MHA Dungeon Master

Chapter 43: Spider and Rabbit

In the heart of a city shimmering in the darkness of night, where the presence of superheroes and supervillains was no longer extraordinary, a shadowy figure moved with incredible speed from one building to another. The figure swung with graceful movements, gliding between towering skyscrapers, evoking memories of the legendary spider-hero.

The mysterious figure, dressed in all black and tight-fitting attire, with a mask concealing their entire identity, appeared to be on a hunt. From every swift and calculated movement, it was clear they were pursuing their prey. After a thrilling chase across rooftops and through the labyrinth of narrow alleys, the figure finally cornered their quarry in a dark alley, secluded from the city's hustle and bustle.

It turned out their prey was a group of men in plain clothes with fierce and rough appearances. Without warning or pleasantries, the black-clad figure launched a sudden attack. A fierce and swift battle erupted in the narrow alley that became an impromptu battlefield. The black figure moved with extraordinary agility, evading every brutal punch and kick from the enraged gangsters. They leaped high, spun in the air, and clung to the alley walls with chameleon-like movements, utilizing their bodily flexibility to avoid the barrage of incoming attacks.

The gangsters, though some possessed fairly troublesome quirks, were still overwhelmed by the mysterious figure's speed and cunning tactics. One gangster tried to fire purple energy projectiles from his hands, but they were easily avoided by the vigilante's agile movements. Another tried to enhance their fists with a fiery red aura, increasing their punching power, but their attacks only hit empty air. The black figure darted like a ghost, counter-attacking with lightning-fast punches and kicks, taking down their opponents one by one with deadly efficiency.

"Damn it! Catch them quickly!" shouted one of the gangsters still standing, his voice a mix of panic and rage, giving desperate orders to his increasingly cornered comrades. However, it was all too late. The black figure was too fast, too strong, and too skilled for them.

In the blink of an eye, the battle ended with a resounding victory for the vigilante. The black-clad figure managed to subdue the entire group of gangsters, ensnaring them in sticky white webs that suddenly burst forth from their wrists, just like spider webs shot by Spider-Man. The gangsters were tightly bound, like insects trapped in a giant spider web, unable to move, only able to groan in pain and confusion in the darkness of the alley.

After ensuring the gangsters were completely helpless, the mysterious figure dragged them out of the dark alley, towards the brighter and busier main road. They brought them near the nearest police station, leaving them lying on the sidewalk in a tied-up position, like an unexpected gift, complete with criminal evidence they had collected during the brief but intense battle. A small but meaningful 'gift' for the police officers on duty that night.

Without waiting for praise, thanks, or even just a nod of acknowledgement, the black-clad figure immediately disappeared into the silent night. They swung nimbly again between the skyscrapers, leaving behind trails of shimmering spider silk caught by the moonlight, like trails of shooting stars adorning the night sky. The city night returned to their domain, the place they patrolled and acted in silence.

Reaching the top of a building that felt secluded and safe from prying eyes, the figure stopped moving. They landed lightly on the concrete roof, then took a long breath, releasing the tension that had built up during the battle. Their hand slowly reached up to remove the mask that completely covered their face.

Their distinctive sky-blue hair shone softly, reflecting the dim moonlight. The handsome and youthful face looked slightly tired, but also radiated deep satisfaction. Who else could be the figure behind the mask but Clone Himaru. Tonight, once again, they carried out their 'side mission' as a nameless night hero, protecting the city from the threat of darkness.

"Tonight's practice… not bad either," Clone Himaru murmured softly, almost whispering, while stretching their muscles that felt a little sore after the brief battle. The main reason they were doing vigilante work in the middle of the night was actually to practice, to hone their abilities. Yes, practice. Not just randomly seeking thrills or relieving boredom.

Although the original Himaru never directly ordered them to practice, Clone Himaru took the initiative to continue to increase their strength. They didn't want to be forever known only as 'Clone Himaru who loves to fish for fish' (a cynical term for their hobby of seeking harem candidates). They also wanted to be a strong figure, useful to others, and reliable in critical situations.

Currently, Clone Himaru's main training focus was on their unique quirk, 'Blood Shifter.' The theme of this training was 'partial transformation.' They wanted to master the ability to transform parts of their body into other forms at will. And the first step they took was to imitate Spider-Man's iconic abilities.

"Sticking to walls, shooting spider webs, and creating costumes from blood… this is perfect training to improve my 'Blood Shifter' quirk control," Clone Himaru thought to themselves, while recalling their long and tiring training process.

Initially, they started training with something that sounded strange but logical: extracting blood from non-venomous spiders. The goal was to mimic the structure of the fine hairs on spider legs that allowed them to stick to vertical walls easily. This training required a high level of patience and perseverance. For hours they tried to manipulate their blood, repeatedly experiencing failures, but they never gave up.

After struggling hard, Clone Himaru finally mastered the ability to stick to walls. They could crawl on walls like a real spider, jumping smoothly from one vertical surface to another, just like Spider-Man. "Wall-sticking training… completed! Next…" Clone Himaru smiled contentedly, ready to face the next training challenge.

The next training was to create 'spider webs' from their own blood. This turned out to be much more difficult and complex than they had imagined. They had to transform their blood into thin fibers that were very strong yet flexible, and be able to shoot them quickly and accurately from their wrists. High-level concentration and trial after trial that often ended in failure became part of Clone Himaru's training routine.

However, again, Clone Himaru managed to prove their tenacity and unyielding spirit. After weeks of tireless training, they finally managed to create magical 'spider silk' from their blood. They could shoot it from their wrists, swing between tall buildings, and ensnare enemies with strong sticky webs.

"Web-shooters… success!" exclaimed Clone Himaru happily, looking at the shimmering white webs that burst out from their wrists. "Only one left… blood costume!"

The final training, and the hardest of all, was to make a complete costume from their own blood. Yes, the all-black costume they were currently wearing was not ordinary clothing. The costume was actually made of spider silk that they created themselves from their blood. This training demanded a high level of skill in controlling the 'Blood Shifter' quirk. They had to be able to transform their blood into fabric fibers that were not only strong and flexible, but also comfortable to wear, while also shaping it into the desired costume design.

"Blood costume… this is the toughest challenge. But I will succeed," Clone Himaru murmured, looking at their black costume with a serious but determined gaze. They trained this ability not only to look stylish, but also as an unexpected preparation if their costume was damaged during a fight. And most importantly, this training proved to be very effective in improving control and understanding of their 'Blood Shifter' quirk.

Just a few weeks ago, after a long struggle, Clone Himaru finally mastered these three 'Spider-Man' abilities. And that very night, they decided to test the results of their training in the field. "With great power, comes great responsibility… and also a little boredom," Clone Himaru murmured, chuckling softly. Honestly, they were also bored of constantly training without real action. They wanted to feel the adrenaline of fighting villains, as well as verify how effective their 'Spider-Man' training had been so far.

After being satisfied with contemplating their tiring training process, Clone Himaru put their mask back on. They were ready to return to action, looking for villains to 'net' and use as training material (or perhaps just to relieve their boredom).

Swinging nimbly again between the tall buildings, Clone Himaru continued to scan the streets below. It didn't take long, their 'hero' instinct (or maybe their 'fisherman' instinct?) caught a 'prey' signal. In a quiet, dimly lit alley, they saw a group of suspicious people surrounding a woman.

Landing lightly on the rooftop above the alley, Clone Himaru eavesdropped on their conversation. It turned out, the gangsters were threatening a middle-aged woman. From their rough conversation, Clone Himaru deduced that the woman's husband owed a large debt to the gangster boss. The gangsters threatened to hurt the woman's family if her husband did not immediately repay the debt.

"Lowlife villains," Clone Himaru growled softly, clenching their fists in anger. They immediately took out a special smartphone that they always carried when acting as a vigilante. With the help of their spider silk, they attached the smartphone to the alley wall, activating the video recording mode secretly. They recorded the scene of the gangsters threatening the woman as strong criminal evidence.

After feeling they had enough evidence, Clone Himaru prepared to act. However, before they had time to jump down, someone preempted them at lightning speed. A woman with beautiful long white hair, with distinctive rabbit ears, suddenly appeared from the darkness of the alley. The woman moved at lightning speed, directly assaulting the gangsters with brutal but effective movements, showing extraordinary strength and agility.

"Mirko!" exclaimed Clone Himaru in their heart, recognizing the woman who had just appeared. Usagiyama Rumi, the rabbit hero famous throughout Japan, known for her speed and powerful leg kicks. "What a coincidence to meet her here," Clone Himaru thought, slightly surprised and pleased by the female hero's presence.

Mirko, with dazzlingly agile and brutal movements, rained down kicks and punches towards the startled gangsters. "You scum of society! How dare you disturb a weak woman!" Mirko growled in her signature voice while punching one of the gangsters until they were thrown against the alley wall. The process of Mirko fighting the gangsters happened very quickly and intensely. (Imagine Mirko's energetic and spirited fight scene).

While Mirko was focused on beating up a large-bodied gangster, unbeknownst to her, another gangster secretly pulled out a pistol from under his leather jacket. This gangster apparently had a fairly troublesome quirk, namely a 'disappearance' quirk that made him difficult to detect. With his quirk, he managed to sneak up behind Mirko undetected, aiming a silencer-equipped pistol at Mirko's unguarded back.

However, Clone Himaru was not affected by the gangster's 'disappearance' quirk. Their 'Mental Barrier' quirk automatically neutralized the effects of mental-type quirks, including quirks that manipulated the perception of presence. Clone Himaru clearly saw the hidden gangster, and immediately acted without hesitation.

Without hesitation, Clone Himaru jumped down from the rooftop, darting like an arrow towards the gangster who was threatening Mirko. "Hey, idiot! Behind you!" shouted Clone Himaru, warning Mirko, while delivering a powerful kick towards the gangster about to shoot.

Mirko, who heard Clone Himaru's shout, was slightly surprised, but her reflexes remained sharp. She immediately turned around with a graceful spinning motion, seeing the black-clad figure come to help from behind. "Little spider? You again?" Mirko murmured in surprise, but immediately shifted her attention back to the battle. She used the momentum of Clone Himaru's arrival to pressure the gangsters who were starting to be overwhelmed and disoriented.

With Clone Himaru's help, the battle ended even more quickly. Mirko, with her speed and leg strength, and Clone Himaru, with their agility and spider webs, managed to subdue all the gangsters in a short time. After Mirko punched the last gangster unconscious, she immediately turned her sharp gaze to the black-clad figure who had just come to help her.

"Yo, little spider, you're here again, huh?" greeted Mirko in a relaxed but slightly mocking tone, a thin and seductive smile adorning her lips. "Looks like we really do often meet in places like this, huh. Is this what they call fate?"

"Maybe it is our fate to work together, Usagi-san," replied Clone Himaru in an equally confident and flirtatious tone, returning Mirko's smile behind their mask. Yes, this was not their first meeting. About two weeks ago, they had also accidentally met when Clone Himaru was acting as a vigilante in the same area. At that time, Mirko, hearing the sounds of fighting, came to the source of the commotion, and found Clone Himaru had already managed to ensnare the gangsters with their signature spider webs.

Since that first meeting, Clone Himaru and Mirko had started meeting more often in the middle of the night. Whether it was when they were patrolling in the same area, or when they accidentally met while facing villains on city streets together. Their cooperation in dealing with villains became increasingly solid. Their relationship also became closer, although still limited to work partners… or perhaps something more.

After successfully defeating all the low-level gangsters, Clone Himaru showed the video recording of criminal evidence they had secretly collected. "This is video evidence of their conversation when threatening that woman, Usagi-san," said Clone Himaru, while sending the video file to Mirko's personal smartphone. Of course, the smartphone they used was not the sophisticated smartphone belonging to the original Himaru, but a special smartphone they used when acting as Spider-Man at night.

Mirko received the video file, checked it briefly with her professional eyes, then nodded in satisfaction. "Good job, little spider. This recording evidence will be very useful for the police."

"You're welcome, Usagi-san," replied Clone Himaru with a wide smile behind their mask. They seized this golden opportunity to flirt with Mirko a little. "Our teamwork is always solid and satisfying, Usagi-san. We are indeed a very suitable pair to work at night, what do you think?"

Mirko chuckled amusedly hearing Clone Himaru's cheesy flattery that sounded confident. "Don't start, little spider. It's late at night, hurry home. You have school tomorrow, right?" Although her words sounded curt and slightly commanding, the soft look in her eyes showed a bit of concern for the young vigilante figure.

Yes, Mirko had apparently guessed a bit of Clone Himaru's real identity based on their height and immature voice. Her hero instincts told her that the young person behind the mask was still in school. Fortunately, Mirko had no intention of hindering or reporting their vigilante actions, even though such actions were not in accordance with the rule of law.

"Yes ma'am, Miss Rabbit," replied Clone Himaru, giving a Spider-Man-style salute with a playful flair. "See you again on another dark night, Usagi-san." Without waiting for an answer or reply from Mirko, Clone Himaru immediately swung away, darting at high speed between the towering skyscrapers, leaving Mirko stunned watching their back disappear swallowed by the darkness of night.

And so goes the story of the unexpected encounter between the Spider and the Rabbit in the dark and mysterious city night. Clone Himaru, the prospective Fishing King, continued to be approached by interesting exotic 'fish', even though they were not actively 'casting their nets'. Perhaps, their natural charm was already too strong, able to attract the attention of anyone they met.

Meanwhile, deep within Clone Himaru's ambitious heart, whispers of victory echoed again, filling their soul with satisfaction: "Today's netting… complete! Unexpected bonus!" Although this time they were not actively 'netting' new prey, the unexpected meeting with Mirko felt like a very pleasant and promising 'bonus'.

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