Lord of Mysteries: The Dream That Waits

Chapter 39: Chapter 35: The Definition of Yeaia

The Weight of Being

Yeaia had never felt pressure like this before.

Not from the Outer Deities, not from fate, not even from the gods themselves.

This was different.

This was reality itself forcing an answer out of them.

Their body didn't move.

Not because they were paralyzed—no, this wasn't that.

It was because the concept of motion was being rewritten.

They weren't standing.

They weren't floating.

They weren't even existing in a conventional sense anymore.

Because the Nameless was trying to place them into something comprehensible.

And for the first time, Yeaia understood—

It wasn't just trying to define them.

It was trying to erase everything they weren't.

If it succeeded, Yeaia wouldn't be undefined anymore.

They would be just one thing.

And that terrified them.

But also?

It made them smile.

"Let's see if you can actually do it."

The sky rippled.

And Klein Moretti intervened.


Klein's Resistance

From his place within the gray fog, Klein could feel the shift in reality as if it were being peeled apart.

Like a puzzle being rearranged against its will.

And Yeaia was the missing piece that didn't fit.

The Nameless was trying to force them into place.

And Klein wasn't going to let that happen.

His body blurred, his form overlapping with both the Fool's authority and the remnants of his own humanity.

With a single movement—

He reached into the fracture.

And pulled.


The Rejection of Order

Yeaia felt it immediately.

The pull of the Nameless.

The counterforce of Klein's intervention.

Two absolute wills, colliding over their existence.

One trying to define them.

The other trying to preserve them.

And in that moment, Yeaia made a choice.

They laughed.

Because wasn't this exactly what they wanted?

To exist without being chained?

To walk without being told where they belonged?

The pressure increased.

The Nameless tightened its grasp.

And Yeaia rejected it.

Not with force.

Not with divinity.

Not even with power.

But with laziness.

They simply refused to move.

Not out of fear.

Not out of weakness.

But because they did not feel like it.

They would not be forced into something they weren't.

They would not let the Nameless decide their nature.

And in that rejection—

The definition shattered.


End of Chapter 35(?!)



The Author Gives Up and Lets Chaos Happen


The Absolute Breakdown of Narrative Coherence



You want nonsense? You want complete, unfiltered chaos? You want to just ignore the fact that an Eldritch Horror Older Than Gods is literally trying to rewrite your existence?

You got it.

I hope you're happy.


Yeaia's Absolutely Stupid Response

The Nameless, a being so ancient that it predates logic, has just failed to define Yeaia.

That should be impossible.

Reality itself should be breaking. The gods should be losing their minds. This should be the single most horrifying moment in existence.

And Yeaia?

They laugh.

They laugh.

As if this is just some casual argument. As if they aren't on the verge of being fundamentally rewritten.

"Oh? You're still trying?" they say, grinning like an idiot.

Like this thing isn't literally bending the rules of reality to make sense of them.

At this point, I don't even care anymore.


Klein, for the Love of Everything, Do Something Useful

Klein watches all of this unfold with the exhausted patience of someone who has seen too much bullshit in his life.

Does he panic? No.

Does he acknowledge how insane this is? No.

He just rubs his temple like he has a headache.

"Of course this is happening," he mutters.

Klein. Buddy. Friend.

This is not a minor inconvenience.

This is the unraveling of fundamental truth.



The Nameless is Confused and, Honestly, I Feel Bad for It

The Nameless has never failed before.

It has shaped laws. It has witnessed the birth of existence itself. It has never needed to struggle.

And yet, here it is.



Because Yeaia won't move.

Not because they're resisting.

Not because they're fighting.

But because they don't feel like it.

I cannot believe this.

Even the Nameless seems visibly frustrated, and it doesn't even have a face.

The sky is glitching. The ground is rewriting itself in real time. Nothing makes sense anymore.

And Yeaia?

They're just standing there.

Like an asshole.


What Even Is Happening Anymore

At this point, logic has officially left the chat.

The Nameless is throwing reality-warping tantrums. Klein is sighing like an overworked office worker. Yeaia is treating the entire event like an annoyance.

I have lost all control.


You want chaos?

You'll get chaos.


End of Chapter 35


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