Chapter 113: Chapter 112 Left me
Avalon opened her eyes, looking around. Rubble from the building was next to her with a piece of cement on top of her legs. Someone pulled it off her,
"You worried the fuck out of me Avalon,"
It's Luke. He pulled the cement from off her legs, Luke looked at her, her body was covered in this off light with dried blood over her shirt, and around her the pool of her blood dried,
Luke went to touch her legs, he burned his hand from touching her, Luke cursed holding his hand and Avalon went to sit up, pain stretched to her chest and legs. Avalon fell back, letting out a pained crie. She held her chest, breathing in and out, breathing through the pain,
Avalon looked down at her chest seeing a small flame from it, Sandels flame is so small. Avalon tried to sit up again, but Sandel stopped her, saying,
"You shouldn't sit up just yet, Avalon,"
Sandel moved laying on the little wound still on her chest, Avalon breathed softly as she could, Sandel heals her wound looking into her heart, it's healed from the stab, it didn't have a scar but Avalon's heart has her flame in it permanently. Sandel watched it burn in her heart,
"I thought it would be dim by now," Sandel thought
Sandel observed it flicker with every beats. It grew brighter. Sandel stared at her heart, bemused. This shouldn't have happened this way. For the last time, it went out, but Avalon connected to the flame, to her more than Antony. His flame went out when he was thirty and couldn't get it back. Sandel looked at Avalon, and then at Luke behind her, Sandel turned to him,
"You touched Avalon, haven't you?"
Luke looked at the flame on her chest. He saw the small flame on her chest and he stop himself from saying,
"Avalon, is your chest talking to me?"
Avalon stared at him, exacerbated, then laughed so much that Sandel told her to stop. She's not finished healing her, Avalon placed a hand on Sandel stopping laughing,
"That was not what i meant!" Luke shouted
"I know Luke, but that was brilliant," Avalon said
Sandel moved under her hand on top of it, Sandel tells Avalon,
"Your wound is healed, but you can't exacerbate yourself, Avalon,"
"Got it,"
"That doesn't mean hurt yourself to help others,"
Avalon huffed, glancing down at Sandel. She noticed that Sandel fire was brighter. She moved to Avalons shoulder,
"Luke, help her up. i will watch her heart,"
Luke held onto her arm placing a hand on Avalon's back, Luke looked at her legs they had dried blood, but it wasn't broken as he had thought,
"Tell me when you're ready,"
Avalon moved her leg, it moved and it didn't hurt, she glanced at Luke grabbed his arm,
"I'm ready,"
Luke pulled her up and Avalon felt a sting go up both her legs, but she took a step forward, she can walk, they walked out of the broken room, into the hallway where Avalon looked up from her feet, she sees Damien held by Ally, Liz patched up his leg with his arm back in a sling. Damien heard them and looked up. He saw terrible she seemed, Damien tried to stand up, placing his hand on Ally's thigh, and Ally grabbed onto his arm stopping him,
"What are you doing, moron?"
"Getting up,"
"You're getting your leg bandaged, and you want to get up?"
Luke walked Avalon to them, Liz looked up at them seeing Avalon. Liz let go of Damien's leg and stood, rushing towards Avalon, Liz grabbed onto her pulling at Avalon's shirt looking for the wound that could cause this much blood, there wasn't a wound. It wasn't there, not even a scar,
"There's blood but no a wound?" Liz asked
"It's already healed, Liz. You should worry about Damien more than me,"
Liz let go of Avalon and looked to Luke,
"How did this happen?"
"She'll have to answer that for us,"
They looked to Avalon, and she stared at Damien, seeing that his legs are bandaged with pink in the middle of it, his arm back into a sling with his other arm covered in bandages, and his neck bruised, Avalon moved her arm from him and took a step towards Damien,
"Avalon, you shouldn't move on your own,"
"Get back here. Your leg was under rubble. You might fall!"
Avalon stumbled to Damien and Ally, Avalon glanced at Ally, seeing her covered in bandages as well, Avalon looked back at Damien with a mischievous look in her eyes,
"You looked worse for ware,"
Damien has a small grin on his face, staring at her amused,
"I would be more worried about you Clover, you look worse than me,"
"Don't worry about me, Sickle. I've been throught a building before, I'm not sure you have,"
Damien stopped himself from chuckling , Avalon smiled faintly and looked around, he wasnt there. Avalon truned around to Luke, scared.
"Where's Marcello?"
They're taken back, and Luke stared back at Avalon, confused. He thought she would know. Luke stepped up to Avalon, muttering,
"We thought you would know where he is,"
Avalon looked at Liz, she shook her head, not knowing where he is. Avalon turned to Ally, Ally noticed Avalon demeanor. She's scared, more than she has seen before, not with all the missions or fighting Blake. Avalon looked to Damien, his eyes stared back at her, and in that moment, they could read each others thoughts,
"We got to find him,"
Damien tried to get up and Avalon went to help him, But Ally held him back down glaring up at her, Avalon stopped by Luke holding onto her arm, Luke saw Avalon exception and pulled away her,
"If they don't know,"
Avalon searched her pockets and pulled out her crushed phone. She dropped the phone, looking over at Liz, and said,
"Where's Jacob?"
"He's back at the car talking to Salvatore, we thought that he would be with you,"
Avalon looked down what used to be the hallway, looking at the rubble cleared to make a path,
"He wasn't, he was talking with Salvaotre before Lugh came,"
Avalon looked back to Liz, walking to her,
"Can you find him throught his phone?"
"I can, but i will meed a moment,"
Liz grabbed her phone and started to look for him, Avalon stared off. She could have done better. She could have been with him, telling him to stay, but then he would be with them, with Lugh. Marcello wouldn't have let her heart get stabbed into.
"Sandel, please remind me where he is,"
Avalon didn't know she whispered it out loud, Liz stared up at her perplexed, and then a small fire came from her chest. It glowed softly with a voice calling out of the fire
"He's in the middle, Avalon, get to him quickly. His heart is dimming."
Avalon limped down the hallway, They stared at her shocked. Her heart spoke. Luke ran after Avalon, seeing her hurry around the corner, Damien pulled himself up, but Ally held onto his arm, Damien looked down at her,
"Damien, you can't walk. You'll break your bone,"
"Ally, he's worth it,"
Damien pulled his arm back and took a step forword, they hear a sickening crack from his leg, Damien didn't feel the pain and walked to the hallway, Ally and Liz watched him, Ally stared at him worried.
"I can't let him do it alone,"
Ally stood up hissing at the pain in her arm. She grabbed onto her knifes, walking down the hallway. Her shoulder is hit on the way,
"You go follow him. Salvatore is not far from us,"
Ally glanced at Jacob and then walked out the hallway, Jacob turned to Liz, and she placed her phone back in her pocket,
"Liz, why are they,"
"Marcello, Avalon knows where he is,"
Jacob went to her, taking her into his arms, Liz shocked her hand on his chest and looked up at him, Jacob held her tightly, staring into her hazel eyes,
"Whatever you do, hold onto me,"
Liz titled her head to him, hold onto to him isn't she already doing that? Jacob tightened his hold on her placing his face into her neck, Liz glanced at him wanting to ask whys hes acting like this,
"Avalon can't handle what she will see,"
Liz gaze met his, his eyes told her the worst. From what comes of it, Avalon will not be able to handle it.
"I don't think this bulding will make it."
They held onto each other tigher, the building shook around them, and a pain screech could be heard from afar.
"Sandel, where?"
Avalon ran through a hallway, her legs aching in pain.It's not bothering her, Avalon ran out looking into the lobby. She felt the heat from Sandel on her chest,
"He's in the middle, bleeding,"
Avalon looked over the ruined lobby, theres concrete pulled from the ground and layed on the ground scattered, there's wood scattered abroad and glass under her feet, Avalon saw red liquid pouring out of some of the broken concrete.
Avalon let out rushing to him. She grabbed onto the large piece, looking under her feet, stepping into the blood, Avalon placed her arms around it and went to pick it up,
"Avalon, his arm is under it,"
Avalon glanced down and saw his fingers, Avalon's hands burned around it, picking it up, her hand throb bleeding, her nails breaking from the amount of pressure, and she looked down at him, his breathing is short and body covered in large cuts, bruises, and a bullet hit near his heart. Avalon dropped it, and she observed him desrought.
"I can help him,"
Avalon went to him, lifting off any other piece on him, Marcelo felt the weight getting off him but couldn't open his eyes. He can't move. All he can do is breathe, and at that isn't much. He felt the beat in his chest stop and stopped breathing. Avalon placed her ear on his chest, nothing.
"I can't hear him,"
Avalon lifts her head up, staring at Marcellos face, he's pale. Avalon leans to his holding his face in her hand, it starting to get cold, and if she can act now, he could live.
"I have to help him,"
Avalon muttered and put her hand on his chest, where the bullet was. Avalon felt the heat on her chest move into her shoulders heading to her arms, Sandel appers on her shoulder, and Sandel moved to look into Avalon's eyes. Her eyes were changing into her own. There's no shine to them. Avalon drained her life for his.
"Avalon, stop!"
Avalon gaze went to her, and it frightened Sandel. The light in her eyes faded, and she stared at her so empty. She clenched her fist on Marcello's chest, she left scratch marks on him, and Avalon observed him. So pale, almost blue.
"Avalon, you can't bring him..."
Avalon let out softly, Sandel heard how broken she was, and Avalon kept the heat going through her arms into Marcello's chest, Avalon stared at Marcello,
"It was never for not Avalon,"
Avalon let out a pained screech hitting his chest, sending a wave of light from her, Sandel tried to sooth her but Avalon coould hear her through her own sobs, Avalon stared at him throught the tears falling down her face,
"You weren't supposed to leave,"
Avalon barely let out, and her body beamed with heat. A light around her stopped her from seeing a group approach her,
"But you did,"
Avalon sobbed again,the light grew brighter on her, and Sandel tried to talk with her,
"Avalon, you have to control it. Even now,"
Avalon didn't hear her. She only stared at Marcello, the heat stopped. She fell onto his chest, letting out,
"You left me."
The light faded, and they lay in the broken lobby, the sun shining on them,