Mafia Deadline

Chapter 89: Chapter 88 The Last Clone

"This is not going to end in my favor," 

Blake's eyes glowed at Marcello with the glyphs burning brightly in the shadow that swept around him, the shadow tried to grab Marcello but the crystal was in a pocket in his vest. Marcello kept his eyes on Blake, but he wasn't there. Marcello felt a strike on his feet and he shouted in pain, he tried to move from his spot and looked at Blake who set something under him. 

"You see Marcello I woke up to find myself different from what I was... this must be only a slight look into what power I have now," Blake told him, 

Blake was staring at the glyphs on his arm before appearing in front of Marcello, kneeing him in the stomach. 

"You will just be the first one to witness this," 

He grabbed Marcello by his hair, "The first one to die from it," Blake mocked

Blake pulled his knife from his sleeve and pointed it at Marcello's neck, Blake went to cut his neck open but a hand stopped him,

"No. That he won't be the first. You will have to find someone else,"

Blake let go of Marcello and swiftly turned to the person who stopped him, He scowled at her and she looked at Marcello,

"It seems you have gotten yourself stuck Mar,"

Marcello gave her a shrug,

"I have gotten myself... "

Blake punched him in the stomach and raised his knife at him one more. But she stopped him again having a hand on the blade, she stared at him with her eyes glowing silver.

"You have done enough Blake,"

Her hand burned away at the knife, Blake felt the heat and made the knife disappear, Avalon grabbed his wrist and wanted to throw him over her shoulder, however, Blake twisted his wrist out of her hold and swept his foot under her legs, Avalon jumped and turned kicking him in the side of the head making him stagger. 

Avalon went towards him and kicked him into a line of trees, She stood there pulling out her dagger while Marcello felt the pain in his feet slowly Now able to move he fell onto his knee, he touched his throat, 

"it was too close,"

Marcello felt a draft from under him and was lifted, a sickening voice laughed at him, and the shadow stopped his laughter to mock him, 

"Did you really think..." 

The shadow stopped by Marcello grabbing the shard and swung it at the shadow, it screams dropping him, 

"Shut up. you're giving me a migraine with just your presence," Marcello snarled 

Marcello got up from the ground with his gaze pointed at the shadow, it was far away from him lingering in the forest. Marcello then glanced at the shard before picking it up, he heard clashing near him,

"Avalon," He whispered

He turned to where he heard them and was met with the shadow blocking his path, the shadow watched the crystal in Marcello's hold. He cursed it.

"You bloody heathen,"

He hates it, "You are the knife in my master's back."

The shadow started to change which caught Marcello off guard. It had the green glow again that went around him. Marcello saw the shard shining brighter with that voice speaking through it,

"You still think that you have the upper hand, don't you, Darkness?" 

The shadow wasn't deterred by the voice, only shouted back, "Is that so wrong to think of that when it is happening right in front of you," 

The shadow advanced to Marcello who placed the crystal in front of him, he saw nothing but black and green. He felt his breathing get heavier with the shadow trying to suffocate him. The crystal shined again, but this time it was at Marcello. He stared at it, thinking, 

"I gotta get out of this fog..." 

He takes a step forward, and the shadow follows him, and more of the green is shown in it. it swirled around him making him not able to move. Marcello held his breath staring at the crystal.

"You better do something," 

The shadow wrapped around his feet, "Before I end up losing the last of my breath," 

The shadow wrapped itself around Marcello, waiting for him to fall over from lack of oxygen, but it didn't happen. It felt a harsh burn from within it. It looked at the crystal and saw that it wasn't from it, but a hand grabbing Marcello's vest. it glowed a pale silver making the shadow let go of Marcello, Coille pulled Marcello away from the shadow, Coille let go of him as Marcello leaned on his knee rapidly breathing, 

"Are you alright?" Coille asked 

Marcello started up at him with a look of thankful but something else. Coille gaze shifts to the shadow hissing at him, 

"Why are you helping them? aren´t you afraid that they might harm you," 

The shadow saw the way Coille stared at it, absent of any emotions... just like Blake would have. Coille stepped towards the shadow, bringing its hands in front of him. 

"They won't be able to harm me, nor would they want to do that now," Coille told the shadow, 

"You sound so sure of yourself clone, why is that?" 

It mocked Coille trying to manipulate him for its master's gain, however, Coille didn't think anything of it. He took a step closer to the shadow and told it, "Because I would rather join them than you and that bastard that to worship," 

The shadow angered and lashed out at Coille, it struck at him trying to grab his foot but failing to do so. Coille placed his hand on the shadow making it burn and hit it again with the other hand, the shadow backed away with Coille stared at it harshly, 

"You will survive this altercation, little shadow," Coille said 

"What do you mean by that?" Shadow asked

Coilled swings his hand at the shadow once more making it move farther back, Coille looked at it saying, 

"But your master is in a different matter," 

The shadow felt scared, making it feather off looking for Blake, Coille hit the shadow again causing it to bring his attention back to him, Coille tried to hit him, but he moved up a tree, 

"Where is master," 

The shadow scanned over the area looking for a sign, but something hit him again worse than Coille's punches. It glanced down at the tree to see the crystal stuck below it, Marcello glared up at the shadow with a snare, 

"Get down from there and face what you have done," Marcello yelled 

The shadow was about to shout at him, but he heard a clash of weapons not too far off from where they were, the shadow had the feathered part of it close to where its master was. he just had to get away from these stooges. 

"I have something better to worry about than you two," It scoffed 

it leaped from one to another, leaving Marcello and... wait, Coille ran after it with his hands reaching out to it. His hand glowed silver, grabbing onto the shadow. It howled in pain before moving around trying to get Coille's grip,

"You won't make it to them, not without me being in your way," Coille said 

It huffed, 

"You are truly annoying," It spoke 

It moved away from Coille going down another tree, Marcello watched Collie grab hold of the tree looking towards where the shadow was before Coille yelled out to him, "I will get the shadow. You get the car,"

"What c..." 

A car key hit his face and landed in his hands, Marcello looked back to where Coille was and thought, "When start telling orders," 

He sighed and clicked the button on the key, hearing the car, 

"You don't have the store..."

He stopped having his stomach punched, he looked at Avalon with detest. She gave him a smile before throwing him onto some trees, She let out a breath, clutching her fist and feeling her body scream out in pain. She heard Blake move out of the trees with his eyes glowing red and green... Must have been him calling the shadow, Avalon moved her daggers in front of her and witnessed him push a tree away causing it to glide past her.

"Why try and fight me for this Avalon? I already have the old base. You can't stop me, Avalon," Blake told her

"You always seem to say that but I don't see it,"

Blake scoffed at her and ran at her, Avalon lifted her arms clashing with him. A bright light went between them. Blake moved away from her before taking his knife and throwing it at her, it landed in front of her glowing red.

Avalon placed her arms in front of her before the knife exploded, Blake took advantage and ran at her having another knife in his hand, he aimed the knife where Avalon once stood, however, she wasn't where she was.

"No. Where did she move to," Blake thought

He felt a heat around him and turned to it. An outline of Avalon is there with her tattoos glowing in the smoke. She held her dangers in front of her and swung them at Blake the knife in his hand was tossed out of his hand and a dagger was in his arm, Avalon went for his head but he ducked, he took the dagger out of his arm and went to stab her, Avalon takes her knee into his stomach while Blake had the dagger close to her side but it disappears in his grasp.

"You shouldn't have done that..."

Avalon nailed him in the chin and he took a step back starting at her, he felt his arms burning with the glyphs now glowing on him. Avalon stared at him unwavering. She took a step towards him,

"You should have used your own knife, Blake,"

Her voice sent a chill up his spine. He stared at her and saw that she had moved closer to him with her sword now in her hands,

"You are right Avalon, however,"

The shadow appeared under her feet taking hold of her, it laughed at her while Blake sales closer to her with his weapon appearing in his hand once more.

"I have more than just my knife... And I know you have more than your daggers and that purified sword that was."

Blake stopped remembering the last time he saw that sword, It wasn't a nice time for him. Something was familiar about this sword.

"That sword of yours. it was given to you, wasn't it?" Blake asked

Avalon looked at him unsure of this question. She felt the shadow crawl up her legs with Blake now standing in front of her, he scowled at her.

"I wasn't asking this for no reason Avalon I have seen..."

The shadow felt pain all around them, while Blakw held his hand up stopping a silver hand from striking him. Blake stared into the green eyes of Coille who gave him a threatening stare,

"Who are you?" Blake muttered

Coille tossed his hand away and moved in between him and Avalon,

"I'm no one of your concern," Coille told him,

Blake didn't notice before it was too late. Coille punched him and took Avalon farther away from him, the shadow helped Blake onto his feet.

"Coille you shouldn't have helped me," Avalon said

Coille let her go and told her, "I am here to help you if need be Avalon,"

"You not human... Are you?"

Blake stares at the two with the shadow whispering in his ear,

"That the last clone master,"

"That was what Maxine was talking about,"

Blake stares at Coille noticing the silver hair and the glowing green eyes... He is a clone.

"I thought I killed all of you off," He continued

Coille glared at him,

"You have made a grave mistake monster," Collie sneered

"Me?" Blake said

"Yes, you,"

A light shined on them both with Maxien's voice came through,

"The base is yours,"

Blake stared at them with a delighted glint in his eyes, but it was dashed by a new light that appeared behind Avalon and Coille. A car stopped in front of the two with Marcello aiming his pistol and shooting at Blake.

"Get in the car," Marcello shouted

Collie opens the door for Avalon to help her in, while the shadow is too late to protect Blake,

"That is weak,"

Blake's gaze stayed on Marcello. He looked at the black-haired man until a loud bang came from the roof of the car,


Marcello starts at the car driving away from Blake and the shadow.

"We have what you wanted master,"

"Yes... What I want,"

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