I'll just chalk it up to the mysteries of the DC universe.
- Yes, and I had every right to," I replied calmly, deflecting his rather clumsy blows. I thought they were clumsy, though I thought they were clumsy. Against most of my opponents, that would be enough.
- Who the hell are you!? - He shouted again. Why do you have to yell like that? You could have just said it, and I could have heard him so well.
- Major Edward Kent of the U.S. Army, head of the Argent Squadron," I said with a smile. Maloy had calmed down and was now just staring at me resentfully. He obviously didn't like what I'd done, but there was nothing he could do to me.
- Argent Squad? Who are you guys? - Asked me Batgirl, who had been standing quietly to the side the whole time.
- From now on, the Argent Squad will be the ones to completely destroy 'supercrime' and protect this country. So it's not for you to charge me with anything, Miss Gordon. Now, see you soon," I said, abruptly walking out of there with the help of the wind.
I'm sure she was very surprised by my words, after all, the local heroes consider hiding their identity a matter almost more important than their heroics. And most likely after that Batman himself will realise that I know his identity too. Well, he and I wouldn't get along anyway, so let's not drag this out. He better be wary of me right away.
And I was already hurrying towards Mr Freeze, who Batman was fighting with, when something unusual, though not unexpected, happened.
- Hey, Batman, can you hear me? We've been waiting for you. The kids are so excited to see their hero! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha, - not far from me, on an advertising billboard, the Joker's face appeared, next to which there were many crying children.
I guess I'll have to put off dealing with the others for later. Right now, there were clearly bigger problems that I just had to take care of....
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