Naruto shinigami deal

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Kenjutsu sensei

Age 10, Naruto

A lot of things have changed these past two years firstly, Kakashi's reaction to what happened with Anko feeling nervous. First was anger at the villagers, followed by surprise when Anko jumped in to save him, followed by shock when he heard two shinobi launch kunai with explosive tags and that Naruto had to use a mate mark to save her. When he recovered, he told them to try and work through it after that, the two went on dates and picnics, strengthening their relationships. For his training, Kakashi took him survival training as well as redoing all his shinobi training from the academy being an orphan, he went two years earlier than everyone else to not be behind the clan kids, but Kakashi told him that it was a waste of time since the civilian council took over it was useless. 

Around this time, Suki had told him she'd be on a long-term mission and that their only way of communication would be through her summon. This was the night before the Uchiha massacre happened Itachi Uchiha went crazy and killed most of his clan, Only leaving His mother and younger brother Sasuke. But Naruto thought something wasn't right. That night, he was walking to his apartment when he smelled the scent of blood, so he entered the Uchiha district, and sensing Mikoto's life essence fading he rushed to help her. In his panicked state seeing Mikoto one of the only people who took care of him after the accident he bit his hand with his fangs as he put his hand on her lips and made her bite his arm. But still trying to figure out the right limits and underestimating the demonic blood healing ability caused and adverse side effects like the de-aging as Mikoto didn't let go until she passed out.

Right now, we can see the blonde walking toward Ankos favorite. He was instructed to find a person Anko had described to him as renowned for her kenjutsu mastery and a great friend of Ankos. This was aided by Kakashi talking about her in a good light and having already met her while she was on anbu duty as Cat or her real name, Yugao Uzuki.

"Come on, Yugao *Caugh* it won't cost you anything to *cough* go on a date with me," said a man with short brown hair wearing a special Jonin vest and a bandana, a sheathed sword. *Sigh* "For the last time, Hayate, I'm not interested in dating you," said a purple-haired teen similar to Anko's, Annoyance clear in her words. "Plus, I'm waiting for someone interested in learning Kenjutsu, and I'm already in an arranged marriage ." 

"Why don't we teach him together? He'll learn faster that way, and we could get closer, As for your fiance, what makes you think he won't have fun around with other people? Besides your would-be fiance doesn't need to know you had some fun before you got married, " the kunoichi was about to respond in anger when Hayate looked at Naruto entering the restaurant. "What do you think you are doing here, demon brat? You better leave this place before I decide to do something about you," said Hayate, cold anger in his words. But Naruto ignored him, making Hayate frown as he focused on the girl who had a slight pink color on her cheeks when she went to Naruto. "Excuse me, are you Yugao Uzuki, Anko and someone else told me you are the best swordsman in the village." those words got Yugao to blush slightly more.

"Why does it matter to you, brat?" Asked an annoyed Hayate, trying to keep the boy from ignoring him. "Yes, I am," she replied. "can I help you with something?" she replied curiously."Yes, two people recommended me to learn from you the way of the sword," He replied, bowing.

"So, could you please teach me kenjutsu?" This surprised Yugao as not many people showed much humility. Usually, those who wanted to learn kenjutsu from her were civilian-born kids, and they usually ordered her to teach them, and she'd reject them one way or another. "I'm sorry you came all the way here, but she isn't interested in teaching a demon like-" "I accept," Yugao said, surprising Hayate. "Great, when could we start." asked a very excited Naruto. " Tomorrow at 9 am in training ground 7. I hope you don't make me wait." She replied, somewhat amused by the look of disbelief on Hayate's face.

"I wouldn't dare make such a beautiful woman wait," Naruto said, playing along, earning a small blush from Uzuki. With that, they left, leaving a shocked Hayate in the restaurant. 

After two months of training, both Naruto and Yugao became quite close, sharing their likes, goals, and dislikes. This led to some surprises, like Yugao learning Kakashi had taken Naruto under his wing and was an active teacher for him, the sibling bond they had formed, all the beating he had been in, and what happened to him on his sixth birthday. In return, Naruto learned why Yugao hated Hayate so much, it turns out. Not only did he steal her Kenjutsu style, but even though he hadn't perfected it, he managed to make it decent enough. Only to boast he was the best and insult both her and her mother as well as her mother's teammates, who were her idols. Saying that they were a mockery of what a swordsman should be and Relentlessly going after her, trying to date her to the point she constantly tries to avoid him even when she has told him she was already engaged. 

After revealing all these, tears began to form around the corners of her eyes. All the emotions she felt over the years that she had suppressed, losing teammates, her parents, and more. It got to the point where Naruto hugged her, much to her surprise, and earned a slight blush as he tried to calm her and gave her comforting words, earning a slight blush as he tried to calm her. "He's just a coward who couldn't do anything and stole something from you. That bastard doesn't deserve you." He said, pulling her way as he pulled her chin up to him, making her see him. "You are an amazing and strong Kunoichi. I bet your parents and idols are proud of the woman you've become." 

After a bit, she calmed down and thanked him this led to them continuing their conversation, a bond already forming with both getting closer and closer to the point where Yugao would envy the relationship Anko and Naruto had. Even though they live in different apartments, Anko told her everything he did as Anko had Sneaked into his apartment and teased him while he was bathing, which led to unholy thoughts on the part of Uzuki. Something that was made worse when she saw him shirtless in one of their training sessions when his t-shirt got badly damaged during their training session. Which caused a small line of blood to run down her nose and unholy thoughts. Feeding into her crush, she had developed, only to be noticed by Anko and restlessly teasing her, causing Naruto to comfort her or try to stop Anko.

With Naruto 

He was walking with Kakashi as he looked up at him "So where are we going, Anko-chan and Yugao-chan only told me to find you?" asked a curious Naruto. "They... wanted to talk alone as for where we are going, we are headed to the Yamanaka clan so someone can check your mental health, as the Hokage is worried about you," said Kakashi. Naruto nodded slowly. 

As they entered the flower shop, they saw a young girl with platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes when they saw both people. "hello, welcome to Yamanaka Flower Shop how can I help you." she said, looking at the two people. "Hello," she said, looking at Naruto curiously as she went up to him with a smile, only for Naruto to look back to Kakashi. Only Kakashi nodded ever since he was little, Naruto was always surrounded by Older people, Kakashi even the most prominent one while he was hated by everyone else.

As the curtains opened, a tall man with long ash blonde hair reached into his lower back, which he wore spiky on top and ending in a long ponytail, light green eyes, and strong facial features, which included a well-defined jawline. He was wearing the standard flak jacket over a black outfit, complete with hand guards, a forehead protector, and a sleeveless red haori. "Ah, Naruto," said Inoichi, looking at Kakashi "Is it already time for your session," he asked. "Yes, Inoichi-sama Naruto is here for his mental health check," said Kakashi, surprising Ino. "Daddy, why does someone around the same age as me come to you?" asked a Curious Ino having seen his father work on older shinobi and they had certain eyes like Naruto even though he masked them she noticed them. Inoichi moved towards Naruto with a small smile as they walked off. Ino puffed her cheeks, her dad never ignored her this made her more curious and a bit sad seeing the kid.

Kakashi, seeing this, decided to intervene "Naruto has a difficult life," said Kakashi, pausing. "He's blamed for something outside his control and carries a heavy burden that he can't discuss with anyone." Said Kakashi. "He has no friends, No family Don't you think he would feel lonely?" asked Kakashi. Ino only took that in and could feel sad. "Y-yeah, but why?" Ino asked, looking at Kakashi, wanting an explanation. "People are ignorant they believe something even if it's not true," said Kakashi. After a few minutes, Naruto and Inoichi came out, and Inoichi looked at Kakashi. "It seems like his mental health has improved, and his negative thoughts have been reduced," said Inoichi. As they left, Ino looked at Naruto and then at her father. "Daddy, what happened to Naruto?" she asked.

"Something I don't wish anyone to go through, and only if he had a friend." said Inoichi "W-would you hate me if I wanted to befriend him," asked Ino nervously. "No, dear, I think you should make your own choices, and I'll be proud of what you decide," said Inoichi, but he was hoping she would make friends with him. Ino looked at the ground "Maybe I should get closer to him and see what I can change. he's kinda cute after all," muttered ino at the end with a slight blush. 

With Anko and Yugao 

Right now, they were both in Anko's favorite Dango shop as they received their order. Anko turned to Yugao and bluntly asked. "So you like Naruto-Kun as well, don't you, Yu-chan," Anko said smiling, this made the anbu bright red blush. "I-I don't k-know what you are talking about, I-it's n-not like I like Naruto-kun," said Anbu, causing Anko's smile to widen. "So it's Naruto-Kun now, huh?" she said, mocking the look when she noticed what she had called the boy. "Ok, you're right I fell in love with Naruto-kun," she said, covering her face between her arms on the table. "I don't know how it happened at first. I saw him as a cute boy, but the more we started to spend time together. My feelings began to intensify and-"The purple-haired kunoichi didn't know how to continue since she couldn't describe how she felt when she was with Naruto. 

"It makes you feel like you had a unique and special strength, didn't it?" Anko finished the sentence in a way that her words sounded more like a statement than a question. Yugao just nodded, resigning herself to her feelings and the snake's tamer words. *sigh* "Ok, then you have my permission to conquer him but what about your fiance," said Anko. This surprised Yugao as she wasn't expecting her friend to encourage her to be with someone she was dating. Seeing the disbelief and confusion on Yugao's face, anko decided to explain her reasons to her. 

"If you don't know, Naruto-kun is technically the clan head of two clans by part of his parents, and you know what that entails." Yugao's eyes widen in surprise, nodding. "The CRA, But which two clans," said Yugao. "Yes, eventually, he will be placed in the CRA, Which allows him to marry multiple women, and they are the Uzumaki and Namikaze," Anko said. 

"Although I don't like the idea of sharing my boyfriend, I know he'll eventually be pressured or even forced to do so, and knowing him, he won't force any woman to be with him if it isn't the girl's choice," Anko said. "Although knowing the power-hungry bastards of the civilian council, they would try to even use their daughters to marry him just to raise their standing and power, not even caring what they have done to him," she growled in disdain, remembering what Kakashi had told them and their own experiences with those power hungry bastards.

"As long I'm concerned, he and I will only accept people that truly love him if not, he wouldn't accept, nor would I." This gave Yugao a sense of happiness and relief but also excitement that she could have a chance to be with the person she fell in love with and could still complete the arranged marriage. 

After that, Anko went into detail about Naruto's status, his hanyou nature, and more like his mark on how it worked and the ritual to get it by the end. She was expecting her friend to back out, but instead, there wasn't any fear or doubt but an increase in feelings and a sense of family in her eyes. This caused both of them to pay for their tab and walk to Naruto's apartment. When they arrived, Naruto was surprised to see Yugao there Anko proceeded to tell him everything. 

"Are you sure about this Yugao, There will be no turning back after this, This bond will last for thousands of years." Said Naruto, a little worried, but to his surprise. Yugao kissed him on the lips soon after he got over it and kissed her back as they broke the kiss. "I'm sure Naruto-kun," she said with love in her words. "So please make me your partner or mate." With that, he leaned down and bit her on the shoulder, this earned a moan from the Uzuki, who moments later returned the action. "Welcome to the family, Yugao-chan," he said, looking at his new partner as he kissed her.

"Yes, this also fulfills the marriage contract between our parents," said Yugao "Wait you mean the marriage contract was with me?" asked Naruto. " Well, I didn't know it was you until Anko told me you were from the Uzumaki clan i always assumed it was a cover name since you had blonde hair. The reason for the marriage contract was my mother she was a great Kenjutsu user and her partner was your mother trained under Kakashi's father as their apprentice and the two were my idols. Since I heard stories about the two of them, Kushina made the contract knowing that she'd have a kid, and the thought of being family with her best friend and fellow apprentice was great to her since she lost her home and family," said Yugao, a little crestfallen as memories of her past, losing her father and mother at an early age and followed by all the hardship she overcome. 

She was surprised by a sudden warmth that jolted her from her memories as she found Naruto hugging her with her face on his chest. "It's alright, Yugao-chan, you are a part of this family, and you'll always feel loved," Naruto said as Yugaos didn't hold back, and with some tears, she kissed Naruto again. When they heard clapping, much to their shock and embarrassment, they turned to see another figure's eye smiling as he whipped a tear. " Oh my Naruto, I returned from a mission, and you already have two partners what would Kushina-neé think about this." said Kakashi while he also sounded round "Otuto, you are growing up so fast I'll need to teach him about certain aspects already hmm." Kakashi started teasing the both of them, making both blush. 

"S-so Kakashi-nii, what b-brings you here," Naruto asked, trying to change the subject Anko laughed a small blush on her face while Yugao was beat red with embarrassment. " Oh, now I can't visit you, Otuto. Plus, I wanted to go over our plan to train you for the next few years as I have the time to do it. As yugao pouted but nodded, Anko sighed for stopping their time together.

with Naruto Academy days later

"P-please stop," said a timid voice begged from around the corner. "Why?" another voice replied. "Are you going to cry?"

"I say we rip the freak's eyes so we don't have to look at them anymore," said a boy "Yeah, at least she'll look a bit more normal," added a boy with a sick laugh. "Good ideas," he said, who looked to be the leader as he took out a knife from his pocket. This made the girl scared, stepping back a little when she began to tremble. A couple of tears began to form in her eyes. "Wow, civilians are idiots, bullying a person to feel better," said Naruto, turning the corner and making everyone turn to look at him. "What the hell do you want, demon wants us to beat you up as our parents have?" said the ring leader as three other boys were beside him, trapping the Hyuga heiress. "Like you could," said Naruto as he before the Hyuga heiress could say something. "YOU SHOULD LEARN YOUR PLACE, YOU PATHETIC DE-" The kid didn't finish as Naruto threw him an uppercut this caused the rest of the kids to rush forward towardsNarutoo only to be defeated in a few fluent motions, disarmed and pinned down the rest of the group. 

"Typical, you guys only gang up on the weak who can't fight back. It's pathetic now leave, and if I ever see you bullying someone else, I'll make you regret it now, scram," said Naruto, a cold look in his eyes that sent chills down everyone's spine. 

"Are you okay?" said Naruto as he turned his attention to the crying girl. "Th-thank you for saving me, um..." replied the girl meekly. "Naruto Uzumaki," the boy introduced himself. "Thank you, Uzumaki-san, I"m Hinata Hyuga," the girl introduced herself. "Why didn't you fight back against them I know you could've defeated them," said Naruto, as he knew the reputation of the Hyuga clan as taijutsu masters. "I-i don't like to hurt others," she said sadly "T-that's why they say I'm weak," 

"That's stupid being kind doesn't make you weak, it's perfectly fine to defend yourself for the ones you love," said the blonde "Say, what's your dream? The thing you want to achieve in life?" 

"I-I want you u-unite my clan un-under one symbol." the girl meekly responded. "And do you think that'll be easy?" asked the blonde as the girl shook her head. "There will always be a conflict to face," He replied "But it's the lengths you'll go to achieve them" 

Naruto smiled as he got up and put his hands in his pockets. "Well, I'll see you in class, Hinata-chan, " he said. This made Hinata blush at the affectionate nickname.

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