Quirks and Magic

Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Everyone has Problems

"For heaven's sake, can you stop looking at me like that?" Agatha demanded, waving her hand in front of Akito's face. "How many times do I have to tell you that I am not looking at you?" His eyes were glued to the phone Katsuki had given him, holding it up in the air, right over Agatha's face, blocking any chance of looking at her.

"Then act like every other teenager and hold that damn phone down!"

"This is easier."

"The heck is it?"

"Um, hh."

Agatha facepalmed, losing most of the hope for this generation. "Can you at least tell me why you are following me?" Agatha asked dully, looking over her shoulder at the brown-haired boy.

"Izuna instructed me to return if I wish, once I manage to bring you here!" In his eyes, the pupils were changed for two stars.

"Really, that brat said that?"

"100 percent!"

"Hon, at least be careful; I don't want to be responsible for the death of another kid." Agatha walked through the street, letting Akito follow her just a few steps back. They teleported fifteen meters away, since Agtaha forgot the exact location of Inko's apartment. She hasn't visited them since 2304. ten years ago.

"Whait!" Akito stood stiffly. "You killed children."

"It is a joke; relax!"

"It didn't sound like one."

"Tough public." She said she was walking with firm steps. "We're here." Agatha announced, spotting a certain blond boy banging his hands on nothing. His hands stopped over his shoulder, while the sounds of the wall could be heard around him.

"Bakugo, man, are you okay?" Akito approached him from behind, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Why are you hurting, uhm, air?"

"You shithead! Izuna's on the other side!" Katuski's teeth gritted against each other, his eyes ready to pierce anyone he looked at.

"Then just walk!" Akito said it with a careless tone. His feet started moving, and his face was nonchalant. He was ready to walk forward. He didn't get far; his head was repelling against the invisible wall. "What the?"

"Congrats you idiot!" Katuski grabbed him by the collar, making him stand up on his feet once again. "At least tell me what you find on old Fart's phone!"


"How useless can you be?"

"No, listen for a second." Akito demanded, reaching for the phone and opening an app with a map. "I found nothing. There are spots in the city where nothing happens and it is hard to approach." Akito pointed to the red spots on the map.

"You don't say," Agatha muttered to herself.

"And when you look at it, they are singular buildings, separated one way or the other." Akito gave the phone to Katsuki for him to stare at.

"Can I look at it?" Agatha asked, extending her hand and opening her palm. "Sure." Akito quickly uttered, as in swift motion he grabbed the phone from Katsuki and gave it to Agatha.

"Inko's, Suzune's and Tsukauchi's homes are one of the targets."

"This is way too weird and out of the hand." Katsuki complained while throwing a few explosions in Izuna's direction.

"You don't say! First the purple moon, and now solid air." Akito decided to sit a few meters away from Agatha and Katsuki for safety reasons.

"What a purple moon." Katsukui asked with a dumb look on his face.

"You don't see it?" Agatha was intrigued by the new information. She gathered some purple mana on her hand, holding it in front of his eyes and waving them in front.

"The hell you are doing, hag!" He screamed from the bottom of his lungs, moving her hand off her face. "On what drugs are you two?"

"What drugs are we on?" Akito squealed "You were the one punching the air and the only one not to notice the moon changing colours."

"..." Katsuki's silence spoke volumes.

"Well, either way, you two be careful!" Agatha said, approaching the barrier, moving Katsuki away, and placing her palm on it. Before she could get her hand close, it started to absorb all of her magic, dragging her in. "This explains a lot." She muttered under her breath.

"Explains what?" Katsuki screamed, throwing a direct punch at the wall and almost breaking a few bones. 

"Nothing much." She grabbed both Akito and Katuski by their arms, teleporting them to the nearby rooftop. "The best thing is to wait here."

"Why?" Akito asked, barely standing due to the sudden change in the environment.

"We'll wait, and if you are here with me, I can cover for your misuse of quirks." Agatha softly preached, letting the two boys sit behind her in silence.

"The hell we are!"

"Of course, thanks for your care and kindness!" Akito bowed a little as his palm made his way to shut Katuski's mouth.

"Invenire aliis artem! Agttha's voice rang, her eyes completely turning deep purple. To her sight, the barrier became more obvious along the runes that made it possible. But the most interesting thing for her to see was Inko completing the canceling rune trail and activating it. 

The moment Inko put out her runes, the barrier around her started pulsing, creating ripples and circular patterns all over it. The rune trail's purpose was to destabilize the mana in the barrier and cancel it over time. 

There were early signs of success when she saw small holes among the patterns and ripples. "It will take some time…" Agatha's mind started to rush; she needed to get in there and help, but it was a one-way trip, and who knows who was outside, ready to attack?

And still, there are kids here; she can't leave these two boys alone. "Give me your hands!" She commanded. The two of them listened, Katsuki less willingly. With a quick glance, she was able to locate the veins and make small cuts over them.

"You cut me, you hag!" Agatha didn't pay much mind to Katsuki's ear-piercing shouts. In the small cuts, she poured a lot of her mana and healed small wounds once she was done. "There," she said with a quiet voice. 

Before the two of them could move their hands, she grabbed them by their wriests, teleporting them in front of the barrier once again. "Let's try again." She uttered, her hand showing forward. 

Katuski was the first one to listen, but in his own way. He wanted to throw another punch at the same spot, but this time, his fist passed through with little to no struggle, instead meeting resistance. And his face dragged the floor, eating some dirt, causing a loss of balance.

Akito and Agatha decided to walk through a bit more gracefully, with their heads high and firm stances.

"What the hell did you do?" Katsuki asked, his face fumming out of frustration. 

"Maybe thank someone once in a while when they do you a favor." Agatha hummed, offering her hand to Katski so he could stand up nicely.

"Whatever," he scoffed, ignoring her offer and standing on his own. Still, Agatha stopped him when she noticed purple veins spreading from his eyes down over his cheeks.

Akito was also quick to spot it, staring at Katsuki, disgust covering his face, as the vains started causing red rivers from Katusk's eyes. He was crying blood.

Thinking that they were tears caused by irritation, he wanted to rub his face and continue moving through the burned building. Once he brought his hand down, where he could see them, his eyes caught traces of blood on them. "What the fuck is this?"

"The veins have the same colour as the moon…"Akito announced, taking a few steps away from Katsuki, when, from his skin, the same colour mist started coming out. "And that is also purple, the same shade."

"Sanare qui frangitur intus." Agatha gathered a ball of purple mana in her palm before she placed it over Katusuki's eyes. The purple veins on the touch started to disappear as the blood began to harden and fall off. In a second, he was as good as new and healed all the way.

"How did you do that? I thought your quirk was energy and teleportation stuff!" Akito questioned, his eyes glowing in deep light. "And what's up with those words? Are they Latin?"

"My quirk is energy-oriented; it can do a lot of stuff, and yes, it is Latin; it helps me concretize what I am doing if I say it in Latin first." Agatha spoke, trying to imitate the same energy Akito was projecting. Once she was done with everything, she decided to walk through the crumbling and burning entrance. The building was minutes away from falling apart. 

"You coming?" She asked the two boys, making her way inside with careful steps. "Heck yes!" Katsuki got rid of his shock after standing there for a solid five minutes, while Akito followed behind, closing in on himself, his eyes looking up and down over the falling cement block, left and right over the dancing flames.

"Holy shit." Akito gasped, finally getting a grasp of the new view. "I didn't even notice that!" He pointed his finger at the cracks before him.

"Yeah," Agatha sighed, piling up purple mana on her palm. "Mitescere cibum." Agatha released the purple wave of energy that moved away all of the dust and flames in its way.

"Here, let's move quickly!" She rushed them to the half-broken stairs. "What happened here exactly?" However, after Akito's question, she knew she couldn't hide them from boys without magic. 

"Gross!" Katsuki exclaimed, looking at the blood rivers and lakes underneath the dead bodies. "Points to the fucker who did this for creativity!" He covered his nose with his T-shirt to protect it from the burning stench.

"Would you hurry up now?"

"Sure." Akito muttered, his eyes closed, and grabbed Katsuki by his arm, somehow dragging a person 30 pounds heavier. 

They weren't allowed to get any rest at all, for the next sight to meet them on the next floor was a girl with green hair, kneeling down. Purple energy ran throughout her face, accompanied by red rivers from the eyes, while at the same time she was turning into stone from her feet up.

"Izuna!" In the same heartbeat, Akito and Katuski ran towards the poor girl.

"Can this be any worse?" Agatha quickened her pace, approaching Izuna. "Move!" She ordered them, so there could be some place for her. "Sanare qui frangitur intus!"


[Five minutes are up! Are we going?] CC's voice was high with excitement.

[Wait a little.] Elle's voice was also filled with excitement, but for different reasons. [Someone is messing with my barrier; we ought to see who it is.] She placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from doing anything stupid.

[And why would we do that?] CC's voice quieted down a lot, and his eyes sharpened. [That just takes away from the fun!]

[Think with your head!] Elle gave him a slight smack at the forehead. [Don't you understand that anyone who messes up with my magic is insanely powerful?]

[That's probably Inko.] CC wanted to shut her down with her own weapon during arguments and logic. But, as always, she had an answer ready.

[If you followed the instruction and threw a rune ball at her, she is currently under magic block, unable to use any magic at all.] Elle's eyes for the first time, had a glimmer of excitement about fighting. She lost that feeling a long time ago. She was the one who taught CC how to enjoy a good fight and how to make a fight interesting. Well, as she would put it, she got older.

That is a lame excuse to change your personality and be a hypocrite. In that process, she became less interested in feelings and more interested in results.

[Yes, I put a rune ball on her but that doesn't mean her son wouldn't be able to take it off.] CC's voice got a little more raspy. [For god sake, I saw some runes and even though I was able to understand what they do, you didn't make them hard to crack; you just made them on whim.]

[Of course I made them on a whim.] Her voice wasn't loud but her constant punches, with no breaks in between them, spoke volumes about what she was feeling now. [Let's see you write 1000 runes set nine times in less than an hour. I would like to see you try.]

[If you gave me your magic and your knowledge, I am sure I would do far greater than what you did.] CC's voice grew more raspy for two reasons: if he was frustated or angry. 

[Elle, what happened to that little rule of yours? No fighting. Remeber?] Esna's dull voice came out of nowhere. She came out of nowhere. She just appeared.

[But out of this, you flame brain!] When CC's voice hits the raspiest note, it means that he is excited and frustrated as much as possible at the same time. While it was an ear-piercing event, it was always an attraction to watch him fight and his eyes dance.

[You were born with no quirk for a reason! Your own existence gave you up. You were born without magic for a reason; there wasn't anything great about you. You are no one and nobody!] Elle's voice cut the air thin, leaving tension thick enough so you could cut it with a knife. [Even when you got gifted with the greatest devil's power—a fucking complex—something so great you deafened yourself! And who was there to fix you? Me! You weren't meant for great things; face it!]

CC didn't waste a minute; he was ready to throw a punch—a right hook at that moment—with no hesitation. With no hesitation on his end, his team had something different in mind. Esna was quick to step in between them and flame up her body in defense.

[I think that is enough for you too!] Her voice finally gained some emotion as she activated her quirk along with her magic. The only part of Esna's body that wasn't on fire was her hand, which stopped CC's fist.

[Move away, Esna!] Elle gave a warning to the burning woman in front as her body began to flare up with pink mana.

[Elle, this ain't you.] Quanny spoke softly, letting his quirk create a chain from his arm. [Plese-]

[What? "Please" what?] Elle cut him off, destroying his chain with a quick flick of her arm. [Don't you dare tell me to calm down. Not you out of all the people.]

[I give up!] Quanny sighed, cutting off the chain from his wrist. [Mon, this is better for you to solve.] He uttered it, deactivating his quirk completely, when a chunk of metal fell from his hand.

[All of you don't have anything to say to me! I was chosen as a leader; you have to listen to me!] Elle yelled from the bottom of her lungs. [You hear me']

[Are you done?] Mon spoke softly. [So what if you are our leader? You are just the leader of our small hit-ops; you are still beneath the Bossman. See? Same as we all are, you ain't much better than us.]

[Even if I am way weaker and worse than you, you are supposed to listen to me.]

[So what? And how do you expect us to listen to you even when you don't listen to yourself? You changed the original plan five times already.] Mon's monotone voice became more exaggerated when he criticized someone. It gave a good enough signal for others to leave the room.

[You don't understand.] Elle's eyes become glassy, and she was trusting Mon, showing him a glimpse. 

[Can you three leave us alone?] Mon's voice cut through the air, slowly and steadily. In an awkward mood, the three of them steadily.

[It is awkward; no one said anything is easy, and leading a team of chaotic killers where you are the only one who takes responsibility for a fate that can crumble someone.] Mon offered her a seat at the small table where they played cards moments ago. [But that doesn't give you reason to complain or blame anyone!]

[That sounds just like a baseless counterargument. You were the one who gave up the same situation a year ago.] Elle's voice squealed in high notes as she spat words. [What happened with "That doesn't give you a reason to complain or blame anyone?]

[There was a reason boss-man gave my role to you. He believes that you are far better suited for the role.]

[Bullshit!] Elle uttered. [You had better control over them all; even when CC came under my wing, you were the one who had him on the leash and mentored him until he was ready to fight.]

[How blind are you? You taught him how to fight; you learned Japanese just so you could teach him Latin and English. He was like a little brother to you.] Mon moved away from his white and black hair to reveal his eyes. [I just introduced you to terrain and missions.]

[Then why doesn't he listen to me?]

[Remember when you were younger how you hated authority and how it was a hassle to control or instruct you.] Mon's eyes softened, his cheeks stretching a little wider with a smile sneaking on his face. [You rubbed on him quite a lot.] 

[Then what about Esna and Quanny? What the fuck is with them? Whatever I saw, they don't listen or just do the opposite of what I told them to.] 

[You can't really take that into consideration.] Quanny is just a twenty-year-old brat and Esna borderline has alexithymia. Without her magic and emotions, she gains back when using it; there isn't anything about her except boredom. 

Elle stood up, her back turned back to the man who calmed her down. [Is that a way to thank your mentor?] Mon jokes, walking away, leaving some space for her to breathe and calming down. 

[Holy fuck!] She cussed at herself, curling into a ball, not letting her tears start long rivers. [How pathetic am I?] 

[A lot, but it isn't your fault?] A deep voice spoke to her. [Honestly, what you lived through, god, some would die the moment they saw some of the deaths and crimes you affected or helped to stop.]

[You are saying that because you didn't do the exact same thing with me!] Elle's voice broke. [End, what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to keep the broken moon active?]

[Dear sister, from what I saw at my station, the current plan is nothing like what we originally imagined.]

[Go away, JJ.] Elle didn't know what to do. [If you need help, I'll help you go wherever you are supposed to be; damnit, at this point, wherever you want to be.]

[That isn't a way to treat your dear brother like that, isn't it?] He took a step forward. >You can tell me your problems, and maybe I can help you.< 

[So you finally learned some Swedish; it was about time!] Elle remarked, taking JJ's mask from his pocket and putting it on his face. >I have nothing to tell you; we aren't a family. Never were and never will be!<

Are you still upset about that shit with Mom? She forgave me. It is time for you too-<

>I don't care about it; I don't care about you anymore; you aren't my brother, and I honestly don't consider you a half-brother either.< One tear managed to escape Elle's eye. [I have too much shit on my plate right now, and I can't take anymore of yours!]

>At least I thought I should try to be like a family. Y'know you only have me?<

[Don't use any language other than English or Latin on missions; this is a strict rule to follow.] Elle spoke, trying to imitate Mon's deathful tone and empty eyes.

>Don't be an asshole right now! I just wanted help!< JJ moved, trying to step closer, maybe hug her.

[It is time to go!] Elle extended her left arm, "pre spatium permoves" In a pink flash, Elle managed to teleport her brother back to where he belonged. Far Away from her doing stuff he wants and occasionally things he needs when money or foon are in question.

His task was simple. Activate his complex on the highest building in Musutafu city. And surprising to Elle, he did it almost to perfection. 

[There is no point in waiting; my team needs me.] Elle uttered to herself, starting to mutter the words "Praecipio tibi movere spatium" Four pink flashes appeared behind her. "pre spatium permoves" She followed soon, lining herself in a pink light and teleporting to the same balcony where she sent her teammates.

[I apologize for my outburst!] She quickly laid out her words as soon as she made sure everybody could hear them. [But all of you are still on my shit list! Are we clear?]

[Would you do the honors?] CC asked, waving his hand at the barrier-covered building. [It's time to have some fun!] 

Elle took a quick look at her work, which was seconds from falling apart by now. [I think there isn't any need for that.] She answered, letting a loud popping sound show them what she was talking about.

The same moment a loud pop undone the spell, it revealed CC's rage thrown around the civilian building. [You need therapy, man!] Quanny butted in. [Like, as quick as possible.] 

[I didn't do all of this!]


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