Quirks and Magic

Chapter 18: Chapter 17: Danger

"Inko-san!" Momo's shout filled the whole room as she ran towards Izuku's mother for a hug. Seeing it hurt Izuku, and he felt a need to do the same but was unable to even think about it. 

"Who's that woman?" Muramoto whispered under her breath. 

Izuku responded without pausing to glance at his friend and mother sharing a hug. "That's my mother, Marise." Izuku's voice was almost too quiet for Muramoto to understand, but she paid no attention to it. She wanted to know what the green-haired woman could do in battle. 

"Izuku, is everything alright?" Inko was first to talk; her look traced left and right over his eyes.

"Yes, it is." He answered shortly. 

Inko, attempting initiate a new conversation, asked, "Do you mind introducing me to this beautiful lady here?"

"I'm Marise Muramoto, but you can just call me Muramoto. I'm a pretty energetic person that prefers for you to call me by my first name instead of my family name, Marise, and I love fighting!" Muramoto jumped in, her eyes wild, looking everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"That's… nice to hear." Inko tried to be as polite as she could be, still processing the storm of words that her brain had received just a second ago. 

"Also, it would be great if you dropped all of the honorifics, no -san, no -kun, and so on. I hate them!" 

"Sure, um, Muramoto." Inko mumbled, her eyes stuck on the scars that the poor girl bore on her face. 'It's probably related to something painful.' She thought, trying to look into her brown eyes instead. 

"I hope my son didn't give you any trouble."

"No, not at all; he fought fair and square."


"Mom, she's the failed offspring of an instructor and also a battle pyscho if you ask me." Izuku said.

A slap met the back of his head immediately after he finished speaking. "Is that a nice thing to say about a lady?" Inko scolded. She almost grabbed him by the ear before Muramoto intervened.

"It's okay; I get that often."

"No, it is not okay for someone to call you something like that. Not okay at all." Inko's eyes flared up. 

Inko's eyes softened for a moment as she glanced between Muramoto and Izuku, still radiating warmth but with a firmness that told Izuku to mind his words. She gently reached out, gently touching Muramoto's arm. "I'm sorry for his words. You deserve respect, no matter what anyone says," she apologized.

Muramoto grinned, her wild energy undeterred. "I appreciate the thought, but it's fine. I'm used to it. We all have different ways of fighting and living. I just like to do things my own way!"

Izuku rubbed the back of his head where Inko had hit him, feeling both embarrassed and guilty. He didn't mean to upset anyone, but the emotions inside him—both from seeing his mom and the awkwardness of the situation—was hard to control. He sighed deeply, stepping forward to meet Inko's gaze. "I am sorry... I guess.

He tried to walk away, but it was then that he remembered that Momo and Marumoto were still with his mother. He wanted some peace and quiet—an impossible wish at the moment. He sat on a boulder near the taking women. It wasn't far away, just enough so they wouldn't hear each other. 

"Izuku wait." A voice stopped him. "I'm sorry!" It was his mother. He didn't know how to reply. Maybe she was sorry, but still she didn't tell him what he asked her. Maybe she didn't want to, or maybe she couldn't next to Muramoto and Momo.

"Do you forgive me?" Inko asked, not moving an inch.

"Yeah, I guess." Izuku muttered, from where he sat. His brief period of rest was soon interrupted, however, by the entrance of four particular people. Agatha, Izuna, Akito, and Bakugo approached, Agatha leading their small procession. 

The situation might have been funny from a different perspective. People that were born to be with him and for him were now eyeing him down for multiple incidents in which he was at fault. A mentor that he insulted, a sister with whom he'd alway fought, a cousin who'd tormented others for their cowardice, and a childhood friend. 

Funny. If it was from another perspective.

"Oh, hi honey." Agatha's voice broke the air as she aproached Inko step by step. 

Izuku knew he needed to apologize, but right then, right there, could he do it? "Hey Agatha…" His voice tried to leave his mouth with little to no success. 

"Yes Izuku?" Izuku found himself unable to speak. He had hoped that she somehow wouldn't hear him. He didn't know what to say. "You said something?" She spoke again.

"It's… nothing." He said, trying to find some courage to look around the room. Meet someone's gaze. There were eight people around and he couldn't bring himself to look at any of them. Maybe he was the problem.

"The barrier is about to fall apart." Inko warned everyone as an invisible barrier gained color and started glitching. "Agatha, be ready to teleport them out as soon as you can. We are going to deal with it." She pointed with her hand at the six adolescents in the room.

"We can fight!" 

"We can fight!"

Izuku's and Bakugo's voices spoke in unison, neither of them louder or faster than the other. It would've been a nice moment if their glares didn't meet a second after.

"No discussion!" Momo spoke up. "We are listening to them; no complaints; they are older and more powerful." 

"Bitch, move out the way and shut up!" Bakugo's tongue was sharp and his voice loud. "Nobody asked you anything."

"That's rude, don't you think?" Muramoto spoke, pushing into Bakugo's personal space; she was more than ready; rather, she was hoping to impale him with one of her blood spears.

"I think that's enough." Agatha spoke, placing herself between the two to prevent any kind of fight. "It is not debatable; we are teleporting you to a safe place."

Izuku clenched his fists, frustration bubbling inside him as everyone's voices seemed to drown out the silence he so desperately craved. He wanted to fight—he needed to fight. The tension in the room was suffocating.

But Momo's words echoed in his mind. She was right. Agatha and Inko were more powerful and more experienced. 

With a final around of cracking glass, the barrier broke, and Agatha wasted no time to engulf the teens in purple light. They would have escaped too if the pink light hadn't interrupted the spell. 

"What are you doing?!" Inko shouted, but Agatha paid no mind to her words. Her focus was spent looking around the room, looking for something… or someone. 

"Hi, there!" a high-pitched voice announced its presence. 

A pink-haired woman's head popped out of the ceiling, her wolf cut hanging upside down. Elle had a smile from ear to ear. Her dull face lit up when she noticed Inko and Agatha. "Guys, here!" She shouted, flashing a pink light which revealed a group of four people standing below. 

"Izuku, Izuna run!" Inko ordered, making a green mana disk and launching it directly at Elle's head while Agatha tried to hit the small group. She aimed at Quanny since he was in the middle. In an attempt to avoid her attack, the four of them split up.

No matter how many thoughts ran through Izuku's head, no matter how many scenarios of him fighting and winning against some of the men that appeared he imagined, he knew better than to disobey a direct order from two of the most powerful witches he knew. He grabbed Momo with one hand and Muramoto with the other hand and started running towards the stairs. 

He hurriedly whispered the Latin words "to move across space" multiple times, but every time a blue light would come out of his hand to start transporting him to another location, a pink one would appear out of nowhere to disrupt it. "Teleportation is off the table." He spoke softly,letting go of both girls as they started going down the stairs. 

"What about them?" Momo asked in a rush, stopping her heavy steps on the second step. "About who?" Izuku responded, his eyes following her finger, which was pointing at Akito, Izuna, and Bakugo. 

"Really?" Both Izuku and Muramoto asked.

"Really!" Momos screamed.

"Fine," he muttered, extending his hand and uttering, "Volits." Three of their bodies started floating and flying towards Izuku, as they were caught with thin blue mana by their backs. Soon the other three teens stood just a few feet away from them, complete with Bakugo's loud whining.

"What the?" He protested, trying to run the moment his feet touched the ground. If Izuku hadn't reacted fast enough and raised him into the air, Bakugo would've been next to Agatha and Inko in seconds. "Shitty nerds! Let me go. I need to fight!" 

"And you will." Momo spoke to him when he quieted down and started to listen. "They will send at least one person to deal with us while the rest of them fight against those two." As though on cue, the attackers started to announce their plan.

The pink-haired one started to shout, in a language Izuku was familiar with but not yet able to speak: English. [Mon, Quanny, go deal with the kids. Esna and CC, you are with me.] Bakugo took a fighting stance while Momo started running down the stairs faster. 

Izuku and Izuna didn't need to ask about what had been said. They knew Bakugo and Momo well enough to understand their reactions. The other two, however, were still quite curious. 

"What did they say?"

"What did they say?"

Akito and Muramoto asked in unison.

"They are coming!"

"They are coming!"

Bakugo and Momo answered, then faced each other to judge each other's strategy of fighting. "The fuck are you running?" Bakugo asked, his eyes bulging, "Are you always such cowards? Huh, Deku?"

"If you had any part of a brain remaining in that oversized skull of yours, you would figure out that it is better to face them with brains rather than brawn." Momo's onyx eyes pierced through the air, meeting with Bakugo's.

"We don't have enough time for this!" Izuku interrupted, moving past Momo and dragging her along to the lower floors. "This isn't a matter of winning or losing. It's about living or dying. And to be frank, I don't mind if some of you fuckers die.

They walked away,and Akito hesitantly followed them after a few moments. A minute or so was enough time for Muramoto to decide the same. Izuna had already made her decision to live. Making Bakugo come along, however, would be a major challenge she had to overcome.

She didn't try to speak, just looking pleasingly into Bakugo's eyes, while she tried to gently drag him along. It took precious moments they could barely afford to lose, but finally, with a heavy breath, he decided to follow Izuku's steps, making his way to the lower floor as fast as he could, Mon and Quanny already awfully close to them.

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