Perseus POV -
Came to a new planet. This place looked same as the combination of Morag - the place where quill found power stone and Titan home of Thanos.
It's a complete wasteland. The sky is of mix between blue and purple color. There are no grass and tress. No animals. I spread my senses to the far corner of the planet to see if there is anyone living there. The planet is not very big barely half of the size of earth. So it didn't take long to feel the entire planet.
When I made sure there is no one. I try to feel the magic all round. And as Heimdal said there is barely any. It will be difficult even for me summon the power of my domain for a very long time. So this place is perfect for Thor's traning.
Thor asked,'' Why are we on this forsaken planet, brother?''
I said ,'' To spend sometime with each other. And to have a practice battle with each other.''
Thor said,'' If you wanted to practice then why did you stop me from bringing my hammer.''
I replied, '' Brother I do not have any weapon either on me right now. And I don't need one. I can summon and control my domains without any weapon.''
As I was speaking I started manifesting my domain. I brought out water from air, ice started spreading all over the planet, the life was back on the planet, different kind of plants and trees started growing. The sky was covered in storms cloud etc.
I continued,''If I don't need a weapon to do it then why do you? You are older and more powerful then me. Why do you need your hammer to even summon a thunder. You are god , not your hammer. You have the Godhead not your hammer.
You should have been capable of doing it. You should have summon rain, thunder, lighting, weather, control air, summon typhons, even fly and much more. Why are you hindering your own growth by being depended on a weapon.''
Thor was silent for a while and then said,'' I have been thinking about this question for sometime. Since I saw your battle with dormamu. I also try to do what you said. But it was like I couldn't do it.''
I said,'' It's not that you can't do it. But your dependence on that hammer has never let you connect to your domain. That's why I brought you here. Here you can do it. It will take time. Years to properly understand and control it. Till then you will live here.''
Thor said,'' If I lived here for a long time then what about the Asgard and its protection? What if someone attacks on Aagard? Rebels and other problems. I need to be there. I can't just leave everything. ''
I laughed at him. It was truly amusing. After I took control of my emotions I said,'' Since when Asgard need you for protection. I am not saying you are not needed or you don't protect Asgard. You are very important in Asgard. But you are not his defence. Not yet at least. Not like this.
Right now you can't even protect yourself. You can't summon your power right now. If someone attacked you right here at this moment you will be helpless. If you truly want to protect Asgard you have to become powerful. Much more powerful.
And don't worry about Asgard. As long as All - Father Odin is there no one can harm it. The fear of Odin has not left yet. Do not forget he is the one who defeated the entire Nine realms. Asgard does not need your protection as long as the shield name Odin is there.''
I said,'' Do you know why I came here to make you powerful. Because for sometime I see a dream a horrible dream.''
Thor asked ,''What dream brother.''
I did not said anything. I touched his head with my hands and show him the vision. In the vision he saw the last destruction of Asgard . I showed him the last scene of ragnarok movie. The total annihilation of our home.
The moment he saw it he stumble back and started mumbling. He looked horrified at what he saw. And really I am horrified too. Thor said,'' What in the name of Odin was that? ''
I said,'' Our future. And do you know why it happened because we are not strong enough. We could not protect pur home. That is the reason I want you to become powerful so that together we can stop it, protect our home, our people. And I need your help in this brother. ''
Thor was still shaken from what he saw. He looked towards me and said,''Don't worry brother. We will become powerful and together stop this disaster. ''
I nod my head and then connect to Anna and said,''Wise Girl are you busy?''
Anna said, '' Right now. I am over seeing the production of planes. Why?''
I said,''I want you here. So can you please come here.''
Anna hummed then she concentrated on my location and opened a worm hole to my place. Seeing the blue portal Thor said,'' What kind of sorcery is that?''
Anna said,'' Brother Thor it is not sorcery but technology.'' Then she explained somethings about mother box. Thor looked surprised and said,''What a fascinating device. But why are you here Anna?''
This time I answered,'' I called her here. Did you bring all the books I asked?''
Anna nods her head and said,'' I did. But where do I build a library .''
At this I closed my eyes and concentrated on my powers. Slowly the earth and plants grow into a small house. We went inside and looked around. I then said,''Thor look this will be the place, you will live for some years. So tell me how is it? ''
Thor said,''It will do.''
Then Anna turned a wall to the side into tue library and then summoned all the books. Then she said,''I have also arranged all the books in the perfect order that will be needed. You have to read from the left to right. That is the correct order.''
Thor looked miserable seeing hundreds of books and just nodded his head. Then I said,''Brother I will also change somethings on this planet. The gravity on this planet will always be twice you can handle. The moment you get used to it it will increase again. And also the weather will change at any time. A moment it will burning summer and the next moment it will harsh winter. And trust me when I say it will be more cruel then any Asgardian can bear. Even us
And also because of high magic on this planet connecting with your domain will be easy. ''
Thor was silent for a while. I am sure he is thinking about those visions and then said,'' If it will save Asgard then I am ready.''
After sometime Anna and I left through worm hole.