Chapter 18: Arriving in Gotham
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- Who knew we had a super-fast fighter that could comfortably hold several people? I sure didn't! - I said, sitting in a small chair and looking at my new weapon.
As we had already discussed with our new "boss", using assault rifles would not be good for our image, so we would be issued pistols. Some new cool and fancy guns, made with the latest technology.
But to be honest, I wasn't expecting such tricked out and cool pistols. As stated in the small certificate that the general gave me along with the new armament, this thing can easily penetrate thick metal sheets, and along with this there are also different cartridges. So far we've only been given regular, explosive, armour-piercing and homing rounds. But the most fucked up thing is the design. Yeah, it's a masterpiece.
- Semilia, what do you think of the new weapons? - I asked the girl who had already changed into her new armour. Something like Kevlar or something like that, she didn't put on a helmet, just saying that she was immortal. In fact, if we'd worn helmets too, we'd have looked like mighty rangers, only in black.
I only wore a blatant body armour, which was better than normal, but still not as good as armour. This is again for image, but far from the main reason. In fact, this armour only holds back my power, and will only hinder me, especially in elemental magic, in which mobility is so important.
- It's fine, but they could have made it lighter. I'm a young and fragile maiden, and such armour is not for me," the girl said, turning towards me. She had the same gun I had, so she wasn't defenseless.
- You know, I wouldn't call a girl fragile enough to take down a squad of armed soldiers by herself, and I wouldn't say anything about your youth," I said, feeling Semilia's irritated gaze on me. Perhaps I should have kept quiet about her youth. Women don't like to mention their age, after all.
- Are you ready for the fight? - I asked her.
- Of course, but I didn't quite understand the danger of our enemies. You, of course, introduced me to various superheroes and their abilities, but you didn't tell me much about this city," she said, looking at me.- Yes, my omission, but then we can tell everything right now," I answered, thinking about where I should start. "First of all, you remember Batman, the hero I told you about, right? - I asked the girl.
- Then it will be easier, - I continued, after the girl nodded, - This Batman appeared here quite a long time ago and started with battles with ordinary bandits and mafia, but soon after him came the "villains". Various metal people, maniacs with good technical weapons or just crazy freaks. And instead of just killing them, this "hero" every time caught them, leaving them alive, and ordinary policemen couldn't do anything to them in direct confrontations, but they can't just kill unarmed people by law. Half of these supervillains ended up being shoved into Arkham Asylum, which didn't really try to cure them, and the other half were sent to Belle Reve Prison. And as you can probably tell from both places, these freaks escaped many times.
- I get the gist of it, but what about the freaks themselves? - Semilia asked me when I had finished my explanation.
- I can tell you about the most dangerous ones we might meet today. I'll start with the Joker, Batman's "main" enemy, so to speak. Practically an ordinary man, from special abilities only peak human characteristics, but his main danger is in another way. In his madness and charisma, thanks to which he always manages to find a lot of allies and create a lot of crazy but brilliant plans. It is best to eliminate him at once by any means. He has an accomplice, Harley Quinn, but she is now in Task Force X, and so to speak she is our colleague, though not entirely voluntary," I said with a smile, still examining my new gun. It's too good, there's nothing to say.
- Another freaky one is Clayface, a metahuman who is essentially made of clay. He can change his appearance, turn parts of his body into various weapons, and is very weakly affected by physical attacks. I can deal with him, so he's not that dangerous. But you better not mess with him," I kept talking about the various villains, thinking about who else to mention.
- Hmm, we may also meet a villain who calls himself Mr Freeze. A metahuman who can control ice, but he also basically only lives using his suit. His mutation does more harm than good. Not only does he control ice, he's like ice himself, meaning he starts dying in the heat and only his suit helps him live peacefully," I said calmly.
- Well the last one we can meet is the Killer Croc. A humanoid cannibal crocodile. I don't know if he was ever even human, but his danger is foolish to deny. The beast's superhuman physical characteristics and insane instincts are his main advantages, and yet along with all of that he has a twisted human intelligence. It's best to keep him at bay by simply shooting him from a distance," I finished my little lecture on the "villains" of Gotham. There are a few other freaks out there, but they're either in Belle Reve or they haven't heard from me in a while. I could talk about them too, but we're running out of time, and we're almost there. The plane's really good, though.
- Okay, I get it, and most of them aren't particularly dangerous, though they can cause problems," Semilia told me, thinking.
But at that moment, our fighter began to slow down, and I felt it was a signal. It's about time we got down to the city.
- I hope you're wearing a parachute," I shouted to the girl, jumping out of the fighter and slowing my fall with air magic.
I saw a beautiful city below, in the gothic style. Just looking at it gives me an air of negativity and hopelessness. Yeah, I have a feeling I'm gonna be here a lot more than once. Still, the city itself is problematic, even without any "supers".
Wind magic was quite useful for manoeuvring in the air, and at the same time it seemed to reduce the effect of gravity on me. I felt like a leaf floating in the wind. Quite an interesting sensation, flying is really exciting.
Even though it's more like falling than flying, I still like it. I'll have to do this more often. Well, not suppress gang wars and freak wars more often, but fly more often. Even though I'll definitely be able to hit the showers today, I still like resting more. Although in this universe, rest is just too expensive.
- Yooooooooo," I shouted as I landed, with large streams of wind swirling around me.
- Okay, that was cool," I muttered, looking up at the sky. Semilia first flew for a good amount of time just for fun, before releasing her parachute, which she also flew for a bit. Towards the end she released the wings from her new suit, landing not far from me. I quickly got to her and looked round to see how the landing went.
- Are you okay? - I asked her. She looked pretty normal, aside from the slight irritation on her face.- Yeah, I just broke my legs, just a little bit. But it would have been better if you'd warned me right away that we were going to jump out of the plane, instead of right at the end," she said with a little irony in her voice. Although maybe it wasn't so small.
- Okay, let's get to the mission. I can already hear the sounds of gunfire in the distance, so that's probably where we're going," I said, smiling cheerfully. I'm much stronger now than I was in the war, and I feel more confident.
I sped off in the direction of the shots, increasing my speed with air magic. After flying a couple of blocks, I saw a firefight between the police and the mafia. Apparently the police aren't exactly respected here. Though, yes, there are three times less cops than their opponents.
As I got closer, I fired three shots at those closest to the police, hitting them in the head. Abruptly jumping over the fence, and with a kick of my foot, I simply blow off the head of one of the mobsters.
- Greetings, gentlemen criminals. I suggest to lay down your weapons and voluntarily surrender to the police, otherwise I will have to use force, - I said with a nice smile, lowering my gun.
But the stunned bandits didn't really want to hear my words, because a few seconds later the first enemy shot at me. However, this did not go unnoticed. Under double acceleration I dodged his shot and calmly killed him with my own shot, which hit the guy in the head.
- I'll say it again, gentlemen. You'd better surrender now, while you are still alive, otherwise there will be no one to surrender to, - I spoke again, coldly looking at the corpse of the just killed guy.
For some reason, however, all my suggestions were ignored, for the next moment I was shot at again, but by three men. I decided to do something more spectacular with them, quickly reducing the distance between us and blowing their heads off. That should show my strength sufficiently.
- You've ignored me twice already... What is that if not reckless courage and a willingness to die in battle? Well, I will listen to your wishes. Don't worry, you'll die a quick death without a single drop of pain," I said frustratedly, looking at the bandits with disappointment.
- Stop! Stop! We surrender! Guys, guns on the ground! Now! - said one of the mobsters, apparently the most important, throwing his gun on the ground. Following him, the others threw their weapons to the floor as well.
- Excellent! Then, colleagues, I leave the rest to you, - I turned around and looked at the police.
- Wait, who are you? - said one of the policemen, pointing a gun at me. I do all their work for them, and they're not happy.
- Major Edmund Kent, Argent Division, U.S. Army," I said, pulling out my ID and showing it to the police. They visibly relaxed and lowered their weapons. I guess they've been serving in this town for a long time and were more expecting some new freak with his own "justice".
Ehhh, okay, gotta have a little talk with them, wait for Semilia and move on, into the freak hunt...
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