Mafia Deadline

Chapter 90: Chapter 89 Next plan in motion

"Haven't I told you to watch yourself?"

Salvatore glared at the both of them, Avalon looked down at the bandages that were wrapped around her sides. She looked at Salvatore with a small smile,

"I was being watched full Sal. It could have been worse right?" Avalon said

Salvatore stared at her bewildered before saying,

"It could have been worse,"

Avalon's smile grew with her hand moving back and forth,

"See I knew you would under... "

"Doesn't mean you fight with Blake," Salvatore said

Avalon's smile went away with a stern look on her face. Marcello stared at the two and let out,

"If it weren't for her I would be dead Sal, I know she falls into a fight so easily but she had a good reason this time, "

They turned to him with Avalon looking offended by his words and Salvatore seeming to agree with him,

"I don't always go into a fight head first, "

"I see your point, Marcello... She does get herself into trouble,"

"Hey! Why do you both agree on this?"

"Because it's true," They both told her.

Avalon huffed looking away from them feeling her sides burn from the hit she had taken from Blake, Marcello chuckled a little bit watching her sulk, while Salvatore started to say,

"Blake has the ground he had before and some more... "

Salvatore went to his desk and pulled up the recent crime data he had gotten. Marcello looked at it with Avalon turning to it as well, done sulking.

"It's been three weeks since Blake appeared. and look at how much he was able to gain," Salvatore said

The map showed a deep green. It is where Blake was able to take or rebuild, a quarter of the city with Aren part of his territory starting to turn green. Avalon stood up look at it all with trouble looming in her heart. Marcello hadn't seen this in a while, it was the middle of the triggers run when she had her shares of the territory watched over by some of her loyal partners. It was hard to get through them, they always had something that stopped all four of them.

"Blake able to take all of this in three weeks?" Marcello let out

"Yes, he was. He had Maxiens help with this making whatever he had left given back to him in the matter of those weeks. Then with what you have told me he had taken more from Aren," Salvator

"He is planning to have control over what was his what would he do next," Marcello muttered

Salvatore touched one of the green territories and it explained it showing the right of the city of Ninianne, Most of the people moved away from that side while Morrigan was there, but now it had citizens living there again. Her old base was destroyed.

"There is more activity now," Marcello whispers

States appear in front of him showing the crime caused in that region. Marcello read them off,

"shoplifting is low, robbers are medium but is expected to start rising. But the gang violence spiked and is anticipated to get higher, dammit." Marcello cursed

Avalon stared at the city. Her hand clenched her hand while reading the date on the desk,

"This is only the right side of Ninianne, the left is far worse," Salvatore said

Salvatore tapped the left side of the city and made it expand, it's a dark green with worse states than the other side of Ninianne.

"This will only get worse, " Salvatore said

Marcello let out a deep breath, he wondered how Blake could do this so quickly. He started off at his house in the woods on the left side of Ninianne,

"I have a clue what he might do next but you won't like it," Avalon said

Salvatore gaze was on the city before he looked at her, he saw the look in her eyes. It held deep content.

"He has all the money he wants. He has a chunk of the gangs with him. He has the strongholds back,"

"He will start to go and bribe the rich to work with him. then he will start to stoke fire into the city," Avalon explains

"To bribe and destroy is his plan?" Salvador asked

"I don't mean destroy Sal. His means is to control," Avalon answered

"He will have that by any means,"

She looked over the city map and tapped the map, it glowed white in the city center with the shepherd headquarters in the middle of the city. The white spots on the map were everywhere but some of the looked to be new.

"That's new." Avalon let out

She turned to Salvatore and commended him,

"Good job on that,"

She glanced at Marcello, "The both of ya,"

"It was a task but shepherd is expanded when you took the don out of the occasion, we spread out helping the local operations," Salvatore told her

"But they have reported that there has been more recent activity, gang-on gang violence is starting to become the normal day for them, I put Jacob on the right of the city as well Liz going with him. Ally and Daimen have taken the left side and looking into how bad it has gotten there." Salvatore said

"Is it worse than what they expected?" Marcello asked

"That and more so. As you said Avalon has most of the gangs and they have made the left side of the city their first target," Salvatore told them

"That makes sense in a way. We have a center of the city while they start taking the left side and move to the right side," Marcello said 

"They are going to try and take more ground, Blake wants to squeeze us out," Avalon assumed 

"That could be it," Salvatore muttered 

"Why wouldn't he want to make his enemies squirm themselves from the presser on both sides of them," Marcello agreed 

Salvatore looked over the map and the words from both of them, they were pointed at the possibility... No certainly. That would be where Blake would go,

"I have..."

The door opened, and Ally walked through with Damien behind her holding a bag with him. Ally looked over at Avalon and noticed the bandages on her side. She glanced at Marcello and then asked, "She was on a mission?"

"Yeah she was," Marcello responded 

"And you let her?" She questioned Salvatore,

"She convicts me," Salvatore said 

Ally let out a sigh staring back at Avalon and said, 'It was Blake wasn't it?" 

"Yes it was him but I have a good reason," Avalon told her, 

"What would that be?" Damien asked 

Damien placed the bag on Salvatore's desk before finding a chair to sit on, Ally went over to Avalon and found a chair next to her. 

"Stopping him from killing Marcello," Avalon continued 

"I guess you have a point, Avalon, Why did she need to save your ass Mar?" Damien inquired 

"Blake has this new power to keep me in place. I wasn't able to move away from him." Marcello told him, 

"New power?" Salvatore asked 

Marcello looked over at Salvatore and said "He had these glyphs on him. It helped him keep me in place while his eyes changed from green to red," 


Avalon looked over at Ally and saw that She had a look on her face, It was a concern. Avalon noticed her hands were jittery with her attention on Marcello's conversation with Damien and Salvatore. 

"Has he gotten stronger Ally. I was able to fight him, but I don't know the full extent of his power," Avalon said 

Avalon watched as Damien opened the bag pulling out an envelope with a stamp on it, Avalon saw that there was blood on the envelope, 

"That we got off of a crony from Aren's old gang giving it to one of the big businesses in the city," Ally said 

Salvatore took the envelope and saw a crest on it, it had a life in the middle with waves of black wax around it with the word Dagda on the bottom of it. Salvatore grimed at the sigh and passed it on to Avalon. Not wanting to see what lay inside. 

Avalon noticed the same thing and glanced around her before opening it, 

"This was from a gang member?" Avalon asked 

"Yes it was, the man had a lot of people with him," Damian said 

Avalon pulled out a note with Blake's name on it and started to read it out loud, 

"I know you have heard of my return and wanted to hear from me again. I have heard from my workers that you have an offer to give to me and my territories. I want to hear if there worthy of my time and show up in the back of the city at Barcirtty on Tuesday, March twenty-six at ten am. I hope to see you there, if not I will find you myself. You would want that." 

Avalon placed the paper on her lap, where Ally took it and looked it over. Salvatore stared at Avalon and said,

"Your assumption was right, he wants more control over the city," 

"And with this meeting, he had on Tuesday of what next week?" Avalon asked 

"No it's this week," Damien pointed out 

"Today was Monday?" Avalon huffed 

"Yes, it was how could..." 

"I don't want to recognize that it's Monday," Avalon cut Marcello off 

"Then he will have that meeting tomorrow," Salvatore muttered 

"How can he work that fast?" Ally asked 

"Im not sure, but I want my agent ready to go there in the morning," Salvatore let out

Salvatore went to his deal while Ally gave the note to Damien who looked it over with Marcello reading over his shoulder, Salvatore looked at the map still placed over the desk. he saw the restaurant that Blake was talking about, it had a dark outside with its name in red on the front of it. 


He looked over at Avalon who stood up from her chair and stood in front of the map, She tapped the restaurant, and it made it expand. it showed the Barcirtty from the inside, the entry lobby was small but had a sideway, and the first floor was large and could fit three hundred, but the upstairs was different. Multiple closed rooms with numbers on them on each door. There were laughs and mummers in the inclosed room, 

"The second floor," Ally muttered 

Avalon looked over the numbers of the doors. The first one was nine the second one was twenty two, the third door was twenty. The other door where there but the answers allude to them, 

"We will need to know more than this to catch Blake off," Ally stated 

"Have your team rest for a while check with Jacob and Liz's group, tell them to look over this and get more information," 

"We are on it," Damien muttered

He got up looking at Ally who started to get up,

"Do you still need Ally here?" Damien asked

"I would like to talk to her a bit more about this," Salvatore answers

"I will get this information to Jacob and Liz, You can fill me in when later," Damien said

Damien pats Ally's shoulder before leaving the room, Salvatore looks at them and says,

"I want Ally and Avalon on the same team seeing this through, and Marcello will be the backup on the first floor with Damien,"

"I want your team Marcello around the building watching over the mission while I help communications," Salvatore continued

Salvation looked over them and saw that they had looked at each other, all coming to a consensus.

"It can be done, Sal," Avalon said

"Then set this in motion I want reports on when it's done," Salvatore told them,

Marcello got up with Ally and left the room leaving Avalon and Salvatore, Avalon stared at Savatore,


He looked up, "Dont stay here too late boss,"

He had a small smile while Avalon stood up,

"You know me too well... I won't and I expect the same from you,"

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