Mafia Deadline

Chapter 93: Chapter 92 Confrontations

"If it isn't Blake Dagda,"

Maxine opened the door for him, and he walked in seeing both the two dons, Ceth Prowess stared at him, scanning his features and knowing what was said about him was true. The only thing that has changed is his hair and the new tattoos he has. His hair was still black and blue but was cut on the side of his head with the hair on top of long, 

Blake looked at the woman and saw that she was looking him over, he scoffed at this walking to his seat, Maxien went with him and glanced at the two women, platinum blond hair went down to her hips her eyes glowing a light gold, she had been staring at Blake but went to stare at Maxien who flinched at her, she smiled before turning to her sister, Lenn Aliot a woman known for her patients, her glowing pink eyes stared at her with her hair short in the front but long in the back, it's a deep red some would say her hair got that red from the people who stood against her.


"I would choose your words wisely, Ceth," Leen told her, 

Lenn took a sip of her drink before continuing, "I don't want a fight at this meeting," 

"There won't be one, Lenn. I was just jesting," Ceth said 

Lenn shook her head at her while Blake had a whiskey placed in front of him with an orange on the rim of the glass, he glanced at the person who set it in front of him, it was a woman with her hair up, he took the glass and stared up at the two dons, they talked with each other, he went to look at the woman who gave him the drink, but she is gone. 


Blake turned to Lenn and saw that she stared at him with a form of disbelief, Blake placed his drink down, saying, 

"What do you want to ask me?" 

"How are you still alive?" Lenn inquired 

Blake glared at her, remembering the line of light that carried him away, to a place he couldn't recall. Lenn waited for his response as Ceth joined in asking, 

"That light in the sky was caused by the head agent of Sheppard. What happened?" 

"She fought to kill me, and I did the same. We both failed in that endeavor." Blake answered 

"That we have thought you both got what you wanted. it seemed that you two didn't get what you both wanted," Lenn said 

Blake tightens his grip on the glass. He stared at the two with his eyes showing no emotion. Blake took a sip before telling them, 

"That was a fight that both of us at the time couldn't win," 

"What about now? Who could win?" Ceth asked 

"That is still undecided," 

Maxine watched over them and heard their conversation. She noticed how Blake's hand was griping onto his drink but couldn't pounder more on it as the door to the room opened, 

Lugh Balist walked in and scanned over them. He knew of Ceth and Lenn, but Blake was supposed to be missing. That is what he thought only three weeks ago and looked where he is now, standing in front of the Dagda.

Blake looked at him and saw that he was quite young but not old as well, Blake felt his light brown eyes staring at him and saw that he had two braids that had a symbol on it, it was a sun rising from the west. Lugh gave Blake a nod before getting the two women, 

"Ceth and Lenn Aliot the Finn twins, nice to see you two again," 

Lugh gave them a small smile as Ceth gave him one of her own, Lenn nodded, staring at him, and Ceth pulled the chair out for him, saying,


"Nice to see you as well. Lugh, how is the left side of Niniainne," 

"It's better than before, having a new hold on the bankers. The politicians have helped in that endeavor," Lugh told them 

Blake noticed that Lugh now stared at him with a drink being placed in front of him, Lugh grabbed their arm, saying, 

"Tell me when my hands are here," 

Lugh let go taking his drink, Blake felt the stare for the three and he could care less, if this was the first time he dealt with people like this, maybe he would be worried but it wasn't the first time he faced this. He has faced the people who used to rule over this city and turned them to ash. For this, he will only tolerate them and try to come up with a way not to fight them, 

"Blake Dagda, right?" 

Blake looked up from his glass and answered, "Yes, what is it?" 

"You are tougher than i expected," Lugh said 

"That so?" 

"Yes. you are still alive after facing the bright light," 

Blake glared at him, knowing who he meant by that, "Yes, i am. What of it?" 

"We thought you would have been gone. Dead." Lugh told him, 

Lugh glanced at him with his eyes cloudy with an emotion that he knew fondly, anguish. Lugh stared at him only a second longer before he smiled at him, 

"But it's better that you're still here," Lugh said 

That shocked the three of them, Ceth and Lenn didn't think that He would say that. They were supost to take over the city and kill off Blake, if they could. Now, they were not sure. 

"Lugh, what is..." 

"We still have that light out looking for us, don't we?" Lugh cut her off 

Lugh turned to her waiting for her response, Ceth knew of Avalon but didn't think much if the woman, only another optical in their path to their v,ictory, Lugh as he has read her thoughts told her, 

"You would do better than to think that. She would easily tear to sunder like that," Lugh said 

"Lugh, she is just another roadblock in our rule you can't be," 

"NO," Blake spoke

The shadow behind him shivers at the sound of his voice. It was striking to say the least. the three dons stared at Blake stunned, Lugh had felt that power before, but it wasn't that dark. Ceth fingers twitched at the amount of power that came from him, Lenn stared at him waiting for what to do next, Blake felt his energy around him, he stared at the three and the shadow twirled around his shoulders whispering, 


Blake didn't listen, only looked at them with a snare and said, "You have no clue how strong she was then. Nor what she is now." 

His voice bounced off the walls of the room, with the tone of it making a normal person quake however the dons only stared at him, Ceth didn't seem to be moved by him but was only more interested. 

"What she is now? you mean she has gotten stronger," 

"Yes, she has. She has gotten stronger than the last time we met, that means don't be a fool underestimating her," Blake told her 

"Who said I would be doing that? If anything, I might just look into her myself," Ceth muttered 

Blake glared at her hearing what he heard, but before he could say anything else Lenn had said, 

"No, you know that would just lead back to us. It's best if we leave them be for now," 

"But why not deal with the bigger threat at hand, before taking the other cities?" Ceth asked 

"Because when the bigger threat is stronger than most, it will be worse to fight it at the time," Lugh 

"Thank god someone has a brain," Blake muttered, staring at Lugh and Lenn, 

Ceth was about to say something but is cut off by the door opening, the man known as Bal Formorion looked over them and felt unimpressed, he had his hands right beside him scaning the room, Bal noitced Blake staring at him and he grin saying, 

"A young Dagda still living?"

Blake gaze went to him and felt the malice intent seeping from him. Blake felt his shadow twirl on his shoulder, fidgeting in the site of Bal. The shadow muttered out his worries, 

"This man is a different master. not like the other heads," 

Blake hummed at this, Bal noticed the shadow and was pleased to see the shadow alive and kicking, but is it still the same as it was with Mórrígan? 

"You have her little shadow, Dagda," Bal said 

He had a chair next to Lugh but not far from Blake, He took his drink and then waved his hand to his hands, saying, "Make sure that no one interups this meeting," 

The men went to the door but were stopped as it opened by Lugh hands. They looked to be in a hurry as Taran spoke to Lugh, 

"Sorry, Boss, we have gotten lost," 

His voice sounds stern, but Blake could see that he had something hidden, Lugh smiled at them both and told them, 

"Well then, come over and stand we have much to discuss." 

They both walked into the room with the door closing behind them, the stood beside Lugh while Bal hands went out the door watching the room, Blake felt the shadow twirl around him arm, while he was staring at the new heads around him, he felt that they were different from the ones before.

"Now Blake, you called us here, didn't you? " Lenn asked 

"Yes, i have, this is your choice. I want what was mine back," Blake told them 

Blake felt the glares from the heads, Ceth scoffed at his words while her sister seemed to be intrigued, Lugh had glared at him, but it had understanding in his eyes, he knew of the want to have something that was once his, Bal couldnt help his self and let out a giggle, 

"You want what you have stolen from our families?" Bal said 

"You mean what they turned and twisted to make it there's?" Blake snared 

Blake felt his arm buzz with his power, while the glyphs on his arms glow a light red under his suit, Bal stopped seeing the red glow and knew what he had now, 

"So, he had another potential awaken in him, how wonderful," Bal thought 

"You can't have it back. it is now our Blake, you have no right to..." Ceth tried to say 

"And you do? You know what happened when your families had their rule over this city? It was worse off, was it not?" 

Blake looked around at their faces, noticing that Lenn face moved into a frown while her sisters had a snare on her face, Ceth pointed at Blake, 

"How was it better under you Dagda, there was more chaos under your rain with Shepard always on your tail," Ceth acussed 

"They didn't come after your families business? I remember how they went after your mother. She had more corruption than i have done in only a year," 

"Have i not made the Mafia better than she did?" Blake continued 

"You killed our blood," Lugh said 

"She didn't do that to all of you?" 

The room went quiet with Blake waiting for any of them to try and attack him, but it didn't happen. Lugh looked at Blake with his eyes filled with a mix of insight and contempt, Bal scoffed at his words, Bal knew that Blake wasn't wrong. with how much Mórrígan has done to his family, from slaughtering and taking what was left of his father's empire making them only servents in her empire, it killed him after that but after hearing that a new head was there, it made him joyfull hearing of her death but bothered by Blake, 

"Yes, that she had. But not to what you have done," Lenn said 

"I had to do what was best for the mafia," 

Blake glanced at her, seeing that her eyes didn't show anything, Lenn knew of what their mother had done, 

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