Mafia Deadline

Chapter 114: Chapter 113 Oath

"She should be no long here,"

Lugh walking into the castle with Blake beside him, Blake glanced at his shoulder, seeing Lugh has his angel on his shoulder as a bird, watching him, Blake wanted to scoff having his shadow twirl around his shoulder, shadow moved to look at the angel, he scoffed, decided to appear after he's gone. How origanal of him, the shadow looked away from him but Tuatha looked to him saying,

"What are you staring at mist,"

"Nothing, so it seems,"

Tuatha moved closer to the shadow, so much that he could fall off Lughs shoulder if he wasn't careful, Tuatha glared at the shadow,

"Still planning behind others, letting them die while you walk away,"

"It's called being strategic,"

Tuatha let out a cackle, hopped further onto Lughs shoulder, Tuatha glanced at the shadow with his head titling at him,

"That not what it was, Peter,"

The shadow stopped moving on Blake's shoulders, Peter moved to Tuatha, and Tuatha looked at him, Peter swirled around Tuatha seething,

"Don't call me that,"

"Then don't talk to me," 

Lugh and Blake observed there angel squabble, they where talking as if they knew each other. Lugh watched the shadow swirl around him bickering with his angel, Lugh throught it would be him and Blake talking not them, but how they where acting is interseting to him,

"Why didn't it have to be you. It could have been Bal,"

"Because Sandels holder took a vital piece in our game, i needed it back,"

Blake stopped walking turning his head to Lugh, he stared at Blake's eyes, he wasn't vexed from what Tuatha said, he's was curious on what happened, Blake turned to Peter unfazed holding out his hand for him,

 "Stop, there is no time for that,"

A rumbled acured shaking the castel, Peter and Tuatha looked behind them, they sensed her from here. That must have been Sandel after what he did to her holder. Tuatha thought, he turned to Lugh,

"That was nothing, Lugh,"

Peter scoffed and went to Blake. He went to his shoulder and said,

"It was her angel master. They have killed her,"

Blake glanced at Peter, then looked to Lugh,

"You killed Avalon?"

"My angel did. She shouldn't be a problem anymore,"

Blake contemplated that if she was gone, then her angel must be looking for another or has died out. He didn't know if Avalon was truly dead. She always comes back to him... not in the way he wants,

"Good, then we can finish the deal and take the city," 

Blake walked past the entryway and Lugh walked after him, Tuatha looked back at the door, there was something off with that rumble. His form shook from how strong it was and how much it reminded him of when he fell.

"Tuatha, what wrong? You keep looking back?"

Tuatha turned to Lugh, seeing his stare. He was cautious and he was apprehensive of it as well. Tuatha looked at where Blake and Peter were. He dreads being in the same place as him. But if that means more for him to take control, then how can he suffer him,

"You didn't sense it?"

"I did but thought nothing of it. She's dead. You killed her. What is there to worry about?"

Lugh walked not far from Blake and stared at him with his angel talking, the angel didn't seem happy with what they were told, Blake appeared to be pleased with the news of her death, but something seemed to be preoccupied with something, or perhaps someone.

"Because Sandel has always been filled with surprises, I wouldn't be shocked if she could bring Avalon back from the dead,"

Lugh glanced at Tuatha jarred, Tuatha shook his head, letting out,

"But that would be against her morals. I don't think she will do that," 

"It was a shame," 

"For the woman,"

Tuatha seethed, glaring away from him. It was still a soft spot for him. It must have been the knife to the back. Lugh smiled at him and said,

"You're still engrossed by what she did,"

"She stabbed me in the back before dying, persistent they both are... well for Avalon where,"

Lugh bumped into Blake. He looked at him and saw Blake glaring down at his angel, he's intreged by Tuatha just as he was with his angel, Blake turned to Tuatha glaring down at him,

"Becarful when you say that, she was worthy,"

"Worthy of what?"

Blake pointed to his door and Peter opened it for the, Blake glowered at the angel having Peter swirl around his arm,

"Sandel chose her to have her power,"

Blake walked into his office ushering Lugh to follow him, Lugh glanced at his angel amused letting out a faint chuckle, Lugh walked beside Blake observing the room and found that there are two glasses filled with whisky on the rocks,

"We have much to discuss,"

Blake sat on his chair, taking his glass, Lugh went into his chair watching Blake and Peter together talking,

"Master, when this is done, they will want their part,"

"I know, Peter, that is later,"

Blake stared at Lugh and said, "You have what you wanted, i told you all that i know and what i have experienced, now give it to me,"

Blake picked up his glass taking a wig of it, Lugh held in a scoff and moved his shoulder, Tuatha titled his head at Lugh, he wanted him to give it to them, to the darkness that swirled over Blake's shoulders having a laugh or having the belief that they are under their mercy. 

"Just get this over with Lugh," 

Tuatha made the map of what is there and placed it in Lugh's hand, Lugh placed on the table and Tuatha pulled out a feather giving it to Lugh, Blake witnessed this wondering what they are doing, then Peter whispered in his ear,

"This is more their territorie master, this is his power,"

Lugh signed the paper having a light glow to his singnature, Lugh moved the paper to him, Blake touched it reading over the signed aggrement with the territory shining like the signature,

"This is a written oath between the angels and us," Lugh said

Lugh saw how Blake acted. He hid it well. But he noitced it, the little twitch from his hand to the hardly noticeable sequent in his eyes, Tuatha shakes jumping from his shoulder onto the paper, Tuatha looked up at Blake not before glaring at Peter,

"If this be broken, there is worse than you realize it will kill you,"

"Kill me?"

Tuatha looked at Peter, letting out a scoff,

"You can't tell him what the deal meant. You arrogant scourge,"

"You went to name calling that fast," Peter sighed

Tuatha ijnored him, gave Blake his attention, and was expaining,

"This is how it always been. When we fell, we were weary of each other until we found ourselves against Sandel."

Tautha voice is like poison to them. Peter went on to the desk near Tuatha, and he couldn't be telling them that. Would he?

"You want them to know?"

"It's drastic time, Peter. We don't have a choice anymore,"

Tuatha looked at Blake, glancing in between him and Lugh,

"He didn't bother to tell me of this,"

Blake thought, staring at Lugh when Tuatha said his name, gaining his attention, Tuatha regarded how irritated Blake was and told him,

"You can be angry at him, Blake,"

Tuatha fluttered over to Blake, making his feathers fly around the room, it made illusions appear around them, and five glowing angelic bodys appeared,

"She has been in our way for far too long, Peter,"

A woman stepped towards a male angel with broken and burnt wings, he has long mist like black hair with his eyes glowing a vibrant red. He offered his hand for her, saying,

"I know she is,"

"You know how to combat her?"

A male walked up to him, having a holding onto his sword, Peter held up his hand, stopping him from unsheathing his sword,

"Tuatha, you don't have to fight me, I don't have it all, but with all of your help... i believe we can take her out,"

"Take her out. How are we able to do that? She is too strong,"

An angelic woman walked to the other woman, they both glowed together, holding the same sword, one had long hair and the other short, one taller than the other but had the same glow to them, 

"And the one who sent her, what are we to do about that?"

"Why is he a problem? He sent us down here as punishment and sent her to watch over the world,"

Peter eyes glowed dangerously at her. She glared back at him, and the angel next to her went closer to him, holding out her sword towards him. Her eyes gleamed white, staring viciously through him,

"Tell us how to stop Sandel, not to fuss about him,"

Peter's gaze went to her, observing her demeanor. She's defending her sister how adorable. Peter let out a snicker, but someone laughed beside him, Peter looked and saw an old friend, a male small compared to him and Tuatha. His once bright glow had turned dark. His eyes leaked brown and blue, and he kept laughing, pointing at Peter,

"You want to go against her. After what you have done to her,"

He walked to Peter pointed at his heart, a grinned bloomed on his face as he told Peter,

"You know how distraught she was from you're betrayal, but you blamed her anyways. But he saw right thought you didn't he,"

His laughter echoed around them, the other angel watched them, and one of the women let out a fainted chuckle, until she's elbowed in the stomach. She glared down at her and saw she pointed at Peter, 

"He's about to combust, don't laugh," 

She stared at her then turned back to Peter, he's glaring down at the fallen angel, they where with him, from when he told them of his idea, they decided to join him in his endeavor and they fell with him.

"Just me?" 

Peter held back his bitter words for some that has more true implications, 

"That is where you're wrong. It was all of you as well. Don't you fool yourselves," He spat

"You all agreed with my ideals and my methods, you betrayed her as well watching her beside the big man upstairs, how she had to hide it from us and failed to do so, but we all enjoyed it, the suffering in her eyes. It's what made it all worthwhile for you. For us,"

Peter moved closer to him and continued,

"If it weren't for me, you all wouldn't be where you stand now. Understand that "

He stared at Peter amused with a grin plastered on his face, He pushed Peter away with their glow meld together, Peter huffed, staring at them and said,

"You want her gone?" 

Peter watched their expression. They all had the same visage. They had no choice for all that she had stopped, them from archiving what they wanted, control over what he had made. If that has more power and weath, then why shouldn't they kill her or lock her away, it will make it easier for them to take what was given away, Peter saw that they aggreed internaly and he grined,

"Then make an oath with me,"

The four stopped. He wanted an oath. He knew how periouls that is, then why would he want to do this? Peter noticed there confusion and offered,

"We need her gone for us to live, to take. What are your lengths to which you will go for it?"

The two sister looked to each other, having the images of there lives filled with precious jewels and a house of there own, Tuatha envisioned a kingdom of his own able to live, having the power to handle what come at him, in his own way. The other angel saw his world malleable for his control. Able to make them bow to their kness. In taking from what he loved most. 

"You are right, Peter,"

Tuatha walked to him, and then one of the angelic women stepped up to him, saying,

"We are with this oath. You know how counsering this is if it fails."

"That i do," 


"But if you betray us, you will have more than her to worry," 

The other woman said spitfully. The other angel stared at Peter with a wide smile,

"I'm intreged, Peter. i will see this throught with you," 

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