Naruto shinigami deal

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 New home

Time skipped 2 years later.

Naruto walked through the village a bit battered as he just finished training with Kakashi. After finding out everything that the academy and orphanage had taught him Kakashi was furious. The two combined had taught him everything incorrectly making Kakashi's blood boil. This took him the better part of the two years due to being in constant missions. During his time with Naruto, he prioritized his training and advice becoming the older brother figure Naruto needed. Kakashi also found out that the girl he met snuck around to see Naruto and that their bond was strong quickly becoming friends and even her sneaking out of her home to stay with him. 

As he made his way to his favorite ramen stand, he quickly entered it. "hey old man" said Naruto taking a seat behind the counter. "Ah, naruto it's been a while who's training," Teuchi said before he called his daughter to come from the back of the shop. "The Usual Kakashi-nee is helping me focus and think through the situations as well as weapon handling," said Naruto, as a girl with light brown hair around his age skipped out flour on her face like on her hair appeared. "you needed something pops," asked the girl before her eyes landed on her favorite blonde. "Oh hey naruto-kun!" 

"Hey, Ayame-chan working hard," asked Naruto as he was tackled by Ayame who rubbed some flour on him as well. "Yup," she exclaimed puffing out her chest "Someone has to keep this place running." earning snickers from Naruto and a couple of laughs from Teuchi at his daughter's antics. "So Naruto what's it going to be today naruto," asked Teuchi. "The Usual," said Naruto. They started working on it. Naruto remembered something.


As soon as Naruto's head hit the hospital pillow, the young boy passed out. Immediately returning to his own, now more lush mindscape to spend some more time with his newfound friend. "Hphm you are back midget," said Kurama "Yeah so what furball do you like my new mindscape," said Naruto. "It's better than the old one," said Kurama suddenly there was a light Naruto stood up and took a protective stance. As the light died down they saw a female figure upset she had long red hair, fair skin, purple eyes, a clock-shaped body, and a double DD almost F cup, the woman wore tight black pants, black ninja sandals, a tight light blue-green jacket, and a warmer on each of her forearms.

"MINATO, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" the woman shouted. "I SWEAR TO KAMI THAT I WILL RIP YOUR SPINE OUT AND BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH IT!" Maybe upset wasn't the exact word to describe the strange woman's current mood. The two remained quiet as the woman continued to rant and yell about the graphic things she was going to do to Naruto's father. As the two silently observed the woman, Kuramas eyes narrowed as he growled "Kushina" "Fox" said Kushina frowned "Why aren't you sealed, Are you manipulating my son," asked Kushina her chains flaring up ready to attack and protect her son only to be stopped by Naruto who jumped in front of Kurama as he said " M-Mom that's enough" said Naruto Kushina's eyes widen as she realized the image of her son.

Without hesitation, she immediately burst forward and engulfed Naruto into a firm, but loving hug. Afraid to let this moment go tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry Sochi." She whispered as she kissed his cheek. It almost seemed like a dream to the Hanyou and he didn't know how to act. But he didn't have to when he was inadvertently wrapped in a warm hug, which made Naruto freeze for a few moments for a moment feeling the years of neglect.

The woman continued to say she was sorry over and over again and begged for his forgiveness that he had to shoulder such a burden. A few seconds ticked by before it all clicked into place. Gently, he embraced the woman back. Giving his mother a firm hug."It's okay Kaa-san, I don't blame you." He whispered, tears now starting to form in his eyes."I swear to Kami if I ever get my hands on that bastard of a husband of mine...." Kushina said only to be stopped by

"We know, you were very vocal and um, descriptive of what you were going to do kaa-chan." Said Naruto with a sweatdrop. Kushina blushed at the comment. "But shinigami-sama took his soul," said Naruto. "Shinigami sama," asked Kushina. Naruto took a deep breath "Today was my birthday," Naruto began. "You would think a kid my age would be excited for it. But for me, this day always brought pain as it's also the day my bastard of a father defeated the Kyuubi. Every year on my birthday, the matron of the orphanage would ensure I was locked or kicked out for some reason or another just so the mobs could organize their so-called 'Fox Hunts'. It usually ends about how you're imagining it."

For her part, Kushina was becoming more and more livid at the actions of the villagers."This year was the worst, and the best at the same time, ironically." Naruto smiled, breaking his mother out of her chain of thoughts. "This time, they almost succeeded in killing me. Kurama tried his best but couldn't heal me the damage I had taken was too much, especially with the way that bastard had to seal done. It also didn't help that the bastard made his appearance to make sure I didn't tamper with the seal. Bastard even attacked me, to ensure I couldn't get to the seal. Saying he wasn't about to let me undo his sacrifice." said Naruto 

"After that Naruto fell unconscious again after being struck." Kurama started, filling in for when Naruto was knocked out. Though, in theory, he could have remembered it either way since they were within his mind when it happened. "I argued with the bastard as he gloated about deceiving you with his lies. Acting all proud and how the midget would become colder after he survived his experience and become the village's weapon to bring the other nations under Konohagakure's rule," said Kurama. "That's when shinigami-sama appeared and took that bastard's soul." Finished Kurama.

"After that, I woke up and we made a deal the condition was to be made into a hanyou," said Naruto. " what kind of deal?" Nervously asked Kushina. "To keep balance in the world and act as his agent," said Naruto."Why would you do that" Asked Kushina. "Because I was tired of my life always being in danger," said the Hanyou with a firm voice "And before you think something strange, Shinigami-sama was the one who gave me the choice, he never forced me, it was completely my decision to accept that offer. I weigh the pros and cons of accepting such a deal." declared Naruto. "He's right Kushina" interrupted Kurama after remaining silent. "It was his decision" Kushina was surprised by this. "But how did you know about my father's true side?" he said the last part venomously. "I found out a few hours after your birth, Sochi," Kushina said remembering that day, "When after I gave birth to you, a masked man appeared and kidnapped you. That idiot of your father managed to rescue you and send you to a safe place," said the redhead, where the Hanyou was paying close attention to what his mother was telling him. 

"After both of them disappeared, that guy captured me and extracted the fox from my seal, which weakened me a lot," Kushina said. Kurama growled. "His name is Kurama," said Naruto this surprised Kushina who like her mentor only knew them as mindless beasts. "Shortly after, Minato appeared and took me to where he had left you so that I could stand next to you," said continuing unable to forget the moment she first held her son. "But seeing all the destruction that that bastard in the mask was causing with Kurama. I knew I had to do something to prevent a bigger disaster. I used all my strength until I reached a place where I had a couple of release pills," Kushina said, letting out a sigh. 

"But in that, I could feel your father's presence, but he was accompanied by three other people, one of which I knew very well, the damn bastard Danzo," said the redhead

"So, by hiding my presence, I managed to get close enough to them," Kushina said, causing her to start clenching her fist tightly. "At that moment, I found out that those two sons of bitches were planning to use you as Kurama's new Jinchuriki," the older Uzumaki said with hatred. "While they were planning to use me as the person who would sire a new Uzumaki Root force," said the former Konoha jinchuriki causing Naruto to release his killing intent clenching his fist and teeth. It took about five minutes for Naruto to calm down. As they returned their attention to the redhead woman.

"When I heard that, I was shocked and, above all, furious," said Kushina, summarizing very little of what she felt then. "When I saw that both of them had left, I took a moment to process everything. I wanted to crush those bastards. I wanted to bury their faces in the ground until they were pure." said the second jinchuriki of Konoha while frowning. Then take some air to calm down. "When I was coming back for you Sochi, I saw that you were no longer in the bed where I left you, but I didn't have to think about it too much since I knew who had taken you and where," Kushina said making Naruto growl under his breath at the actions of his excuse for a father. "So, not knowing what was going to happen or what those guys were planning, I decided to put some of my chakras into the seal secretly that way I could meet you and then leave for where you were destroying everything," said the redhead looking at the Biju who growled.

"Once I managed to find the bastard, I saw that he had placed you on some sort of small pedestal and that he had also summoned one of his toads, but then he started launching some attacks at you to get your attention," Kushina said, looking back at the Biju. "When I confronted him, I noticed how he was holding you. Soon, we were not facing each other, and while some of his summons were distracting you, Kurama," she said, still trying to get used to calling him by a name.

"The bastard let you fall," said the redhead looking at Naruto. Who opened his eyes. "I managed to catch you, but that bastard used that opportunity to stab me in the stomach, which added to my condition at that moment and almost caused me to faint, soon I saw how that blond bastard began to perform some seals of the Reaper death seal," said Kushina. "So I decided to use my chains," said Kushina. "Wait were they the chains you just used." asked Naruto." Yes, the Adamantine chains, it's an ability of the Uzumakis that allows them to generate chains from their body, which have great durability and are even capable of keeping me still for a long time," said Kushina surprising Naruto. 

"I used them to try and stop Kurama's blow, but I saw that that wasn't going to be enough so using all the strength I had left I ran as fast as I could and managed to lift you in time to prevent you from receiving the blow," said Kushina as Kurama sighed remembering that wasn't he's best moment. "But that didn't stop me from piercing both you and that human trash with my claws," said Kurama sighing knowing he was repaying something after that Naruto and Kushina talked for a half hour. Kushina told him about her days at the academy, her missions, battles, and the time she spent with Kakashi.

However, the moment's seriousness was disrupted by the sound of the young blonde's stomach rumbling in hunger, which caused the Redhead woman to laugh. When she finished laughing, she saw her son looking at her. "Is something wrong, Sochi?" the woman asked. It's nothing, Kaa-chan. It's just that I always imagined what your laugh would be like, and it was very beautiful," said the blonde. While the woman had a small blush, Kushina shook her head to try to dispel the blush. "As soon as I get out of this hospital, I am getting me some ramen! Dattebayo!" The blonde proudly exclaimed, not noticing the verbal tick he had.

"No better ramen then Ichiraku's." Kushina smirked. "Teuchi is the chef of Kami himself!" "You're right if I could I'd live off ramen." said Naruto only for Kushina to bonk him on the head "Like hell, you are you'll need a balanced diet if you want girls to look at you instead of a stupid and loud hanyou" Kushina said looking at naruto "A-alright Ka-chan I 'l; do as you say" said Naruto it seemed that she had accepted his decision."Hpmh here I thought you would act a bit stronger" muttered Kurama enjoying the show. However, the feeling of joy soon began to disappear as his mother's body began to fade.

"Looks like my time is up, sochi." She smiled as she knelt, bringing her son into one last hug."I wish I had a little more time, but it seems I can't," she said with pain in her voice. "I love you Kaa-chan, you don't know how much I'm going to miss you," Naruto said squeezing his mother in his hug. "I will miss you too, Sochi," said Kushina shedding a few tears "But remember that I will always be with you and that I will always love you," Said Kushina. Knowing full well this would be the last time she would see them. Slowly, while still embracing the two. Kushina faded away one final time.

End of Flashback

Naruto couldn't prevent a few tears from falling at the memory of his late mother. It was a bittersweet moment for him. To finally be able to connect with her, only for it to be so short. Either way, he treasured it. Every second with her was priceless and he would cherish it. His train of thought was soon interrupted as the father and daughter duo returned, carefully holding a large bowl of ramen. Teuchi's face looked like if any drop of it spilled, it would set fire to anything it touched. While Naruto was talking to them as he ate. "Thanks again for the meal old man." Said Naruto as he looked up a the darkening sky with a slight frown. "It's starting to get dark, so I am going to head home."

"Ayame be a dear and take Naruto home" Teuchi said, knowing full well of Ayame's growing feelings for their favorite blonde. "Of course, Dad," said Ayame as she made a move to join the boy when she was stopped. "Sorry Ayame-chan but I can't let you do that," He said smiling sadly "You know how the villagers feel about me and I can't allow myself to put you in harm's way just for me." 

"But I just don't want to see you like the other times," said Ayame frowning as she walked into Naruto's apartment only to see him bruised up or bleeding. "I'll be fine I'm training to be a shinobi now," he said as he gently hugged Ayame who didn't want to let him go. " Plus darkness is a shinobi's ally and I'll be the best shinobi believe it," he said with a smile pulling back his head with a blush on his face from Ayame who reluctantly let him go. 

They couldn't help but chuckle believing he would, especially with his selfless attitude. The fact that he didn't want to put Ayame in any sort of danger only increased the man's respect for him. And fueled the feelings his daughter had growing for him. Both looked away trying to hide the blush they had. 

Without saying anything else, Naruto left the ramen stand making his way toward his apartment the Hokage managed to get him. Like everything else about the boy, he was met with resistance from the civilians. In the end, a compromise had to be arranged with him getting a run-down apartment in the red light district. While the Hokage had intended to give him a nice apartment at first the civilians had to intervene by being the ones that chose the apartment. In all honestly naruto didn't mind as it would've been ruined by the graffiti and vandalism. "I still don't get why we can't just show them why to fear us" growled Kurama. "Because it'll cause us more trouble since we are 'technically' a civilian" sighed Naruto in his thoughts.

That's when he noticed a small group of people blocking his way looking around he noticed it was behind him as they began to corner him in an alley on the street. "Well, well seems like the demon survived the previous 'hunt' huh," said a civilian. "no matter we will finish the job," said a shinobi throwing a kunai. 

However, to everyone's surprise, another kunai intercepted knocking it out of the air. A few seconds later a lone feminine figure jumped down from the roof. Nauto noted she had purple hair in a pineapple style. Her burgundy t-shirt hid her figure and a pair of khaki shorts. "Well well well what do we have here some idiots teaming up against a kid," she said as she twirled a kunai on her finger and she stared down at the mob.

"Great, figures when Kakashi-nee starts helping me to defend myself someone else decides to interfere,' Naruto frowned to himself. Not that he wasn't grateful for the help, but now with the girl defending him, he couldn't in good conscience leave her.

"It's no surprise the snake whore would defend the demon brat," said the male shinobi taunted. This got the girl to glare only to turn into a sinister grin as the snake she had previously summoned was in position. Without warning the snake struck, sinking its fangs deep into the flesh, injecting a massive load of venom as it did so. Yelling out in pain, the man kicked the snake away before turning to see the woman before him. When an idea to finish the snake whore and demon brat appeared so in a last-ditch effort he threw two kunai with explosive tags. As Anko realizes where they were pointing wasn't her they insert themselves in a wall beside the now running blonde. Seeing this she curses herself as she jumps in front of the boy trying to save him. The crowd quickly disperses thinking they've succeeded as the tags explode sending debris and shrapnel all over the alleyway. A fair amount hit the girl on the back, ripping off her shirt and skin as blood began to pool around her. 

The two pariahs didn't have time to think about their position as the wall fell over burying the two in a pile of dust and debris luckily their side had left a big enough pocket for the two not to be crushed. "Why why would you save me?" asked a shocked Naruto no one aside from a very small group of people had even tried to help him. 

"You were in *cough* danger, do I *cough* need another question," she said with a fake smile. But Naruto could see through the farce he saw the same pain hate and loneliness he had in her eyes. As Anko falls unconscious. 'Kurama, is there anything we can do, we can't just leave her like this.' Asked Naruto mentally. 

"She's heavily injured i doubt she would make it to the hospital there's one thing but I wonder how she'll react when she wakes up." Said Kurama. "Which is" asked Naruto. "Mark her as your mate," said Kurama. "What about my demonic blood?" asked Naruto. "No she doesn't have the strength to bite you and her life force is leaving her fast there's no time, it's not like you'll be mates unless she does the same with you if not it'll disappear in a week," said Kurama "Now you'll have to inject your hanyou chakra into her that will heal her, so just bite her on her shoulder or you'll lose her " Kurama growled out finally.

Sighing he knew arguing was useless, as he gently turned the unconscious girl around to face him. He couldn't help but note that she was cute. He uncovered her shoulder leaned down and bit into the girl's shoulder as he let his hanyou chakra flow through his body into her. He could slowly feel warmth in her body return as his chakra began to heal her body. As he slowly withdrew himself he saw that in the place where he bit appeared the head of a black fox with red eyes two katanas behind the head as a red circle appeared. 'So this Is my mark head it's pretty cool' thought Naruto with Kurama nodding.

At this, Naruto sees a slight glow of intricate seals in the shape of three comas then hears a popping sound and smoke starts to rise from her neck. "It seems like she had another mark, oh well I hope it wasn't anything she was attached to," said the fox with obvious amusement. 

Before Naruto could respond to Kurama's remark he heard the girl begin to groan, signaling she was about to wake up. Slowly stirring she sat up and groggily rubbed her neck. "Are you okay?" the blonde asked even though she was, his chakra had made sure of it. Mentally and emotionally was another case. "What the hell just happened" asked the girl disoriented. "you saved me from a mob of villagers who wanted to kill me," replied the blonde like it wasn't much. "But would you risk yourself to save me?"

"Because you needed help why else would I do that" she said. She hated the idea of a bunch of cowards taking advantage of a child. At this moment what was going through her mind was how she was feeling despite having been hit by the blast she didn't feel discomfort or pain. "What happened to me? I'm no doctor but I know I shouldn't have fainted from a simple injury," Asked the girl looking at the silhouette of the boy who let out a sigh. "You were seriously injured and to save you I had to mark you as my mate," saidNarutoo a little embarrassed. "Mark me?" asked Anko displeased. 

"Yes, Because of the attack I suffered two years ago I became a hanyou or half-demon, to save you I had to mark you as a potential mate," he said a little bit embarrassed. "Great" the girl sighed, "Another mark at this point I should start collecting them as I seem to be a magnet for them." 

"You only have one" commented Naruto. "What do you mean only one? I got marked by the snake bastard six years ago," she exclaimed. "About that, my mark overpowered it and destroyed it." Said Naruto with the moonlight finally exposing both their faces for the first time. For her part, she was taken aback by how handsome the boy was, despite being a good 5-6 years younger than her. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark his chakra being warm and comforting. Anko instinctively reached her neck and tried to trail with her fingers across where it once was. No lumps or anything to show it was there. She did however feel the slight raise in her skin where her new mark was. Even though she couldn't see it she traced it making a mental design, making a mental note to look at it in a mirror as soon as she could. 

"You shouldn't worry it'll go away within a week or so", Said the blonde. "How would I make it permanent" she asked surprising Naruto a bit while Kurama gained a devious smile. "Well you would have to mark me like I did to you by biting me on the neck and injecting your chakra into me this will cause our chakras to mix and create a form of bond but this will also change into a hanyou." 

Without warning anko moved in front of him and bit him on the neck injecting her chakra, this shocked Naruto as he was surprised to feel Anko sink her teeth into his neck drawing blood much to the blonde's dismay he felt her chakra enter his body. Intinctively he clamped down as well as if sealing the ritual and mating them for life. 

After the ritual, they both separated and were silent for a moment. At that point, Anko asked. "So um, what's your name" Naruto rolled his eyes at the question. "Shouldn't we have established that before we mated for life?" he said chuckling. "Anyways, I'm your resident demon brat". "I'm the sexy and no longer single Mitarashi," said Anko earning a chuckle from Naruto "Nice to meet you," Naruto said. 

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