Chapter 109: The Aproaching
"W-What is this rock... It's pushing us up!" Ryuma and Kiyo were covered by the rock on the upper part of their body as they were being pushed upwards. Soon, they lost their sight of Alex as their view was being leaned upwards to the sky.
"Kuh, Ryuma, I feel like the speed we're going right now has gotten faster and it's not stopping! At this rate, we're going to get sent beyond the sky!"
"Hold on! I'll try to move the rock aside..." As Ryuma tries to get the rock off him, Ryuma can feel the rock is quite hard to move, but it's not impossible to get it off him.
"It's heavy..."
"We have no time! We're about to pass the boundary of Deathless World!- Eh?" As the two were about to touch the ceiling of Deathless World, they both could feel the force that sent them upwards had gone and then they both fell down along with the rocks that sent them upwards.
"We're falling down, hang on to me Ryuma!" Shouted Kiyo as he grabbed the back of Ryuma's clothes. As the two fell down, Kiyo managed to use his wind magic to prevent the fall damage and they were able to land safely. At a certain distance, a figure was standing on the rooftop of some collapsed building.
Smoking the cigarette, Ten watches the two who just landed in the open space. As the smoke came out from Ten's breathing system, Ten was talking to someone using his walkie-talkie.
"You've done a good job, Alex. Then, leave the rest to me..." Ten then hangs up the walkie-talkie and hangs it on his hips. Ten smoked for the last time before he dropped the cigarette and stomped on it. And then he muttered something as he jumped over the fence.
(Then, my way of life is not to betray your expectancy Ten-sama!)
"But, you're still no different than a slave as you are now, Alex... You've yet to find yourself. Therefore, become the current you as for now, until you are able to lead your pathetic self."
"Haaah~ I almost vomited a bit- *Bulp*" Ryuma was holding on to his mouth as he felt nausea. But then, he sees a sight of a certain someone who's walking in front of them.
"It's him..." Kiyo deviated his sight to the guy. It was Ten, with the same getup as he had before, he walked to the two at moderate speed. And then...
(He-He's gone?!!) As Kiyo blinked, he immediately noticed the presence from his radar which was right behind him.
(Don't think I didn't know your tactic-) Kiyo turned his back, and it was unexpected in his mind as he saw the double-barrel shotgun pointed at his head.
(Shit, I can't dodge it in time-) Kiyo reacted in panic as he tried to cover his head with his arm. Then, the sound of a gunshot echoes in Kiyo's ears. But at the same time, he felt the force pushed him to the side.
"Kuh! I'm... FINE!!!" As Ryuma shouts, he sends three Firefly to Ten and explodes the ground around him. Ryuma learned the AOE is the best way to hit Ten who has the capability of manipulating space such as a portal and wormhole.
But, the plan backfired because Ryuma lost sight of him in the smoke. Soon, to be attacked by the dagger from behind. Ten realized that Ryuma survived the shot from his double-barrel shotgun because he covered his skin with earth magic. Thus, covers him with the spread shot from his gun.
Even so, it can only protect him from minor damage as some of the lead was stuck on Ryuma's skin, also a small amount of blood comes out from his wound.
"Can only be said it's the skin that's hardened. So what? Even the Elite Orcs were able to be taken down if they were hit at the right place." At the same time, some of the blood splattered on Ten's face as his feet landed on the ground.
While Ryuma was groaning in pain, Ten marched forward with the intention to kill him right there. But Kiyo prevents him from doing so as he unleashes the attack on Ten. But the same as before, Ten evaded the attack and changed his target to Kiyo.
As Ten spins, he holds onto Kiyo's arm that's holding to the sword and with his other hand to pierce Kiyo's throat with the dagger. Kiyo anticipated Ten as he tried to block the dagger with his other hand. But it was too late when Kiyo saw the small mirror floating inside Ten's attack.
It was a small wormhole that led the blade of the dagger to travel between the space. And to Kiyo's right neck which is the opposite side of Ten's attack. Although it was fully through, a small amount of blood came out from Kiyo's neck.
Kiyo was able to back off before the dagger pierced further but lost his focus as he was preventing the blood loss from his neck. That's when Ten takes this opportunity as he shoots Kiyo with the double-barrel shotgun. The shot left a fatal wound on Kiyo as he was sent to the back.
Ryuma was too late to save Kiyo as he charged towards Ten. He was able to grab Ten's left arm as he tried to punch Ten's face. But Ten anticipated his attack as the wormhole sent the punch back to his face.
And then, Ryuma felt the force hitting his left ribcage, it was very weak compared to any opponent he fought hand to hand. Then, Ryuma felt the same amount of force hitting his chin. A hit to the chin left Ryuma to fall on all four. As he looked up the one who caused this. Ten, in his bare-handed state, he challenges Ryuma to hand-to-hand combat.
"So, wanna do it? Or do you prefer if I use the weapon instead?" The words from Ten's mouth make the fire in Ryuma grow brighter.
"Don't you look down on me, bastard!"