Monster Of School

Chapter 108: The Will Of The Trapper

The two fell as they hit the ground. Behind them is the aftereffect of the explosion that just occurred right behind them, right on the rolling stone. Kiyo is the first one to get up as he's aware of the stone. And then Ryuma who was a bit confused because he never witnessed what Kiyo had just seen in that span of seconds.

After a while, Kiyo and Ryuma have been sent a surprise gift as more of a rolling stone coming from beyond the stone. This is the first time Ryuma saw the rolling stone as he's still confused, but Kiyo dragged him by pulling his arm away from the stone.

"Get away from those stones Ryuma! Those things are the cause of the explosion from earlier! See the thing stuck on the stone? That is a sticky bomb which was stuck on them."

"Something? I didn't see anything stuck on them!" Hearing Ryuma's words, Kiyo turned his view to the horde of rolling stones. Ryuma was right there was no bomb on the stone, but his keen eyes led him to see one of the rolling bomb stones which was hidden inside the horde.

"You're right, but there's one among them. Which means our pursuer has limited equipment to chase us down. But in our situation right now, pursuing him is also not a good idea."

"I know that then our plan is to get to the higher ground so we can find him."

"There's no need for that Ryuma, I already sensed him a while ago." Saying that Kiyo pointed in south east direction.

"He's right that way, about 25 to 30 meters from us." After hearing Alex's location Ryuma dashes forward.

"Then my plan is still the same, we'll climb to that building over there as fast as we can. Follow me!" As Ryuma dashes forward, leaving Kiyo and a horde of rolling stones behind, Kiyo proceeds to use his wind magic to get ahead of Ryuma by flying above him.

At the top of 3 stories building which was about to collapse with a cracking wall and stuff, Kiyo was the first one to reach there, followed by Ryuma who swiftly jumped over rock after rock to reach the top of the building. As the two were looking at the scenery, Kiyo opened his mouth...

"So, what do we do for now?" Ask Kiyo asked for a plan, Ryuma smiled reaching his ears.

"We'll destroy this building."

"Destroy it?" Said Kiyo, confused.

"Yes, we'll destroy this building, right towards him. First, I'll use my earth magic to destroy the part supporting the bottom part of this building, that will catch him off guard for sure. Then you'll rush to him and beat his ass."

"How about those rolling stones?"

"That'll make our plans easier. Because they'll be the ones to destroy the building's bottom part. Get ready Kiyo- What?!" Ryuma's plan was to catch Alex off guard and then ambush him. But, that plan went the other way around instead.

"Kiyo, is that rubble are going to this way? I'm not dreaming, am I? It's flying directly towards us."

"NO YOU'RE NOT DREAMING RYUMA! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE NOW!!!" As the two saw, the big debris size of the car was flown toward them at a fast speed. That led to the building collapsing in the opposite direction too. Lastly, one of the rolling stones which had a sticky bomb on it exploded.


The explosion covers the area with smoke and such. Alex who was watching the explosion from the distance sighed in relief.

"Maybe I get them this time. I'm so nervous when Ten sends me after those two..."

"Yeah, I'd be nervous too if I was you."

"What?!" Before Alex realized it, someone put their arm around his shoulder. As Alex looked up, it was Kiyo. Pupil meets pupil, Alex suddenly becomes so nervous and confused as to how Kiyo is already so close to him.

"W-W-What... H-How-" Alex couldn't speak as there's barely a word came out of his mouth. And then Alex meets Ryuma's eyes as he diverts from Kiyo's.

"Because we fly. There's some hypothesis that you were barely inside our view when you attacked us from the distance. It was the ground... During your pursuit of us, I've realized you always keep your distance far away from us. That's until we entered that building."

"When I tried to peek the corner you immediately sent your bullet as if you knew I was about to do it. And then I realized that you attacked us every time we 'moved'. Was it the vibration? Or was it perhaps you just could see everything that's moving?"

"I-I-I eaahhh..." Not knowing what to speak, Alex can only look down. Hiding his face from the two. 

"So I thought at the last minute, we could just rush you through the air right? Thank goodness Kiyo can literally fly using his wind magic."

"God, Ryuma... I don't really want to use it because it just took 20 percent of my mana just now. So, knowing your tracking ability was related to the ground, we decided to rush towards you through the air. And that's how we are here." Seeing Alex was silent as he faced down, the two told him they had no intentions of harming him as long he behaved himself. But, when Alex showed his face again...

"To be honest, I was the one who shut the building at the start and divided your group. I also blew up the building as Ten told me to. The freezing air on the rooftop? That was also me. Ten, I looked up to him as the person who just guided me forward. To surrender without fighting, would be a betrayal in his eyes."

'I see those who fight as a being that has its way, but I see those who looked down on themself as a being who strayed from its own path. Therefore, I myself would be the one to guide you to find your path. As long as you have one, that's fine...'

"That's the words Ten said to me at that time, If I was to go down here without any fight, in this instant I would be the one who betrayed him." The two stand before Alex, Ryuma, and Kiyo staring into the eyes that glimmers with hope.

Ryuma smiled slightly as he pushed Kiyo aside.

"Huh, It's fine then. I understand your reason, so I also am not gonna hold back. Move aside Kiyo, I'll-"

"No! You both are going to be defeated in this instant! Right at this moment!"

"What?" As Alex told Ryuma, Ryuma could feel his body was held on by something.

"This is... a bunch of stones?!" Before they realize it, Ryuma and Kiyo are already covered by the stones. Soon, the stone lifted them up into the air, losing their footing on the ground.

"The Will Of The Trapper! I named this Unique myself as the one who'll command every nonliving being to my will! And that will have made you caught up in my trap..."

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