Marvel: Percy Jackson in Marvel(MCU)


Perseus POV

After leaving the planet we did not went to far. We came to the sister planet of previous planet.

Anna asked,'' Why are we here seaweed brain? ''

I said,'' I do not want Thor to forget his goals and loose his determination. I want him to go forward. For that I have to do something.''

I then used my life domain to manipulate Thor's dreams. Now once in a while he will dream the same scene. The end of our home. The destruction of Asgard. The ragnarok.

I really did not like it. Manipulating my own brother. To make him do something. It's feels like I am betraying him. Thor is the most simple God. He want nothing more then love and respect. I never thought I have do something like this to him. It makes me feel like a traitor, a monster.

I murmured, '' Forgive me brother.''

Anna put her hand on my shoulder. She knew what I am feeling. I never needed words to tell her my feeling. She always understood. She said,''Don't blame yourself. He will understand.''

I said,''I know he will understand. He always does. He forgive very easily. But it doesn't make it easy. He was always the brother who was just there. Even when he does not know how to care for a child. He was there. More then any other siblings of mine. I don't like it.''

Anna said, '' It is good thing that you don't like it. Because if you did then you will not be percy I loved. The selfless, protective, loyal and idiot percy. My percy.

You know what I think. I think even after coming here we carry the same flaw as before. You still are loyal to the ones you love. I am still prideful of my knowledge. Zoe still is quick to anger.

All this did not changed. You know why because I think these things are what makes us what we truly are. What carried us throughout our life. So your not liking it is good. ''

Then we stayed there for a while then I said, ''Make sure that you bring back every book that you have taken out of library of the heavens path once there work is done. Because they carry knowledge. And Knowledge is one of the biggest powers in the world.''

She nods her head and then we called Heimdal to take us back. When we get there Heimdal was there. He look at me. I can see a question in his eyes. I said,'' Ask what you have in your mind?''

He asked, '' Why did you lie to Thor about the magic in that planet. There is barely any and you said that planet is full of it. I don't understand why?''

I chuckled and replied,'' You know Heimdal we Gods are very similar to humans. We both have greed, lust, anger, pride, and others feelings. We both have a lot of things in common. Nature, our nature is similar.

When you say to a human that a work is difficult and he could not do it. Then he will throw the blame at the difficulty of task. But if you say that its easy and even then he couldn't do it. Then he will feel shameful. That I can't even do something this easy and he will try to do it with the best of his capability. Again and again until he truly complete that task. ''

Heimdal was silent for a while. He was thinking and we left him to his thoughts and move towards the palace. When we got there Anna said,'' I am going to meet my mother. It's been a long time since I saw her. ''

I nods my head and she went off. I went towards my parents room where I can feel them. When I was just about to announce myself the gate opened and my mother was there. I did not say anything, I went and hugged her harder then ever.

I think my mother knew what is bothering me so that's why she said nothing and hugged me too. My father was standing at the side of the door. He did not speak anything just came forward and put his hand on my shoulder.

After sometime mother said, ''It's alright. And I am truly glad you did not like it.''

I said,''I don't mother. It was the worst feeling in the world. Like I am breaking his trust in me.''

Mother said,''Then it's really good. If you have liked it then one day you would have become like your father and I won't like it.''

Then we separated and mother took me to the bed and asked,'' So how long do you think it will take Thor to control his powers.''

I said,'' Not long. Thor is powerful without a doubt. And he also has talents. He just needs an inspiration, motivation and guidance. Those visions and dreams will become his inspiration and motivation. And those books will guide him to the right path.

It will not be long before he can complete his task and take his first step to become what he was supposed to.''

Then Odin said,'' Now what about you? What will you do now? ''

I smiled at this and said,''I do not lack work father. Firstly I have to completely create my country. Then bring life back to Vanaheim. Then create new life to live there. And then spread my name throughout the universe.

I did not forget what you said. That if I have to make my mother's name unforgettable then I have to make my own name be recognized in the universe. And I am up for that task. ''

Odin nods his head but Frigga said,'' Not in the future. We want to listen your immediate plan. What will you do now? ''

I said,''I am going to meet the Master of the Mystic Arts.''

Frigga frowned and asked,'' Yao, why?''

I said,'' Anna told me all the Gods have left earth. And our own Niflheim is also sealed. So I just want to know what happens with the soul of people who died?''

After I finish speaking there was a silent for some time. Odin and Frigga looked each other then Odin sighed and began to say,'' Perseus Nelfheim is a very important place in the Nine realms. It is sealed because -''

Before he can say more I interrupted and said,''I know why that place is sealed. I know about her. ''

Odin and Frigga they both looked surprised and wide eyed. They have destroyed every record of her. So they are thinking how do I know. He asked,''How? ''

I said,'' I know it -

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