Chapter 92: Chapter 91 In the back
"We are on our own for now,"
Ally took a sip of her drink as Avalon looked over the papers. She saw that Ally had another cup filled with iced tea, Avalon moved her over at her with the other hand on the paper, asking
"Pass the drink over,"
Ally chuckled, passed the tea over, and heard the door close to the restaurant, Ally glanced at the door and saw that it was Blake and Maxien walking to the attendant, Maxien talked to them while Blake gazed when around the room, Ally pulled her hat down and tapped her finger twice warring Avalon, who held the paper with one hand and took a sip of the drink with the other, Blake scanned over their table and felt something strong in the restaurant. He could pinpoint it in the room. The shadow slowly on his shoulder whispering,
"You are right master. they are here,"
Blake looked over the room again, answering the shadow with a hum. He stopped at the table where Avalon and Ally sat again and told the shadow,
"Look over that room and find if they are here,"
The shadow told him yes master and went off into the room, Blake watched the shadow make its way to the room. Maxine got his attention, he gazed at her, making her want to flinch.
"We have the room," Maxien said
"Good," Blake spoke
He looked back into the room with his gaze on the shadow shifting through the room, Blake looked away while Maxien led him towards the room, Ally stared at Avalon and pulled out a crystal from her jacket but Avalon stopped her.
"Don't let it go past," Avalon told her
Ally looked at her, confused. "The shadow will see us, Avalon,"
"Not with what I have learned..."
The shadow was a table away looking over the guest, who thought It was only a gust of wind. It went off the table,
"Breath and let the darkness pass by us," Avalon muttered
Ally stared at Avalon and saw her eyes glowing iridescent. Her arms in her jacket glowed a light green. The shadow made it to the table and saw that two women were sitting there, but nothing seemed familiar. The shadow huffed,
"They aren't here,"
It was disappointed by it and started to get off the table, Ally stared at Avalon stunned looking at her hand and noticing it on the table, her arm showing her tattoos, Avalon saw that the shadow went to the last table and sat her gaze to Ally, Avalon held her other hand up in front of her and help her pointer finger up, Avalon looked back at the shadow and saw that it was making its way out of the room and turned to Ally,
"What was that, Avalon?" Aly said
Avalon saw that shadow leave the room, let go of the table, and sat back in her chair,
"I thought that would be easier," Avalon muttered
She takes the tea and explains to Ally, "I knew that he would send the shadow after us, and not Maxien or Martha,"
She takes a sip of the tea, "Even though he doesn't trust the shadow, he would rather have it look for us,"
Ally nodded, She understood what Avalon had said. However, she wondered how she made the shadow fool.
"How did you learn that trick?" Ally asked
Avalon placed the cup down and glanced at the door, seeing another car pull up to the front, the door opened showing one of the other Mafia heads, the ones on the left side.
"Lugh Balist... The cluster ah hain," Ally muttered
He was talking with the attendant and his hands right next to him, guarding their Don. He stopped talking with the attendant, feeling something off. He looked over the room and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. He scoffed, thinking,
"Here, I thought that Avalon would be here... a shame, really,"
"Sir, we will show you where the room is,"
Lugh looked at them and nodded. He followed them with the eyes with Avalon and Ally watching him. Ally had shaken.
"They are all here as told to us... this will be treacherous," Ally thought.
"That was one of the left side dons. Known for the robbery and strategies to get what they want," Avalon said
Ally looked at her nods, "How did you know that?" Ally asked
"I did some research before this...."
Avalon looked away from Ally to the door, and Ally noticed the uncertainty in her voice.
"Mar let you in on the information, didn't he?" Ally inquired
Avalon let out a chuckle and said, "Yes, a little bit,"
"Good. We will need to get up there," Ally said
"Yes, but it would be better for us to wait until they are all here," Avalon said
Ally wasn't sure about what Avalon was thinking about. Ally thought they should go ahead and hide in the room with the head, but Avalon seemed to have another idea.
"Avalon, what are you planning?"
"You have seen what I learned, haven't you?" Avalon said
"I understand, Avalon. However, how are we going to get into that room without them noticing?" Ally asked
"Let me put it like this,"
Avalon smiled at her and placed her arm on the table that Ally had at the same time, making them look like someone else.
"The angel with Antony has taught me how to shield my identity and with others as well,"
"My own... how would I call it, abilities go around my body and change someone else perspective,"
"Like light?"
"Almost. But that is what I learned," Avalon muttered
"In over a night?" Ally stated
"Yes, it is useful for this, is it not?" Avalon asked
"Yes, it is. Your plan to..." Ally stopped hearing the door open.
The other head of the left side walked through the door,
"Bal Fomorian, he has the string in that side. He has to take what the elits hold dear on that side, torture. blackmail. murdered. Whatever he wants, he gets." Ally muttered
"Known as Ulkos Fairgseoir," She continued
He saw the attendant and huffed at them,
"Tell the room where here already,"
They went to their coworker, ushering them to the room while Bal's gaze went around the room scoffing at them.
"Such insolent stooges," Bal thought
He stopped at one table that had two women sitting there. He felt something in the room but chose to ignore it, thinking.
"They wouldn't try anything with that Drakness trying to take it grasp back on our... my territory. They wouldn't push it with all of us here,"
He heard his name being called and glared at them. They froze for a moment, and Bal told them,
"Get us to the room, I have little time to waste on them,"
They walked ahead of Bal, and he took one glance in the room before leaving with one of his hands beside them,
"We will need to go after them. Do you want to reach Damien first?" Avalon asked
"No, we will tell him afterward," Ally said
Avalon let go of the table standing up from the table as Ally did the same, she left the money on the table, Ally and Avalon walked past some of the tables and looked for the employee, Avalon went past one of the tables seeing an employee walking out of the room until she was tripped by one of the employees,
"Im sorry miss, I didn't you there,"
He helped her up, and Avalon looked up, seeing that the door was in the back of the room, Avalon let go of the man and told him,
"It's alright,"
He let go of her, saying, "Are you sure you have landed on your hard,"
Ally took Avalon's hand and told him, "I will make sure she is alright,"
Ally pulled her away while making sure to keep her face hidden, Avalon took a glance back at the man before looking at Ally,
"That was one of Bal's hands, wasn't it?" it
"Yes, it was, and he just showed me where the reopening was. You were cloaked, right?"
"I was."
They were at the door and tried to open it, but someone else opened it. It is Ui, the left-hand of one of the Finn Twins, also known to Ally as Gall furan doid.
Ally tilted her head down, and Avalon saw this but wasn't worried.
"Watch where you are going," Ui scoffed
He looked at the two women, finding them to look like waitresses. He huffed, bowing his head and telling them,
"I apologize for bumping into you two," Ui muttered
Ally walked past him, having a hold of Avalon, who spoke to him, "Thanks,"
Ui looked at her as she left with Ally keeping the cloak up, Ui let go of the door, feeling something off about the two. Avalon stopped Ally pulling to the side while a pair from the Ulkos Fairgseori Mafia went past not even sparing a glance, Ally stared at where they went, Avalon felt her chest burn having the cloak on for a while had its downsides.
"Ally, I must let the cloak down," Avalon told her
"Now?" Ally asked
"It will only take two minutes for the burning to stop, and for me to have the energy for it again," Avalon explained
Ally started to think of where they could go, but there was someone not far from them.
"Are you sure shepherd wouldn't have their moles walking in here?"
Ally felt Avalon's grip tighten as she felt the heat go away. The angel didn't warn of this. She had the cloak still on them,
"They shouldn't know of this meeting, Chulain,"
Ally's eyes widen as the man walks towards the hallway. Avalon gripped her hand and muttered slightly,
Ally saw that a light went around them before the men walked into the room, not seeing them, Avalon felt the heat in her hand while the men talked while walking,
"How can you be so sure, Taran?"
The man walked past them with the two standing there listening to them. Avalon looked at them, seeing a tattoo on one of the men. It was the old fellow who had it on his left arm. It had old black ink with Celtics knots within the mafia family name, The Cliste ah hain.
"Because the boss said it would be fine... but "
The man looked back at the hallway feeling eyes on them, but decided to ignore it, he looked at the young man beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder, in some way trying to calm the man down.
"Does not mean be cautious, young Chulain,"
He let go, and with his words, Chulain huffed, feeling the concern slip away from him,
"Thank you, Taran,"
He walked away from Taran, he didn't follow Chulain yet. He looked behind him once more. He felt an energy he hadn't felt for a long time. He took a step words the hallway wanting to see what it had hidden in it, but Chulain called out to him,
"We must hurry Taran,"
He walked away from them, Ally took a breath leaning on the wall as Avalon let go of Ally, Avalon leaned on her knee, breathing heavily. They stayed there for only a moment before Ally's earpiece went off,
"Ally... Ally, are you there,"
Ally glanced at Avalon, finding her leaning on the wall now, Ally pressed on the piece,
"I'm here," Ally whispered
"Are you ok? how has your part been?" Damien asked
"We have seen the hands of Cliste ah hain and one of the Finn twins' hands, then one from Ulkos Fairgseoir," Ally muttered
"You have met the four out of seven," Damien said
"Yes, we have, and we only just gotten in the employee room,"
Ally heard voices around her and muttered quickly, "I will have to get back to you,"
Ally pressed the piece and turned, Avalon stood up, feeling better than she was, she touched her chest before telling Ally,
"We must follow them," Avalon said