Lord of Mysteries: The Dream That Waits

Chapter 38: Chapter ??: The Author Is Tired of This Shit

The Narrative Breakdown

Alright. Look.

I have tried to be patient.

I have tried to be subtle.

I have spent so many chapters dropping hints, looping reality, throwing in ominous lines about things watching, waiting, reaching.

And what do my characters do?


Yeaia, my dear, my absolute enigma of a protagonist—you are standing under a sky that does not exist. Do you react with fear? With awe? With existential dread?


You smirk.

You make a snarky comment.

Like a dumbass.

And Klein! Buddy! My guy!

You are God. You sit in a throne of fog, controlling the fates of mortals, shifting the very fabric of reality. The moment you realize an Eldritch Concept Older Than Time has just woken up, what do you do?

Do you prepare? Do you strategize?


You sigh.

"Damn it."

Like you just realized you forgot to pay a bill.

I cannot believe this.

I have created an entire world where the fundamental nature of reality is being threatened, and my main characters are treating it like an inconvenience.

I am this close to just making the Nameless win out of spite.


The Sky of Absolute Absence

Fine. Let's get back to the actual story.

The sky is gone.

No, really, it's just gone.

No darkness. No void. Just a conceptual error in existence.

It is the most terrifying thing I have ever written.

And what does Yeaia do?

"You're not very subtle, are you?"


Yeaia. Babe. Friend.

You are facing a being that predates comprehension and you're acting like it just knocked over your drink.

I could have given you an emotional breakdown. I could have had you feel the weight of an intelligence so vast that it does not even perceive life in the way mortals do.

But noooooo.

You smirk.

Because of course you do.

I hate you.


Klein's Half-Assed Intervention

Klein steps forward, dragging the weight of his divine authority with him.

The Tarot table shakes. The fog trembles. He is stepping into a battlefield unlike anything he has faced before.

Does he feel fear? Regret? A moment of hesitation?


"Damn it."

That's it.

That's all he says.

I swear to Evernight, Klein, if you do not start taking this seriously, I am going to make your next fight ten times worse just to see you sweat.

And don't think I won't.

I control the plot, bitch.


The Nameless Tries Its Best

The Nameless is finally making a move.

It is older than gods. Older than the rules that make up this world. Older than everything.

And what is it doing?

Trying to define Yeaia.

Now, that should be terrifying. A being that rewrites reality itself is forcing them into a concrete form, trying to impose order where there should be none.

And Yeaia?

Yeaia, you absolute menace—what do you do?

You laugh.


I don't even know why I bother anymore.


End of Chapter ??


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