Chapter 299: Chapter 299
The surrounding explosive bullets shot out from the agent's gun, Neo leaned back to dodge, the camera instantly slowed down, yet it still felt fast. The trajectory of the bullet was clearly visible, and the camera rotated around Neo 360 degrees, showcasing every detail.
Although most people had already seen this scene in the trailer, they were still wide-eyed in amazement. Even though this wasn't the first time "bullet time" appeared on the big screen, no previous film had done it so well!
"This is bullet time!"
Many viewers murmured, and shortly after the Matrix trailer appeared, the media named this scene.
"I don't know what to say anymore."
Miley weakly shook Amanda's arm, seemingly too stunned to speak, "My highlights for the next month are already spent on this movie!"
Amanda, far from disagreeing, actually agreed, saying, "This summer, watching The Matrix alone is enough. We'll watch it again and again!"
The final part of the film had no intention of letting the audience catch their breath. When Trinity was piloting the helicopter and Neo fired a Vulcan cannon at the agents, the slightly subdued mood of the audience was immediately pushed to new heights.
The flames from the six-barrel Vulcan cannon, the shell casings falling like a storm, all stimulated the audience's emotions.
As for who they were saving? Would they make it? In such a cool scene, it already seemed unimportant.
Trinity in her black leather jacket, Neo in his black trench coat, and Morpheus with his unique, eye-rolling expression, were all fully demonstrating what it meant to be cool!
Morpheus broke free from his restraints and rushed towards the helicopter, but was shot in the leg by Agent Smith. Neo jumped up at the crucial moment and saved Morpheus. The helicopter became the next victim of Agent Smith's gunfire…
Neo began to show his savior traits and saved Trinity as well. The crashing helicopter hit the building, followed by an explosion of glass and fire, and before the audience could marvel, another amazing explosion took place!
Morpheus and the others exited the building and ran towards the subway phone booth as directed by the tank, but as soon as they reached an intersection, multiple police cars arrived at the scene, screeching to a halt near them. Dozens of officers used the police cars for cover and drew their guns, ready to aim and fire…
These officers were no match for Neo's speed.
Neo removed his trench coat, which was lined with grenades, pulled the pins, and threw both the coat and grenades at the gathering police cars.
With a shout, the three of them sprinted away. The camera once again slowed down, and the scene quickly switched to the trench coat falling from the sky in the background.
As the police watched, the coat landed just in front of several police cars, and before it even fully hit the ground, it exploded with a deafening roar!
The grenades exploded, sending flames and shockwaves toppling the police cars. Glass shattered, and police officers were sent flying into the air.
At the same time, the camera circled the explosion scene, allowing the audience to see the flying glass shards and metal debris in 360 degrees, as they mingled with flames and shockwaves, hitting nearby buildings, shattering storefront windows, and piercing through police officers' bodies.
This was a spectacular sight of flying police cars and officers.
It was a 360-degree rotating shot that presented the explosion details as if in a ballet dissection, with the intense motion "frozen" in time, yet still maintaining a sense of motion. The audience in the theater, experiencing this visual impact, were left stunned.
"This is simply, this is simply…"
Anthony could not find the right words, and the theater, which had quieted down, became chaotic again. Some couldn't control their excitement and started shouting, needing to release their extreme emotions.
Applause erupted from somewhere, and soon gathered into a wave. It seemed that this was the only way they could express their excitement after almost two hours of high energy without disturbing the movie.
"I'm done for!" Miley's face was flushed, her eyes dazed. "This is just too freaking awesome!"
Not only the ordinary audience, but even Spielberg felt a bit dizzy from the experience. The visual shock The Matrix brought was too strong: gunplay, cyberpunk, bullet time… Especially the recent explosion; Duke had truly taken visual effects to an entirely new level!
Harkins was still savoring the 360-degree explosion, "My God, is this the kind of shot only Heaven could produce? Since Neo's scene was called bullet time, should this one be called explosion time?"
This was a surprise that Duke had specially prepared. The film was all about coolness, so why not take it even further?
Originally, this scene wasn't in the script. Duke later came up with the idea for the explosion, and specifically called together Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron, Laurence Fishburne, and the team from Industrial Light & Magic, spending two extra weeks reshooting it.
"Duke," Irene Luder rubbed her tired eyes, "I thought you took explosions to their peak in Independence Day, but you've pushed it even further..."
She took a deep breath, calming her excited emotions, "You actually took explosions to a new level!"
"Thank you!" Duke smiled and patted her hand.
Even the climax battle at the end couldn't keep the audience's excitement going forever. Everyone has limits, and the film needed some ups and downs to maintain a good flow.
On the screen, the tension softened. Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus used the explosion to temporarily escape the agents and police. The phone rang, and Morpheus left the Matrix. The film then moved into a talking scene.
In many cases, both heroes and villains are killed by their own dialogue.
Trinity wanted to confess her love to Neo, but was interrupted by a passing subway. After she returned to reality, Agent Smith followed, taking advantage of his special programming and shooting Neo's phone.
Having successfully rescued Morpheus and Trinity, Neo's confidence increased. This time, he didn't run away but bravely faced Agent Smith!
The final battle between the opposing sides had arrived.
Miley blinked, "Neo seems to believe he's the savior now."
"Yeah," Amanda said, "I think so too."
Neo and Smith charged towards each other, and once again, the scene froze with a 360-degree display. Then both sides engaged in gunfight, but this time it was different; their movements were nearly face-to-face attacks, dodging each other's bullets by mere millimeters. A lot of high-speed slow motion was used to clearly display the trajectory of the bullets, allowing the audience to experience the thrill and danger.
After the bullets were spent, Neo and Smith began hand-to-hand combat, with both using various martial arts. Especially Neo, who, when at a disadvantage, even employed a segment of Tai Chi…
Of course, with Keanu Reeves' background, the Tai Chi was at best just a way to amuse the Western audience.
"He still can't beat the agent."
Seeing Reeves being beaten so badly on the screen, Miley couldn't help but feel a little emotional. "Is Neo really the savior?"
"Neo will turn the tide!"
Just after Amanda said this, the situation in the film suddenly changed. Neo used an oncoming subway to narrowly send Smith under the subway wheels.
Is it over now?
Many audience members frowned. If the ending was just like this, it felt like something was missing.
Just as Neo was about to leave the subway station, the subway braked, and Smith walked out from the carriage. The special program he represented seemed to never die.
Then came Neo's escape, with Smith and two other agents chasing behind. Neo grabbed a phone to contact the hovercraft and finally obtained the address to exit the Matrix. But just as he managed to shake off the two agents and reached the hotel room, the phone rang with the life-saving call. Neo pushed open the door, only to be met by Smith's gun.
The gunshot echoed, and Neo was shot!
The audience seemed unable to believe this scene. The main character is dead like this? Is this a tragedy?
The gunshots continued, and Smith's agents almost turned Neo into a porcupine, ensuring he was dead.
After waiting so long, is this the ending?
Of course not!
In Hollywood films, true love can save the world, save all things in the world. For Neo to become the savior, he must take an extraordinary path.
So, Trinity whispered "I love you" and kissed the Neo in the real world, who was also in crisis aboard the hovercraft.
True love once again saved the world in the movie, and Neo revived! The savior has arrived!
"He is 'The One'!"
Voices rose from the audience in the theater.
Neo, now revived, fully activated his savior mode. The bullets shot at him by the three Smith agents were easily frozen in front of him. Smith, rushing in for close combat, was completely powerless, his movements slow like a snail compared to Neo's.
In the end, Neo leaped into the air, tearing the segment of code representing Smith into pieces, and the other two agents fled in panic. Neo also returned to the real world just in time.
"I know where you are. I can feel you. You are afraid, you fear me, you fear change… I will make everyone witness the real world!"
The film was nearing its end, with Neo having a direct conversation with the Matrix. Then, he soared into the sky. In the Matrix, he possessed unparalleled abilities!
As the credits rolled, applause erupted, and at the moment the applause began, no one knew who shouted the first words, but soon the whole theater was chanting the same name.
"Explosion Maniac! Explosion Maniac! Explosion Maniac!"
Amid the applause and cheers, Duke and Robin Grand led the cast and crew to the stage for the curtain call.
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Director in Hollywood (30 chpater)
MV Director (30 chapter)....
Douluo Dalu:Breaking Clan(30 chapter)
Made In Hollywood (60 Chapters)